Fair enough - that's, as they say, your prerogative. I'm very open about the fact that I do badly with women, however, I never said the reason I haven't spoken to a woman in years (not entirely true - I've got some female friends - I just meant specifically in a romantic sense) is because they won't speak to me: it's more because I can't be bothered. Also, I've never said that looks aren't important. If you're "subhuman", you're probably never going to meet a girl. Maybe a cellulite-addled landwhale, but a 5/10 plus? Forget about it. An average looking bald guy with a lot of other stuff to offer (great personality, great career), however, can absolutely be beta bucks for a 6-7/10 in late 20s, early 30s or older. It's not super common, but it happens. I've seen this first hand on several occasions.