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Human scalp hair is different, its hair cycle is 3/4 years, not days
But I can be wrong
@Armando Jose please take a look at this review (it’s a bit old) but their are really good point about DP cells and their ability to control hair cycling. I don’t think that uncontrolled growth will be a problem if they use Human DP cells. This review shows all of the molecules DPC interact with to control the cycling:
Here are some interesting point from this srudy
“Dermis from hair-forming regions of skin can induce follicles in both hair- and non-hair-forming epithelium, whereas dermis from non-hair-forming sites cannot support the formation of hair follicles”
their is application to grow beard as well and in transplant in regions where the body has experienced scars and burns for this reason (from precious hair transplants). This can be stemson gateway to better funding. If they took the primary role of treating burns and wounds. Our culture would allow that to market better
“Several of the pathways that are involved in reciprocal signalling between the epithelial cells and DP of the developing follicle have been identified, with reciprocal Wnt signalling emerging as one of the earliest and most-important”
“Interruption of β-catenin signalling in the DP results in reduced proliferation of cells at the base of the follicle, which induces catagen and prevents anagen induction”
this is why pharmaceuticals inducing WNT signalling can help. Because they maintain reciprocal connection between existing DP and epethial cells. But it can’t be a true cure only a treatment because it says there are more pathways at play like Wnt, Shh, Notch, and bmp. Also if you already have miniaturized hairs from reduced DP cell count, then you already will have less signalling than when your hair was healthy. So even if samumed restor WNT signalling it won’t be to levels before you start balding. Pegasus is right for that reason and SM won’t be good treatment depending on what stage of balding you are in
“One example, in human skin, is the observation that androgens stimulate hair follicle growth in the face but cause follicle miniaturisation in the scalp. DP cells express androgen receptors and 5α-OH-reductase – a key enzyme in androgen metabolism – and DP from different body sites differ in their responsiveness to androgen”
Why androgens can cause hairloss