something i hate


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And it still doesn't change my point that being fat is worse than being bald, people treat fat people much worse than they treat bald people.

I think this is because:
- fat people weigh on a nation's health care system. Obesity is becoming the number one cause for cancer, now that people are smoking less and less. Bald people only weigh on themselves. Last time I checked, no national insurance reimbursed minoxidil.
- fat people can, albeit with difficultly, lose weight by eating better. For a bald man, eating better will lead you to a shinier bald dome.

PS: are you the same person who just asked what male pattern baldness is? Are you even losing hair? Are you trolling?


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I'll always believe that being fat is much worse than being bald. With regards to anyone who is fat, at least there is hope that they can get thinner and get fit. I know because I've done it myself. I used to be overweight and after a strict jogging regimen and diet, I lost a lot of weight and I didn't have any excess or sagging skin. But overweight or fat is something that you can change, and people do it all the time. I've done it and I know plenty of other people who have too. Yet I don't know anyone has regrown any significant portion of their hair (not chicken scratch from minoxidil).


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I'll always believe that being fat is much worse than being bald. With regards to anyone who is fat, at least there is hope that they can get thinner and get fit. I know because I've done it myself. I used to be overweight and after a strict jogging regimen and diet, I lost a lot of weight and I didn't have any excess or sagging skin. But overweight or fat is something that you can change, and people do it all the time. I've done it and I know plenty of other people who have too. Yet I don't know anyone has regrown any significant portion of their hair (not chicken scratch from minoxidil).

I think this experiment would suffice:
- how many 25 years old men or women that are bald would accept this as a cure to baldness: gain 30 kgs (or 70 pounds) overnight, become a fat person but full of hair overnight, then cure fatness

compared To:

- how many 25 years men and women that are 30 kgs overweight would accept this as a cure to fatness: become a thin NW7 person overnight, then cure baldness

The second option even sounds like a joke in bad taste


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I think this experiment would suffice:
- how many 25 years old men or women that are bald would accept this as a cure to baldness: gain 30 kgs (or 70 pounds) overnight, become a fat person but full of hair overnight, then cure fatness

compared To:

- how many 25 years men and women that are 30 kgs overweight would accept this as a cure to fatness: become a thin NW7 person overnight, then cure baldness

The second option even sounds like a joke in bad taste

I totally agree with you bro. I've gone through both being overweight and hair loss, and being overweight did not even come close to the devastation I felt about going bald.


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is how there's bleeding heart tumblr liberals worshipping LGBT people, minorities, fat people , etc, but none of them give one **** about bald men, despite us being probably one of the most discriminated against groups. and the moment you mention it people laugh at you and deny it.

just another aspect of baldness i hate

Autistic people, fat people, ugly people, and so on have no charismatic spokesperson who can represent them, that's the intrinsic problem. We only trust movements of social change if they have charismatic leaders.

- - - Updated - - -

Maybe you don't have aspergers? Maybe it doesn't exist? They said gayness was a mental illness not long ago. Find better friends you feel comfortable around and you won't feel/act awkward anymore.

The worst and most revolting comment I've ever seen on this forum.


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Is this societies problem.NO.

There are many poor man who cannot socialise because society avoids them.

If an Asperger Syndrome individual cannot socialise...problem is genetic and society has no role in it.

But what about poor relatives that many many almost all Humans in world do.

When I was poor,I never had many places to go,relatives did not welcomed us
No we don't give a **** to such worthless relatives.
Whenever my father went to any program,all people will flock to meet him,speak with him.

There is Hindi saying:
"Paisa bolta hai."
And "Paise hua to hi Izzat hai"

When you are rich,powerful,society will value you,when you are poor,even relatives will leave you.

Humans moral values are low nowadays.


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i see your point, but you in your attempt to not blindly follow authority, you go too far the opposite way with the implying that they're nearly or always wrong just because they've been wrong in the past

think about it critically, focus on the factual observations themselves rather than the theories that are made to fit them. plenty of factual observations have shown the brains of both gays and asperger's to be different, and lots of genes have been associated with both. best practice is to believe the theory that explains the most while simultaneously is contradicted the least. it will never be perfect, but its the best we have

But Exodus there have been no genes at all found correlating to any mental diseases.

If you learn a language your brain will look different from before under an MRI, if you are in a bad mood versus good mood your brain will look different under an MRI, therefore if you have no friends and your social skills atrophy your brain will look different to well adjusted people, the famous psychologist Oliver James makes these points in that link.

Just be alive to the possibility that aspergers, like gayness, is a made up psychological illness. It has happened before. Just try and see if you can't fit in somewhere and how your life might change.

