Some "way 316606" Stuff Is Making Headlines Today.


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Why are you still here? You were leaving remember bro?

I may be everything you said but at least I am not an epic lying manipulative dumb attention wh***. Every word out of your mouth is a lie and you make things up as you go along no wonder you keep tripping up. No wonder you can't keep anything straight since it's all lies and you can't take any criticism. Instead more lies followed by more lies constantly tripping over them.

Worse is you are dangerous.
Which part of anything has been a lie? :) Please provide evidence of where I have been a manipulative wh***?
Why you so mad though? You’re one of those jaded men who needs to sh*t on women at any opportunity because you are so wounded by the fact that you have no luck with the opposite sex? Ever have a look at the way in which you behave and speak to people? Out of nowhere, you’ve attacked me, my character with absolutely no provocation. I don’t believe I’ve had a conversation with you, let alone given you reason to so vehemently protest my input on this forum. I’m not a wh***, not an attention seeker, liar, manipulator or any of the various disgusting things you’ve so kindly labelled me with. Strangely enough, I’m here because I’m losing my hair like the rest of you. I left because of people such as yourself attacking me because I am an easy target. I came back because i f*****g felt like it. I suggest if you disagree with me, my presence, my existence, or any of the other bizarre things you claim to have problems with, you can simply not comment. You’ve made your many flamboyantly misogynistic rants now. We’re all sick of you.
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And please, any single one of you that can tell me what I have lied about, i would love to know because it’s news to me.

The dose I used was rationalised to me, as being different from the study because A: we are not bathing our heads in way 24/7, B: this has to pass the dermal later to reach the hair in the first place, C: it has a high mol weight which creates more penetration issues, and lastly I followed advie as reviewed by others before me as translating best from CULTURING, To TOPICAL.
Perhaps we made an error in judgment? Hard to know. I didn’t want to keep on using it and run the risk of things becoming catastrophically worse. If I was a liar, I would tell you all to buy Wuhan WAY because it’s 100% effective and will grow all your hair back in 3 weeks and bail from the forum. I have given my honest, first hand accounts, and have been attacked for it, called a tumblr wh***, attention seeker, this that and the other because long john f*** knuckle has a bee in his bonnet about me for f*** KNOWS WHY and P H G guy has been reading the conspiracy theories they have about me on their forum. Apparently I’m a Chinese shill. Interesting.

My intention here was to investigate the potential risks associated with an virtually unknown compound, before anyone else.

And also, the lumps that I had on my head are gone. They were likely from something else, so I’m going to try WAY again for a while. I don’t advocate this for anyone else. My head, my body.


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And please, any single one of you that can tell me what I have lied about, i would love to know because it’s news to me.

The dose I used was rationalised to me, as being different from the study because A: we are not bathing our heads in way 24/7, this has to pass the dermal later to reach the hair in the first place, it has a high mol weight which creates more penetration issues, and lastly I followed as vice as reviewed by others before me as translating best from CULTURING, To TOPICAL.
Perhaps I have made an error we made an error in judgment? Hard to know. I didn’t want to keep on using it and run the risk of things becoming catastrophically worse. If I was a liar, I would tell you all to buy Wuhan WAY because it’s 100% effective and will grow all your hair back in 3 weeks and bail from the forum. I have given my honest, first hand accounts, and have been attacked for it, called a tumblr wh***, attention seeker, this that and the other because long john f*** knuckle has a bee in his bonnet about me for f*** KNOWS WHY and P H G guy has been reading the conspiracy theories they have about me on their forum. Apparently I’m a Chinese shill. Interesting.

My intention here was to investigate the potential risks associated with an virtually unknown compound, before anyone else.

And also, the lumps that I had on my head are gone. They were likely from something else, so I’m going to try WAY again for a while. I don’t advocate this for anyone else. My head, my body.

Well, you lied about not posting again. Maybe just go quiet next time rather than make a dramatic exit post that you will inevitably renege on.


