Stemson is going to use minipigs in the next stage of their hair cloning research

Armando Jose

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“Dermis from hair-forming regions of skin can induce follicles in both hair- and non-hair-forming epithelium, whereas dermis from non-hair-forming sites cannot support the formation of hair follicles”

Which are the no-hair-forming regions in humans ? Only palms of hands, and feet, eyelids, prepuce. How did they this test? Body hair exist although miniaturized.


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Exicure is using a novel technology to try to treat some cancers. They received money to try to use the same tech in treating hair loss.

The tech itself is very promising on paper. Like the mRNA treatments/vaccine, gene therapy has the potential to treat many different diseases and conditions. Allergan invested 25 million in Exicure because it's a much bigger company than Stemson and the tech itself is very hyped up. It also scales better since no surgery is involved.

But that is all theory. We don't know for sure, but I would bet that in practice, as of now Stemson has a much better proof of concept for a cure of hair loss than Excure.
That's a good point, I let my saltiness and desperation about my hair loss skew my perception of everything.

Armando Jose

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Exicure and Stemson are a good tandem, both in Allergan focus
A lot of luck, but surely they would achieve a faster result in cancer, nerve regeneration or other pathology than common baldness. It is a good financial bet in this century where regenerative medicine will explode. Hair follicle is the best study option, each single hair regenera more than 20 times in the life.
In our case, PREVENTION better than CURE.


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Exicure and Stemson are a good tandem, both in Allergan focus
A lot of luck, but surely they would achieve a faster result in cancer, nerve regeneration or other pathology than common baldness. It is a good financial bet in this century where regenerative medicine will explode. Hair follicle is the best study option, each single hair regenera more than 20 times in the life.
In our case, PREVENTION better than CURE.
If only there was a sure way for everyone to maintain. I'm hoping at least something like Shiseido will come out within 5 years for maintenance while we wait for a real solution like Stemson.


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If only there was a sure way for everyone to maintain. I'm hoping at least something like Shiseido will come out within 5 years for maintenance while we wait for a real solution like Stemson.
I’ve been hoping something would come out in the next five years for twenty years


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I’ve been hoping something would come out in the next five years for twenty years
I'm depressingly aware of the possibility that there will never be a cure and I'll just be bald one day like all the other hair loss sufferers before me. But until then, or until I'm 50 and stop caring, I'll let these companies continue to torture me with promises of a cure.


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I'm depressingly aware of the possibility that there will never be a cure and I'll just be bald one day like all the other hair loss sufferers before me. But until then, or until I'm 50 and stop caring, I'll let these companies continue to torture me with promises of a cure.
Seems highly unlikely that there wont "ever" be a cure. The probability is honestly\ pretty high that it happens within our life time.


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Seems highly unlikely that there wont "ever" be a cure. The probability is honestly\ pretty high that it happens within our life time.
I agree, though if it takes more than 20 years a solution like Stemson might not even be worth the hassle for many of us who are suffering in our 20s right now. I can already imagine being 50 and finally having the full head of hair I'd been dreaming of for the past three decades then letting out a defeated sigh as I realize how all my youth and energy have faded away and how little hair matters at that point.

Man, staying positive when your whole future might be down the drain is difficult. Anyways, I'm going to email Fortunis Capital to join their next webinar featuring Stemson. Hopefully that might offer a small glimmer of hope.
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I'm not even close to the 50s, but I guarantee me and most of you will still care a lot about hair when we reach that age, maybe even more since good hair can make you look younger

You guys want a cure in 5 years guaranteed? Let's find some bald billionaires that want their hair back and don't want theirs sons to ever get bald and convince them as a whole to "investinate" (investing+donation hybrid) $100 million in Stemson, and ask for a board seat. In 5 years top we will be sporting brand new Norwood 0 heads into the wild.
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I'm not close to my 50s, but I guarantee me and most of you will still care a lot about hair, maybe even more since good hair can make you look younger

You guys want a cure in 5 years guaranteed? Let's find some bald billionaires that want their hair back and don't want theirs sons to ever get bald and convince them as a whole to "investinate" (investing+donation hybrid) $100 million in Stemson, and ask for a board seat. In 5 years top we will be sporting brand new Norwood 0 heads into the wild.
One can dream. But like @trialAcc said, the money will likely come rolling in once a company actually shows results outside of mice. For all they (and we) know Stemson could just be a scam for funding like Tsuji.