Think of it like this, even if aspergers is genetic you can still improve your social skills by finding a peer group and learning how to socialise. Not having any friends will be a hundred times more of an impediment to having sex with women than not having hair.

- - - Updated - - -

Homosexuality obviously is not a disease cocohot, and this topic isn't the most relevant to what I'm talking about.

Mental and neurological illnesses can be genetic, such as Bipolar, Alzheimer's, Fatal Familial Insomnia, and Schizophrenia just to name a few. To say that there's no gene for something like this is simply not true. The diagnosis isn't wrong, and it actually brought me relieve to know exactly what I have, it didn't ruin any part of my life. I've been doing more positive activities lately in my life and things are now just starting to getting better.

To say that finding a better peer group, spending enough time with them where my social skills will improve to normal levels along with all my problems being solved, is a rather invalid statement. Asperger's isn't a character defect. Look at this way, it would be like saying all men with extensive hair loss who start wearing a hair piece will have all their problems solved. It makes no sense at all really. :p

None of those diseases you posted have been found to be genetic at all Augustin:

It's very relevant because unlike for example male pattern baldness which has been found to be 100% genetic, aspergers has been found to be 0% genetic according to one of the UK's top psychologist.

Therefore, like gayness, maybe psychologists were wrong to assume this is an incurable genetic disease. If Oliver James thinks it's worth considering so should you. Notice I'm saying maybe, not definitely.

You're talking out of your *** man. Asperger's IS a real disability. Although nowadays according to the DSM-V it's just grouped with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Finding a better peer group isn't exactly going to be the end all cure to his problem, it lies much deeper than that...

There are usually other characteristics besides being """""""socially awkward"""" with Asperger's such as over-sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights. fixed interests, etc.

Source: I work with this population of individuals.

Maybe it isn't? 0% genetic. Maybe they were just unlucky and raised badly?

Wow I think coco's responses are insane. He clearly doesnt understand Aspergers. I know a pro poker player with it. Hes won millions and has great poker stories, but still cant socialize with 99% of people.

Maybe if he spent more time socalising and less time playing poker his social skills would improve?

I'll post that link again. I want to reiterate, this is not some crank, this is Oliver James a top uk psychologist posting cutting edge research.

Anyway I don't want to take over or derail this thread so I won't respond that much more to this.


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this is not some crank
He's a crank who denies gene-environment interactions and says genes don't contribute to personality.

The fact he's a top psychologist proves little, there are plenty of examples of field leaders in the humanities being fools such as Ancel Keys, B.F. Skinner, and Eugene Fama.

Therefore, like gayness, maybe psychologists were wrong to assume this is an incurable genetic disease.
Sexuality is strongly linked to genetics.
They just have not found a specific gene for it, likely because there isn't one. In this case they found five suggestive nucleotides that were consistent. It's a combination of genes and probably environment as well. But we also know that multiple older brothers increases the odds of homosexuality, suggesting embryonic hormonal environment matters as well.

Maybe if he spent more time socalising and less time playing poker his social skills would improve?
Completely insensitive post. A lot of autistic people would like to socialize but they are not given the option to do so.


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He's a crank who denies gene-environment interactions and says genes don't contribute to personality.

The fact he's a top psychologist proves little, there are plenty of examples of field leaders in the humanities being fools such as Ancel Keys, B.F. Skinner, and Eugene Fama.

Sexuality is strongly linked to genetics.
They just have not found a specific gene for it, likely because there isn't one. In this case they found five suggestive nucleotides that were consistent. It's a combination of genes and probably environment as well. But we also know that multiple older brothers increases the odds of homosexuality, suggesting embryonic hormonal environment matters as well.

It's a chicken/egg question isn't? No social skills causes no friends, but no friends also causes no social skills. It is definitely worth considering and calling top accademics childish names won't change that.

Those studies like the one you just posted cannot be replicated according to Oliver James.

Completely insensitive post. A lot of autistic people would like to socialize but they are not given the option to do so.

They need to keep trying and when they find a group they fit in with their social skills will improve. It's definitely worth considering according to cutting edge scientific research.


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is how there's bleeding heart tumblr liberals worshipping LGBT people, minorities, fat people , etc, but none of them give one **** about bald men, despite us being probably one of the most discriminated against groups. and the moment you mention it people laugh at you and deny it.

just another aspect of baldness i hate

WUT? Bald discrimination is real but honestly if you think you're "one of the most discriminated against groups" you're delusional as **** lmao...

Lemme preface what I'm about to say with this: I was once a bald white guy myself. I experienced my fair share of bald discrimination and I know it's a real thing. But c'mon, really? The majority of it is in your head. 99% of people you run into in your daily life don't give a **** you're bald; they might be less inclined to be attracted to you or something like that but that's nothing compared to the sort of blatant discrimination LGBT people face on the daily. No one has ever threatened your life because you're bald have they? Have you ever been refused service because you're bald? Been told you're a pedophile, that you're going to hell, that you're a monster for being bald? My guess is probably not. People get murdered for being LGBT even in more socially progressive countries like the US. It's rare but it happens (disproportionately so to trans people, but I digress). In many countries it is punishable by death/imprisonment. Just because Tumblr hasn't picked up on the bald discrimination cause (yet? lol they probably will at some point) doesn't mean anything really. It's still better to be a bald white guy than to be LGBT, or to be a woman, black (or just non-white really), fat, mentally or physically disabled, etc. as far as public perception/discrimination goes.

I can tell you from experience that the type of **** I dealt with as a bald white guy (on the rare occasion I had to deal with anything) does not even come close to the **** I deal with on a daily basis in the world as a woman, much less when people know I'm trans... and some people on Tumblr being vocal about my cause doesn't magically make that all better. It's not going to stop the guy who's currently stalking me trying to get me to kill myself because I'm trans (and therefore of no value in his twisted view of the world). It's not gonna make the fact I have friends and family who cut ties with me because I'm living more authentically to myself feel any less painful. It's not going to make the fact people stare and whisper about me everywhere I go any less uncomfortable.

It's nice knowing people care and are on my side, but it's not a cure all.


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He's a crank who denies gene-environment interactions and says genes don't contribute to personality.

The fact he's a top psychologist proves little, there are plenty of examples of field leaders in the humanities being fools such as Ancel Keys, B.F. Skinner, and Eugene Fama.

Sexuality is strongly linked to genetics.
They just have not found a specific gene for it, likely because there isn't one. In this case they found five suggestive nucleotides that were consistent. It's a combination of genes and probably environment as well. But we also know that multiple older brothers increases the odds of homosexuality, suggesting embryonic hormonal environment matters as well.

Completely insensitive post. A lot of autistic people would like to socialize but they are not given the option to do so.
you are a scientist, you should look up these studies and tell me lol, but i followed coco's advice. from a quick check of the latest research on genetics and mental disorders, i fund there hasn't been many genes at all associated with mental disorders. let alone causal ones.

the early twin studies on schizophrenia had small sample sizes and were not replicated at all, we have done a lot more studies with good sample sizes and no significant link was found.

obviously it still runs in families though, but that doesn't mean its genetic. family values and environment could be a cause


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WUT? Bald discrimination is real but honestly if you think you're "one of the most discriminated against groups" you're delusional as **** lmao...

Lemme preface what I'm about to say with this: I was once a bald white guy myself. I experienced my fair share of bald discrimination and I know it's a real thing. But c'mon, really? The majority of it is in your head. 99% of people you run into in your daily life don't give a **** you're bald; they might be less inclined to be attracted to you or something like that but that's nothing compared to the sort of blatant discrimination LGBT people face on the daily. No one has ever threatened your life because you're bald have they? Have you ever been refused service because you're bald? Been told you're a pedophile, that you're going to hell, that you're a monster for being bald? My guess is probably not. People get murdered for being LGBT even in more socially progressive countries like the US. It's rare but it happens (disproportionately so to trans people, but I digress). In many countries it is punishable by death/imprisonment. Just because Tumblr hasn't picked up on the bald discrimination cause (yet? lol they probably will at some point) doesn't mean anything really. It's still better to be a bald white guy than to be LGBT, or to be a woman, black (or just non-white really), fat, mentally or physically disabled, etc. as far as public perception/discrimination goes.

I can tell you from experience that the type of **** I dealt with as a bald white guy (on the rare occasion I had to deal with anything) does not even come close to the **** I deal with on a daily basis in the world as a woman, much less when people know I'm trans... and some people on Tumblr being vocal about my cause doesn't magically make that all better. It's not going to stop the guy who's currently stalking me trying to get me to kill myself because I'm trans (and therefore of no value in his twisted view of the world). It's not gonna make the fact I have friends and family who cut ties with me because I'm living more authentically to myself feel any less painful. It's not going to make the fact people stare and whisper about me everywhere I go any less uncomfortable.

It's nice knowing people care and are on my side, but it's not a cure all.

I can sympathize with you in that respect. I can walk around everyday and I won't feel threatened that others will attack or physically abuse me because I am balding. When I am going about my daily life (running errands, getting something to eat, etc.), I often do not wear a hat at all. What pisses me off the most about baldness is not that I cannot walk around comfortably in everyday life, it's that it is preventing me from being the best person that I can be, in terms of outer looks, and consequently charisma and getting women. People in everyday life (like the guy serving you food at the deli or the guy working next to you at the gym) won't care that you're bald, but the women that you're trying to attract sure as hell will care (for the most part).

