use your head said:
Ok I hate to say this, but you guys leave the impression that you're a bunch of paranoid conspiracy theory mongering nerds. I mean suspecting that modern medicine is out to mainly profit from peoples' health, all doctors just wanna give you drugs so they can make money, and now you're suspecting that I'm Brian posting under another name. Why would he even bother to do that? Cause he wants to win an argument against a few nerds on a balding forum?! Common guys that's just sad.
Do we now? I tend to disagree, you see my friend, this is how man makes advances, we're going back, and re-defining our understanding for what 'hair loss' actually is. I'm sorry you feel that way, we just care for our health, and for real, healthy, natural treatment, which is not something offered in the mens hair loss department over here. Quite literally, modern medicine, (and I'm specifically noting the states), Is flawed. Unfortunately, we are put under difficult circumstances regarding our medical system and the laws which protect the corporations which seek profit from their remedies, (i.e., Rogaine, Propecia, Nizoral). In reference to Bryan, There are multiple reasons which he may be doing, what he is doing. Some of these motives may include financial security. Yet, I'm not here to concern about a man who downplays natural medicine.
I am a third year med school student from Finland, a country that has one of the best healthcare systems in the world and is among the leading countries when it comes to modern medicine. I do therefore know what I'm talking about and I do not have any agenda supporting major american drug companies or any drug companies seeking to greedily make profits for that matter.
That's nice, I am pre-med student over here at C.U., and a enthusiastic student of TCM, at I.C.H. For someone hailing from Europe, your english is strikingly well for a foriegner, I say this because I have many good friends, and relatives from Europe, and they generally don't speak with the 'american flair' which I see with you here.
First, I would like to present a letter I recieved here on, A kind man, who messaged me in regards to this form here;
Hey Lord Justin 13,
I just read your thread about the Big 3 and their natural cures. First off, I'd like to thank you for sharing your knowledge. I'm planning to give your
treatment a try.
As someone who has been badly burned by conventional medicine multiple times, I have a high opinion of persons who realize that the optimum treatment
is a combination of Western medicine and alternative approaches and are willing to make the effort to become "fluent" in both. It never ceases to amaze me
how dogmatic and narrow-minded, not to say downright blind, a lot of "normal" doctors are. I've come to the conclusion that our medical system is inherently and deeply flawed. Which is why I am all the more grateful for those select few who pass through medical school with their appreciation of alternative approaches still intact and even make the effort to broaden their knowledge.
Some of the posters in your thread is a European medical student and he kept pointing out how efficient the medical system in Europe is. Based on my experience, the medical system here is very broken - probably just as broken as in the U.S., difference being that some European countries at least have decent medical coverage for the whole population. I live in Switzerland by the way and our medical system is at the very least representative of Europe. The European medical student posting in your thread seems very typical of most doctors - well-meaning, but convined of Western medicine's "supremcacy" and painfully ignorant of its countless shortcomings.
The article goes on into a personal matter which I've decided to keep private for his sake, and his name as well. Though, if anyone would like to know who wrote this, I will contact him, and ask for his permission.
The underlined section is in reference to you 'use your head' (that's you), and this man, who has been treated using these conventional medicines, is displeased with what he has received, as are millions of other consumers in this industry.
Second, as a man, whom enters this form, (and we have noted your opinion twice before), has nothing to say except that this is something men can't help but be subjected a victim to hair loss. And that these chemical treatments are the only thing we can do to fight them, is interesting to say the least. Unfortunately, truth remains in the greed of man. If knowledge were to get out that there are alternative natural treatments, which exhibited the same if not great effect, with lower side-effects, and would result in better general health, what do you think would happen to these companies? Strictly at a business point of view, this would be detrimental, a huge loss in money (for many working there). this would result in a lesser quality of life for those profiting on it, in comparison to what they make now.