At least in the meanwhile we have Allergan right now throwing decent money at a cure. Hopefully Stemson manages to raise the other $7.5M they need soon.


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it's all a matter of money and a leader.
neuralink, a company that puts chips in the brain, was founded in 2016. They are now doing their research on pigs and monkeys. They want to start human studies this year. The long-term goal is to make people competitive to artificial intelligence. If Elon Musk wanted to eradicate baldness, it would only take him a maximum of 10 years. I'm very sure of that.
Yeah that's the point though, baldness is trivial to people like Musk, even though he had a transplant. You think Bezos gives a sh*t that he's bald? He's been rocking it for 20+ years while taking over the world.

Most successful people stop focusing on the things they can't control and on the things that they want to accomplish.


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Yeah that's the point though, baldness is trivial to people like Musk, even though he had a transplant. You think Bezos gives a sh*t that he's bald? He's been rocking it for 20+ years while taking over the world.

Most successful people stop focusing on the things they can't control and on the things that they want to accomplish.
I feel like there's also this pretentious ego among certain people where they feel like downplaying hair loss gives them some moral high ground, or something along those lines.

It makes me wonder whether Stemson's mission statement ("At Stemson Therapeutics, we envision a world where anyone battling the emotional trauma or social stigma of hair loss has an opportunity to truly cure their condition and safely restore their natural hair.") along with Alexey's statements ("Most heartbreaking were emails from parents of children with alopecia, a condition where a child cannot grow hair. As you can imagine, hair loss at such a young age can affect relationship formation and self-image. All these emails continue to motivate me to keep advancing this research as quickly as possible.") are genuine or it's just to show some kind of commitment/false personality and to attract interest and investors.
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Yeah that's the point though, baldness is trivial to people like Musk, even though he had a transplant. You think Bezos gives a sh*t that he's bald? He's been rocking it for 20+ years while taking over the world.

Most successful people stop focusing on the things they can't control and on the things that they want to accomplish.

Not this discussion again, for the 377th time! Are you like a broken record or something? Do you have anything new to say? If not, shut up.


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Not this discussion again, for the 377th time! Are you like a broken record or something? Do you have anything new to say? If not, shut up.
Pardon? I've never said anything similar before on here. Maybe you're just tired of hearing the truth because you're in denial yourself?


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Pardon? I've never said anything similar before on here. Maybe you're just tired of hearing the truth because you're in denial yourself?

No, I'm tired of things that are being said over and over again. If you're new to the forum, I'll give you some slack, but 376 people here must have said it before in the exactly the same way.


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No, I'm tired of things that are being said over and over again. If you're new to the forum, I'll give you some slack, but 376 people here must have said it before in the exactly the same way.
Maybe you should actually read the thread and gauge my contributions rather then just judging off a single comment.


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No doubt. This probably also brings their time-line up a lot sooner anyways. Similar to PRP and exxons and all that, i doubt the regulatory hurdle is anywhere near as high as a treatment actually completed in the body.
Can you elaborate a bit more on this? You think Stemson will just have to do a quick round of safety and efficacy trials do get this approved?

On a different topic, I've been thinking and I may be missing something or something doesn't add up. Stemson recently raised $7.5M in a seed funding (which I know isn't much in biotech but it's something) but now they're trying to raise $15M for minipig studies. It makes me wonder where the $7.5M went or is going to. In an earlier interview Alexey mentioned he only needed $1M for preclinical and $3-5M to get to or to carry out clinical. Anyone know if this is normal or feel there's something fishy going on?


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So true

where did you get the info that they are looking for 15 M?

Also got a good laugh while trying to look for it:
