The Blackpill About What Women Prefer In 2019


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Now I'm speaking from the perspective of a guy who dates different girls every month, off Tinder and OKCupid alone.. I think I have become an expert in the online dating thing, to the point where I could be a YouTube dating guru or something lol. Becoming more successful with the other gender was my mission and in the last 2 years I have invested quite a lot of time and money into it, and made a huge progress. That includes learning what girls are really attracted to, improving my looks through hair transplants, working out, styling (alpha m's channel is great for this) as well as text game and real life game, and so on.

I have been told that I look "exactly the same" (in my opinion - better, but whatever..) in real life, compared to my pics. On the other hand, most girls I have met usually looked more attractive in the pics, sometimes completely different! If balding wasn't already enough of a disadvantage, women have mastered the art of the fraud - angles, filters, lighting, makeup, heels and so on. Every girl who simply isn't fat or deformed will be bombarded by hundreds and hundreds of likes and messages. The game is so imbalanced that it sucks.

What you write in your profile doesn't matter, in fact if you write too much you'll come off as a tryhard. What you want is to give the impression that you're there by complete accident; maybe your friend made you an account.. you're simply too good for that place and nothing like any of those creeps. You might get a slight boost for a prestigious job and writing skills but for the most part it's about how you look. Your facial aesthetics matter the most, followed by your height, then your body, clothes and lifestyle.

I have learned that most girls on dating apps search for the boy next door, approachable, good looking guy:



In 2019, guys who look like this are the top tier slayers of the online dating game. Not alien looking male models, or jacked up jocks.. just dudes who seem nice and regular.. with a head full of hair. This is because girls are afraid of fuckboys who will pump and dump them and hurt their ego, thus guys like this give them the delusion of hope and safety even if deep down they're actually douchebags who will really dump them soon.

I don't blame girls, they do this subconsciously bc of evolution and the media. It just hurts me to know that bald guys who try to be appealing to women by working their *** off in the gym then taking shirtless pics will be written off as douchebags, tryhards and not cute enough.

I probably didn't say anything new that you haven't heard before, just needed to vent.


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Why would anyone in their right mind engage in online dating in 2019?


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Just out of curiosity, why do you need to vent? It sounds like you're one of those slayers now.

Or is it just the unfairness of it all that's bothering you? I know you had to work super hard to achieve this position, but then again I do believe that one can appreciate things much more if they were hard to get, as corny as that may sound.


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Just out of curiosity, why do you need to vent? It sounds like you're one of those slayers now.

Or is it just the unfairness of it all that's bothering you? I know you had to work super hard to achieve this position, but then again I do believe that one can appreciate things much more if they were hard to get, as corny as that may sound.
I do feel empathetic towards my fellow men.. I'm not talking about the weird ones who use those apps to sexually harass women, but the cool regular dudes.. they absolutely deserve to go out with girls regularly and enjoy life. Whatever worked for me might not be practical for somebody else. Not everyone can get a transplant or two and start getting numbers and going on dates like I did. I also hear that there are men of different races, or men who are short, who get discriminated and overlooked due to stuff that's beyond their control. That sh*t sucks man.


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I do feel empathetic towards my fellow men.. I'm not talking about the weird ones who use those apps to sexually harass women, but the cool regular dudes.. they absolutely deserve to go out with girls regularly and enjoy life. Whatever worked for me might not be practical for somebody else. Not everyone can get a transplant or two and start getting numbers and going on dates like I did. I also hear that there are men of different races, or men who are short, who get discriminated and overlooked due to stuff that's beyond their control. That sh*t sucks man.
I've done the online dating in the past. I went through a lot of women. But, most women on there are single mothers n fattys, with some uglys, and the occasional good looking one. And the good looking ones (on my scale), think they are queens and are not wanting to answer a normal guys messages. And I'm even fortunate enough to be good looking, and they still were hard to get answers out of. Good looking women don't date online, not in the sense that fattys or men do. They have the profile for ego boosting and for going for broke- keeping the profile for the opportunity, on a lark, that they might strike gold with an ultra high value man. So now while I don't question the veracity of your post in terms of numbers, I do question in terms of looks of the women. Now if you post some pics of yourself, and your david backhams younger brother, than good for you, but I doubt it.


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I've done the online dating in the past. I went through a lot of women. But, most women on there are single mothers n fattys, with some uglys, and the occasional good looking one. And the good looking ones (on my scale), think they are queens and are not wanting to answer a normal guys messages. And I'm even fortunate enough to be good looking, and they still were hard to get answers out of. Good looking women don't date online, not in the sense that fattys or men do. They have the profile for ego boosting and for going for broke- keeping the profile for the opportunity, on a lark, that they might strike gold with an ultra high value man. So now while I don't question the veracity of your post in terms of numbers, I do question in terms of looks of the women. Now if you post some pics of yourself, and your david backhams younger brother, than good for you, but I doubt it.
Lol? Where did I imply that I have dated nothing but hotties? You sound mad insecure.

I don't waste my time with girls who appear fat and/or ugly for sure though. If their pics are suspicious then I look up their social media profile to see genuine pics so I can know if they hide something, but even then it's not always simple.

Secondly.. you did it in the past, AKA pre social media era? Therefore, your experience is irrelevant. Women in general are much more aware of looksmaxing and how to take flattering pics nowadays, plus really good looking women already get the attention that they need on Instagram so if they are on dating apps it's either to gather more followers or, like you said, find a high value man who will match them.
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At the end you said this is a vent post. Why are you venting? It seems like online dating is working for you so far and I’m glad to hear it. What’s your Norwood now after transplants?