I do not mean to say, you don't understand this subject matter, but I must disagree that this is purely genetic and unfightable. We see these diseases skyrocket here in America, and Hair loss does too? That's very odd sir. There are people predisposed to having various illness, but does not mean they will have it indefinetly, the same goes for hair loss, we may have an inclination to having it, but doesn't mean all of us will. In fact more and more research I look into, shows many realistic natural treatments, which no one here uses, due to what has been told to them, "You can't do anything about it" "This is only what's known to work", so no one tries them, and further those who do and have sucess, their first priority isn't getting out the word, it's to enjoy their youthful essence restored. With that said, I do see why many of this knowledge is not out in the market. I mean, look on here, a few guys see it, but many of the rest don't. A large group of people on here (honest, concerned individuals), will fight against natural treatments being a viable source of treatment, because they've been told repeatedly, this is genetic, only the medicines work, nothing else. When they themsleves have never tried a natural treatment plan, and mind you, these treatment plans need to be used just as often as rogaine or propecia.
use your head said:
Male pattern baldness is not a disease it is a trait found in not only humans, but also other primates, suggesting that it is a trait that has been passed down in evolution for millions of years. (that is of course if you believe in evolution...) It's been present at the same rates in human populations long before diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure started to plague our lazy immobile populations.
Hair loss is a problem due to an declination/imbalance of proper enzymes, hormones, minerals, etc... Sure ancestors of old ages had it, but what was their lifestyle like? Were they sitting around 'burning'energy like we see in todays day?
I'm sorry, but either you're mis-informed, or you're not being completely honest. America is among the highest in hair loss, and has grown much higher due to inclinations in social psychology, and dietary changes, not seen in our ancestors near the prevalence we see today. I also want to note that men at a senor age this is much more common, and usual. Although, even in other societies, we'd probably see less seniors balding as well.
use your head said:
I get it you're scared of the side effects of medications that actually work against male pattern baldness, but I'm sorry that's just life isn't it. Some get side effects some don't. However baldness is genetic and regardless of how much you exercise, rub aloe vera on your scalp, hang yourself upside down, etc baldness will ensue if it's in your genes. Denial in life is just poison for your mind.
Side effects? I should first note what i said earlier regarding Propecia, side effects reported highest for impotence at 18.5% And think of how many men were too embarrassed to report it to their doctor or did not realize this happened to them because of this drug. Any drug with a side-effect rate, that dangerous, and at 1/5th of user rate should be considered as a primary effect.
Canada has filed a class action lawsuit, and UK is thinking about it. This is sick, and un-human in it's practice of releasing onto the market.
Again, Baldness may have inclinations in men, but nothing is certain. Gary knoll's experiment on hair loss, and time tested Aloe Vera, are both proven, and shown to be very powerful in their workings, it is foolish to believe the health of our hair is not somehow correlated to a health in our body's. The human system is much more complex than that. Interestingly, in Chinese medicine, and Indian medicine , we see a much different outlook, and as modern science proves the truth behind TCM each new coming day, we can see some very important understandings which these people have shared with us. (i.e., every organ has many purposes, and makes up proper functioning life, each organ has an 'extremity' which it's health manifests on, regarding hair, the kidney is in direct correlation with.) You're right Denial is poison, denying new found, scientifically proven evidence on the power of natural treatments is foolish in the least. The only denial I see is what these companies use in their psychology schemes to ensure proper business. "It;s genetic, It's genetic! Theres nothing you can do!", as these same men sit around, eat garbage food fed to most of our soceity, injected with sick hormones and chemicals, then they go on to smoke and never exercise, and their health falls dramatically, including their hair. And people wonder why they are having health problems, and yes, I am linking hair loss as to being a health problem.
If something is proven over years of scientific testing to work against baldness, then I and I'm sure many others believing in rational thinking, will give it support rather than any unproven pseudo remedies.
At this point in the states, we need to understand how much leverage those with money and investments here have. As I'm sure you don't know. Here, we are shown what certain people want us to see. It's called mental programing or 'brain-washing' if you will. In fact, I'm beginning to get reminded more and more of George Orwells 1984, and the concept he displays in that book.
Western or should I say modern medicine DOES focus on individuals as a whole and getting to the root of problems rather than just treating symptoms, however if you do not actually have any medical training then I suppose that you wouldn't know that.
Alternative "medicine" is even more about profiting off peoples health, it's effects are unproven, based on the placebo effect at best or are otherwise very much based on subjective experiences and worst of all it is almost always not based on any scientific evidence or testing.