I think what Exodus is trying to point out is that if a person experiences anti-LGBT discrimination, there is more of a chance that it will elicit sympathy and that there will be a public outcry against the people who are causing the discrimination. Yet if some one derides another person for being bald, they will likely receives next to no sympathy at all. I just would've worded it in a nicer tone though.


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I don't think I've ever heard someone in real life tease someone for being bald, Heard tons of negative comments on fat and gay people, because that is something they chose. Why would you make fun of hair loss its like making fun of someone for being black, its not their choice. also I've been through way more traumatic things then hairloss.


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Heard tons of negative comments on fat and GAY PEOPLE, because that is something they chose. Why would you make fun of hair loss its like making fun of someone for being black, its not their choice.

Duck for cover...the ****'s about to hit the fan!


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Heard tons of negative comments on fat and gay people, because that is something they chose.



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you are a scientist, you should look up these studies and tell me lol, but i followed coco's advice. from a quick check of the latest research on genetics and mental disorders, i fund there hasn't been many genes at all associated with mental disorders. let alone causal ones.

the early twin studies on schizophrenia had small sample sizes and were not replicated at all, we have done a lot more studies with good sample sizes and no significant link was found.

obviously it still runs in families though, but that doesn't mean its genetic. family values and environment could be a cause

I think all humans rationally know that behaviour and intelligence are largely genetic, we can get that by seeing similarities between parents and children, and that people are not completely malleable. There is a human nature, and geniuses are typically different from an early age. People have also done experiments where they tried to teach words to animals or raise a chimp as a human, it doesn't work, both environment and nature matter.

With that said, it's not scientifically surprising that there is difficulty in linking traits to the human genome:
  • Our definitions of traits are socially constructed approximations of actual traits, notice how the definitions change between DSM IV and DSM V. Given that we have non-precise definitions, it's no surprise that we add noise which makes it harder to find a signal;
  • There are only 100,000 genes, but there are 10 billion pairs of two genes, and even greater numbers for larger combinations of genes, for example there are ~100 trillion (!!!) combinations of any three genes. It makes sense that for complex traits we should expect multiple genes to contribute. For example, as we will never find a single gene for IQ, we will also never find a single for height. They're both due to combinations of genes. And environment. So it's a large parameter space to search through if you assume that something like schizophrenia might depend on the specific combination of ~30 genes, and then gene-environment interaction on top of that.
  • Gene-environment interaction is real. Obesity and lung cancer are good examples. We will eventually find examples in psychology, though again it's harder because psychological terms are poorly defined, as is psychological environment. In contrast, for lung cancer, you can precisely define environment: how lung were you a smoker for?

Finally, I want to reiterate that what people refer to as genetics should often be referred to as biology. For example, what your mother consumes during pregnancy will impact your intelligence and your looks, that impacts you biologically, but it's not your genetics, for example fetal alcohol syndrome. FAS is not a "choice", an individual with FAS cannot "grow past it" as cocohot might suggest, but it has nothing to do with the person's genetics.


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Well, many of the minorities you cite have grown the balls to demand recognition and help. Baldies haven't yet. In fact, many of them still joke about their baldness in a pathetic attempt to cover up their insecurities. So if they don't care about the issue, why should the rest of society?

Awareness doesn't just happen, it's fought for. And people who spend half their time deluding themselves their balding heads aren't really that unattractive just aren't likely to fight for squat.


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Well, many of the minorities you cite have grown the balls to demand recognition and help. Baldies haven't yet. In fact, many of them still joke about their baldness in a pathetic attempt to cover up their insecurities. So if they don't care about the issue, why should the rest of society?

Awareness doesn't just happen, it's fought for. And people who spend half their time deluding themselves their balding heads aren't really that unattractive just aren't likely to fight for squat.

This is a serious but somewhat funny post because it made me remember that last night I watched on Netflix an episode of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schimdt" in which a spoilt rich woman organizes a gala for "lupus awareness awareness".

And I am thinking: how would a baldness awareness event even work? everyone is aware of baldness, but they simply think you should suck it up.

It's trans-racial and trans-class. And it mostly hits men. So, not relevant.

If it hit women mainly, the baldness awareness week would be pretty much the institution.


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If it hit women mainly, the baldness awareness week would be pretty much the institution.

Yes and no, women deal with as much BS and snake oils as we do when it comes to moisturizers, et cetera.

On the other hand, breast implants are a solved technological problem. There's no equivalent for men, in terms of being able to buy ~$10,000 and having a substantial increase in attractiveness.


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On the other hand, breast implants are a solved technological problem. There's no equivalent for men, in terms of being able to buy ~$10,000 and having a substantial increase in attractiveness.

Hair transplant?