Some "way 316606" Stuff Is Making Headlines Today.


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Well you seem far more knowledgable than me so can’t really argue against your point but I do think you may be wrong

She knows sh*t.

Nobody knows the true potential of microneedling. It's just guessing.

We've got people made amazing recoveries with dermarollers and we had people with no results. Based on this, it's impossible to make any conclusions. Studies show it does something.

If all it does is "enhances absorption", why would it work doing only once a week? Makes no sense.
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I don’t understand this beef with finasteride. If you’re an adult capable of making informed decisions you understand it’s a calculated risk, a risk that should be weighed against one’s desire to maintain one’s hair.
Placebo-swayed individuals who lack basic self awareness. Surely not all, but most. None of this fear mongering about finasteride sides was happening until the advent of the internet hair forum. Everyone who took it prior to then knew there was a 2% chance of sexual issues, which really wasn't much more than the general population. But now we have idiots convinced that only 2% of those who take it DON'T get sides. Hell, there's a guy in the Sandalore thread convinced he got sexual sides from that FFS.


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Placebo-swayed individuals who lack basic self awareness. Surely not all, but most. None of this fear mongering about finasteride sides was happening until the advent of the internet hair forum. Everyone who took it prior to then knew there was a 2% chance of sexual issues, which really wasn't much more than the general population. But now we have idiots convinced that only 2% of those who take it DON'T get sides. Hell, there's a guy in the Sandalore thread convinced he got sexual sides from that FFS.
well sandalore affects hormones. I think you have the self awareness thing backwards


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IGF-1, sure, but if you're referring to sex hormones, please do tell. I must've missed it.
I thought I read it affected testerone but it may have been something else, as I don't see that now
Prehaps it's precursor, sandalwood, has such an effect
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Little antagonisitic there buddy, lack of relaxing neuropeptides from having no 5 alpha reductase?
Nothing testy about my reply. If you find something negative about Sandalore I'd surely like to see it.


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Nothing testy about my reply. If you find something negative about Sandalore I'd surely like to see it.
Rihgt I think it may have been sandalwood I heard about it. Nothing negative to say atm


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Placebo-swayed individuals who lack basic self awareness. Surely not all, but most. None of this fear mongering about finasteride sides was happening until the advent of the internet hair forum. Everyone who took it prior to then knew there was a 2% chance of sexual issues, which really wasn't much more than the general population. But now we have idiots convinced that only 2% of those who take it DON'T get sides. Hell, there's a guy in the Sandalore thread convinced he got sexual sides from that FFS.

Then you get the angry finasteride detractors who seem to want people to get sides because they claim to have had a bad experience themselves or are too scared to take it.


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Could be. I never bothered to look into actual sandalwood.
I'm pretty wary of essential oils, so many are estrogenic. Not sure how sandalwood properties play into sandalore; possibly treat as an entirely seperate compound