It's becoming blatantly clear, you are not form Finland, and I'm disappointed in this as well. As I've told you already, my grandmother is a highly intelligent, well-regarded doctor, I've been passionate about medicine since I was a young boy, and am lucky to learn what I have from her. Also, I am in pre-med school like I said before, and am working in Chinese herbology at the moment, and will be moving towards acupuncture next (something that has been accepted by conventional medicine as to being highly effective in it's actions), and what's interesting about acupuncture, is the Chinese mapped out specific channels which different organs 'energys' if you will, flow through. These weren't accidental finds, these channels meridians, are based upon many other co-existing factors in the human body, like vital energy centers, tieing with other health etc... There's more here than meets the eye.
And with note to scientific evidence, check out the citations I made for this article, and I have many more great very useful articles for many guys suffering from un-natural, premature hair loss
If something actually works and passes scientific and governmental scrutiny it becomes a part of modern medicine and ceases to be alternative "medicine".
Well then I guess I should start 'calling' it Natural Modern Medicine!
As for exercising, once again I think that EVERYONE should exercise to maintain good health in general. Does it reverse baldness on it's own? The short answer: no. Does a lazy lifestyle increase the rate of balding? Short answer: it is possible.
Let me help you out brother, Does it reverse balding on it's own, quite possibly, though many of us need more natural support targeting specific functions, due to extreme poisoning we've undergone in modern life. Does being lazy increase the rate of balding, absolutely.
You guys are not scientists or doctors. You have a few articles, that's great, but still you have absolutely no proven methods that work against male pattern baldness. Isn't that what this forum is about?
That's enough from me. I'm gonna go enjoy the life that I have outside of this forum and outside of my house. I suggest that you try and do the same instead of hanging around here everyday!
As I said before, it seems at this point I have more training than you in medicine and science, just by attempting to downgrade someone, doesn't necessarily do it, watch whose feet you're stepping on first. May I remind you of the citations I've included, especially those in regards to apple polyphenols, that seems like pretty direct scientific evidence to me, and that's exactly what this forum is about.
By the way friend, I am quite handy in psychology, just out of curiosity, how would you know what my daily routines are? And another man quoted the same thing involving getting sun, this was another man I was debating with on a different forum, whom talked strikingly similar to 'Bryan'. Also, it's strange that you have made a profile, only to make 3 posts on this single form...? I would imagine someone concerned enough in the health of their hair would be moving from form to form, getting their feet wet, searching more information.
I want to say this for all who read this forum, Thsi Bryan Shelton charector we see so much of on here, advocating for only american-fda approved medication, strongly opposes natural treatment, this is a concern to me on a medical point of view. I have previously notified one of the admins regarding this man and the possibility of him using more than one s/n. A very kind moderater, and mind you I've talked to two out of the three thus far, and they are very helpful, and kind. This moderator got back to me, stating bryan is only using one account, but like many other concerned users including myself, this seems to be misleading. Upon further investigation of their 'about us' article in the home page, I found some interesting information, which must be noted in understanding the exact workings of this site here, as follows;
I shot several emails off to various researchers whose names I'd seen on publications, including Dr. Angela Christiano, Dr. Marty Sawaya, Dr. Hideo Uno, Dr. Richard Lee, and an armchair researcher by the name of Bryan Shelton, who seemed to know more than all of them combined! These individuals greeted me with respect, and played the single most important role in providing medical direction on the content and accuracy of this site.
We can see here, now, that Mr. 'Shelton' has been an intrecal cog in the life system of this website for many years, this man also posts on many other sites regarding acne and hair loss. The article continues;
The site now pulls in over 2.5 million users a year, and we've been blessed to have Merck Pharmaceuticals as one of our sponsors for the last 7 years. They have respected my need to remain autonomous however, and have not influenced the content on this site in any way.
This is very important to notice, 2.5 million hair loss sufferers, Merck sponsors them, for 7 years. In case anyone was wondering, you get a sponsor in something if they believe you be useful to them in some way, shape of form.
Though the creator may indeed be being honest, (though I don't know his moral integrity), but this is important to note various companies, especially those in the states, hiring shills, (kinda like a spy in war). To infiltrate, give important feed back to the company to help boast sales to be more successful, and it is hard to blame those who seek money, as many in the same shoes would exploit the same. The shill moves in and redirects as many client-el as possible to the company to further their industry. That's all, Thank you,