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Well, you lied about not posting again. Maybe just go quiet next time rather than make a dramatic exit post that you will inevitably renege on.
I came back for this thread in particular, because I was being called a shill and tagged in a million things.
I don’t think you understand what a lie is. An intentional untruth, told with the intention of misleading a person or people.
What I said on that post wasn’t intended to mislead. It was not untrue. I made the post because of the abhorrent treatment that I had received, as though I was never justified in being emotionally fucked up over hairloss, I was never allowed to defend myself whenever I was randomly abused, never allowed to claim that I even f*****g have hairloss because “women have it easier”.
I’ve had to defend myself far too often on this forum simply because there are men here who hold a grudge against the entire female population. I get called a wh*** and an attention seeker because it’s easy. If I were a man on this forum you wouldn’t hear that. When I expressed suicidal ideation, i was MADE FUN OF. THAT is when I had enough. Blame me all you like. Call it a lie. Say whatever you like to suit your own agenda. I’ve been accused of just about everything at this point so it’s water off a ducks back.


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I came back for this thread in particular, because I was being called a shill and tagged in a million things.
I don’t think you understand what a lie is. An intentional untruth, told with the intention of misleading a person or people.
What I said on that post wasn’t intended to mislead. It was not untrue. I made the post because of the abhorrent treatment that I had received, as though I was never justified in being emotionally fucked up over hairloss, I was never allowed to defend myself whenever I was randomly abused, never allowed to claim that I even f*****g have hairloss because “women have it easier”.
I’ve had to defend myself far too often on this forum simply because there are men here who hold a grudge against the entire female population. I get called a wh*** and an attention seeker because it’s easy. If I were a man on this forum you wouldn’t hear that. When I expressed suicidal ideation, i was MADE FUN OF. THAT is when I had enough. Blame me all you like. Call it a lie. Say whatever you like to suit your own agenda. I’ve been accused of just about everything at this point so it’s water off a ducks back.

I have no agenda. I’m not particularly interested in the drama you’ve had with other members, but returning to resume battle with them won’t bring you happiness or your hair back.


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How does worrying about my dick not make me a man? Where is the logic?
They literally eat Duta like it’s candy on P H G. If you’re worried about Impotence, gyno, and the myriad of other potential side effects associated with 5AR’s, I would not call you any less of a man. I know guys who are borderline suicidal over the sh*t finasteride has done to them. Some people are lucky, others are not. At the end of the day it’s your body mate and don’t let anyone belittle you for choosing what’s right for you. I’m sure plenty of others chose their dick over hair.


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I have no agenda. I’m not particularly interested in the drama you’ve had with other members, but returning to resume battle with them won’t bring you happiness or your hair back.
That’s a valid point, however when accused of being a liar and an idiot I am inclined to chyme in.


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That’s a valid point, however when accused of being a liar and an idiot I am inclined to chyme in.

You’re attempting to mediate with people who can’t be reached. There is a definite gender divide here as I’ve seen this with women on forums a lot.


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This morning alone I’ve seen new posts extolling the benefits of microneedling and scalp massage. Can anyone point to any empirical studies and the methods used?


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Needling should replace finastride in the big 3, look at both of the studies and I bet they aren’t far off for effectiveness, needling probably works better.. taking finastride is not good for your body, I’m worried about my peeppee and my hair

Which studies are you referring to?


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Maybe not for you, but your hairloss sounds a lot more complicated than most
Well you have to think about how needling will address the issue of androgen sensitivity in the hair follicle. I agree that needling is useful for a lot of reasons, but alone is not likely to work for Androgenetic Alopecia. I’m order for follIcle neogenesis to occur, you almost need total, full thickness wounding. Achieving that would mean something much more invasive than needling. It’s why Follica dropped their idea. For humans, it’s too complicated.


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Well you have to think about how needling will address the issue of androgen sensitivity in the hair follicle. I agree that needling is useful for a lot of reasons, but alone is not likely to work for Androgenetic Alopecia. I’m order for follIcle neogenesis to occur, you almost need total, full thickness wounding. Achieving that would mean something much more invasive than needling. It’s why Follica dropped their idea. For humans, it’s too complicated.

So what about the people who get all their hair back needling with minoxidil?


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@Georgie yo mentioned Follica dropped their treatment research. Can you clarify? As far as I know they delayed it quite a few times but I haven’t heard of them dropping.

Of course, with these things there’s always a liklihood that they’re dragging there feet without announcing such news.