I personally don't see anything wrong with this dude.
Sure, he has some hair loss but he isn't hideous looking or anything.
He probably does OK with the ladies.
If you'd ask me a few year ago I'd answer you same – I do not see anything disastrous. I'd not even comment baldness because I thought it is nature hairline.
But after year and half of redpilling (through the coping), browsing forums like misc, r9k and etc I started to see all flaws of men like girls do from VERY YOUNG AGE. I even checked women forums to be sure that we detect same flaws on same photos.
I am reflecting sometimes into my years of school and even in these years (12-14yo) they DID notice all these flaws. They even commented about it (not to me I was cute before puberty) just into other kids faces. Did you ever think why number of schoolgirls who suffer from insecurities about their looks is so big in comparing with boys?
Even 14yo girls were obsessed with looks. EVEN BEFORE INSTAGRAM AND TINDER. It is just a nature. They redpilled about looks almost from the birth.
But most of us, guys, we are starting realising the reality only after 18-20 years (some of us die even still bluepilled) because we were brainwashed by parents/relatives about how looks don't matter, just be smart and "good boy", respect woman and etc.
Maybe it is only in my country but now when I see 14yo girls from school they look on 18yo because of aggressive make up and dressing (from youtube, instagrams). Their boy classmates (who just began puberty) looks ridiculous near them, like their child, lol.