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At the end you said this is a vent post. Why are you venting? It seems like online dating is working for you so far and I’m glad to hear it. What’s your Norwood now after transplants?
Lol I felt like I was ranting with no clear direction. Just wanted to spark a debate I guess

NW2 I think. Same hairline as Jon Hamm basically


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who on their right mind would go on apps like tinder if they are not at least above average in looks.
only people who want to be suicidal and have their confidence drop to rock bottom do that.

tinder is literally heaven, but only for good looking men, any guy below that isn't going to get anything out of tinder. so again no point going there unless you want to start feeling way worse about yourself.

the ironic thing is that every average girl, and quite a bit below that, get so many matches and messages from tons of thirsty guys who just tryna f*** something that they start believing they are actually greatly desired thus starting to cherry pick the guys, so basically what happens ugly/average girl starts thinking she's much more than that and then rejecting average men and only looking for the top among them as well.

which creates that heaven for good looking men only.


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Lol? Where did I imply that I have dated nothing but hotties? You sound mad insecure.

I don't waste my time with girls who appear fat and/or ugly for sure though. If their pics are suspicious then I look up their social media profile to see genuine pics so I can know if they hide something, but even then it's not always simple.

Secondly.. you did it in the past, AKA pre social media era? Therefore, your experience is irrelevant. Women in general are much more aware of looksmaxing and how to take flattering pics nowadays, plus really good looking women already get the attention that they need on Instagram so if they are on dating apps it's either to gather more followers or, like you said, find a high value man who will match them.
Mad insecure? Good try, but not buying little guy.

Pre social media? 2017 was the last run I had, n I really started in 2012. Nothing had changed.

I made a statement about the female quality, n that has not changed. So my point (which I made because you were referring to your "success's" as dating coach worthy, to which I don't think they would be successes, because of the poor quality found online, unless of course you're top shelf) still stands.

Now it wasn't meant as an attack, but as summation of online dating from someone who also did a lot of it. So I'll see your "mad insecure", n throw in b*t*h while I'm at it, seeing as this has been your second time out of two with nonsense responses to something I've said.


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Mad insecure? Good try, but not buying little guy.

Pre social media? 2017 was the last run I had, n I really started in 2012. Nothing had changed.

I made a statement about the female quality, n that has not changed. So my point (which I made because you were referring to your "success's" as dating coach worthy, to which I don't think they would be successes, because of the poor quality found online, unless of course you're top shelf) still stands.

Now it wasn't meant as an attack, but as summation of online dating from someone who also did a lot of it. So I'll see your "mad insecure", n throw in b*t*h while I'm at it, seeing as this has been your second time out of two with nonsense responses to something I've said.
You sound mentally ill, this is why I don't find joy in interacting with you. If you think I'm lying or whatever, so be it. I have nothing to prove to a random Internet dude. Moving on.


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who on their right mind would go on apps like tinder if they are not at least above average in looks.
only people who want to be suicidal and have their confidence drop to rock bottom do that.

tinder is literally heaven, but only for good looking men, any guy below that isn't going to get anything out of tinder. so again no point going there unless you want to start feeling way worse about yourself.

the ironic thing is that every average girl, and quite a bit below that, get so many matches and messages from tons of thirsty guys who just tryna f*** something that they start believing they are actually greatly desired thus starting to cherry pick the guys, so basically what happens ugly/average girl starts thinking she's much more than that and then rejecting average men and only looking for the top among them as well.

which creates that heaven for good looking men only.
Those average girls are stuck in a loop bc they hope that a good looking guy will commit to them but this never happens which results in them being stuck on the app always looking for someone. Which is far better than the average man experience bc at least they get messages and go on dates and if they want - get laid.. always better than radio silence.

A good looking guy, after getting used to the attention, won't lose his sh*t from average girls wanting to pursue him but just see them as a distraction.

Wolf Pack

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Agree with your conclusion about the "boy next door" look. Usually it's a person with a mixture of pretty boy and masculine features, bad boy vibe yet nice. Whether online or not, girls (and deep down all guys) want the best they can get. Who sets out to find an average looking partner? No one. The first thing you notice is the looks of a prospective partner. Love and being in the right place at the right time complicates thing but ideally girls want to open up/give themselves to an attractive partner with at least something resembling movie looks. It's the basic way for a complete relationship with a physical and emotional rush. Of course having a really similar personality/background or intense connection can overcome the "I didn't like him initially but then he grew on me..."

I agree about average girls generally realising their status. They may still chase attractive guys for sex when they are single but rarely for a relationship as they know they can't hold it unless he falls for her hard. Some of them fall "in love" quite often. Anyway it is good news for all that they realise their status including good looking men, as there are less misleading signals which can be awkward as hell in real life. I feel for them though when they have a pretty gf and the average girl is just used to watching her being hit on daily, it takes a lot of character to mature past that, especially as girls are valued on looks more than men.


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You sound mentally ill, this is why I don't find joy in interacting with you. If you think I'm lying or whatever, so be it. I have nothing to prove to a random Internet dude. Moving on.
Haha ok, such as it is, let's find "joy" elsewhere. Or rather you can find continue to find it in this humble brag thread you made. What it really is, is you are used to this bragging to incels and you know I'm not one, and feel threatened by it. Hence the defensive responses. Pictures of celebrities and you putting yourself into that class lol.... When you're really just a dork that's gotten some transplants n has finally been laid with some below average women online haha. But that's ok, you can have the room.
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I'd kill to look like that second guy, even with my hair im a 2/10 on the looks scale, plus im a bit overweight, something im trying to tackle right now. Im not picky about woman at all though, i seem to find lots of girls attractive in their own way, i don't see it as my standards being low or anything, i genuinely do just find most woman attractive for some bizarre reason. I guess that kinda helps me when im ready to try and find a relationship in the future.