
the end of the world at the age of 20


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Yea....I'm 20 with less than 20 follicles on the top of my head.

You know what the worst part in all of this? The fact that I had the best looking hair you can imagine. I always styled it the way David Beckham does and I'm telling ya , looking back at those days I feel like it was in a totally different life, while the truth is , it was only 1.5 years ago when I still had the best looking hair in the planet.

It's the worst feeling in the world to know that you had something so valuable in your hands and you lost it so quickly with absolutely nothing you can do about it.

18 months, that all it took for me to get to the point where I have a shiny looking scalp and to the very humiliating point where you can confuse me with my father ... And yeah, it did happen to me lately several of times that people thought that my father is my older brother. Of course when it happened I tried to make fun of it in front of those people but deep inside I wanted to bury myself , and the sooner the better.

I don't have to tell you that I lost all interest in life and how can someone blame me for that? When going out with friends I look like I can be their father with my strange looking head. I feel like everybody has some mercy for my situation which makes it all even worse .

You know, it still could have been ok if it weren't for the fact that I'm very short (1.68m(5'5- 5'6ft)). Like being the shortest guy among my friends isn't enough, so now I have to face this devastating situation of being short AND bald.

No girls in my life anymore, and not because I stop trying. I simply lost all the appeal I had . Even girls I knew before going bald, now it's so much difficult to get their attention and it's getting worse day after day....And you know what , I can't blame them at all! I don't like looking at myself in the mirror, I feel so ugly and I'm very objective with myself. So same as I don't get attracted to ugly girls , I don't expect anyone to get attracted to me with my poor appearance .

I don't know what I'm trying to get from typing this sad post, maybe I just need to get it off my chest , maybe it will make me feel a little better.

Guys , if you still have hair on your scalp , keep it! I didn't get the chance even to try and use some treatment because my process was so quick and before I even realized what's happening to me it was too late.

So I wish you best of luck with your fight against mother nature and if you want to comment or something please do it.

(Sorry for my poor English by the way...It's not my native language.)

Mens Rea

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Hey buddy hang in there

sounds like you've had a tough break - it can be devastating, especially if it happens so fast. life's a b**ch

I understand its a shock to the system especially at a young age, i know because i live it too but to a lesser degree (i realise the difference between hair loss and baldness)

There are positives though, a fair few of them:

1) It gets EASIER. Not just because you'll learn how to not let it affect you, but because as you actually get older it will be more acceptable socially and to yourself.

2) You're a MAN! Obvious eh? What i mean is, theres millions and millions of bald men, its not exactly a "disease" or anything of the sort. Most of these bald/balding men live normal lives. Girls as you get older will be less judgemental of your appearance. And even now, girls arent all about appearance, not all of them. I know this for a fact - work ridiculously hard on your personality, body language etc to profit from this fact.

3) You're in good health and young. Bald or not the worlds your limit. If you were diagnosed with a real illness tommorow or whatever you'd look back to think "oh my God, life is so valuable, i could have done, experience and achieved so much but i was so caught up on my appearance to hold me back from being myself and appreciating my life". Sorry for the long-windedness but its so true. Even on just vainty levels - there's plenty of guys here that had nasty scars, moles etc, who would LOVE just to be simply bald.

Keep us updated on how you are keeping


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Thanks man for the comment.

I know how I should be grateful for being healthy but I just can't get it out of my mind . Everytime I go out with my friends or meet other people who happen to be at my age, it's always ONLY me who looks like I can be their father . They treat me differently now....they probably think I have some illness . They don't have the first clue about what male pattern baldness is and of course I won't try to explain them because I think I would start crying really...

I would do anything to reverse time and feel again what's it like to look like a normal guy , a guy at my age ...tough...


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Aw man ._. how many hair follicles are still kicking up there? If its only been a year then a strong antiandrogen regimen (finasteride + fluridil / RU58841) coupled with growth stimulation (minoxidil) and something like folligen or Spectral RS for reshaping collagen could be beneficial. If you think they are gone then just personally I would just get a hair system from somewhere like Hair Direct, I know people make fun but... I wanna look the way I wanna look, and if I had to use a piece I would! Plus, some actually look better than my regular hair lol

EDIT -- More good news? I would say that within 10 years there is maybe a 95% chance you will have your natural hair back due to fantastic and exciting projects like :)

uncomfortable man

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Sucks huh? How society will just turn on you and treat you like garbage because you no longer look like what they consider to be acceptable. You never fully realize just how cruel and judgmental people are until this happens to you. There are still good people out there though that will look past our baldness, but it sucks having to deal with all the other peoples outright prejudice against us. Many of these people deserve our hatred.


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It's only the end of the world if you make it out to be.

People at your age lose their legs and limbs to IED's in Afghanistan and Iraq but they just realize it happens and they move on.

Sure you do not have to like it but it will only by the end of the world if you choose it to be.

It sucks to have this happen at this young of age but you will get better with time if you choose to.


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If I can give one piece of advice it is this: stay away from this website and live your life.You can get hair back, although it might not be your own, but you cannot get your youth back.

A lot people think of that as hair and stuff but it is also responsibilities, in your early twenties you can do whatever you want and have less responsibilities. As you get older, you have a family that comes first along with a house payments, car payments, etc. so you go out and live your life, it sucks but you can have something of a life if you choose to.

Also, as said, stay away from this board, as some posters as you have already noticed, are miserable and love company.


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i think its a good opportunity to start working on your body at the gym, just shave your head, work out, eat well and you guaranteed to feel better in no-time.
the ONLY thing that hairloss takes from you is confidence, if you get that back (rather if just change of a mind-set or by compensate in other areas) people will be attracted to you... remember, people want to be near "happy people" and not miserable ones.
and i have to agree with Obsidian, stay away from sites like this, its a black hole :)


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That'sIt said:
Everytime I go out with my friends or meet other people who happen to be at my age, it's always ONLY me who looks like I can be their father.
Unless you post some pictures to let the others here tell, I would say that you are overreacting. :smack: There is no way a 20 years old boy to look as the father of his pals because he is bald. Now I understand that there are some cases of people looking more old than they are, but this is true even when they have hair.

You need to somehow relax and start adapting. I know one case case like you. More or less the same thing happened, that is very rapid hairloss but in a more advanced age. It was really devastating for him in the beginning. Now he is well with a very good job and life in general.

This is not the end of the world. It is a new start, probably even with new and more intelligent people who would not consider your situation as illness and will accept you as you are for what is inside and not outside of your head.


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I can sympathise... I'm 21 and well on my way to being bald. Have you thought about a hair piece? As long as people know and you're open about it you wouldn't feel like you're hiding something, and you get to look better because of it.


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uncomfortable man said:
Sucks huh? How society will just turn on you and treat you like garbage because you no longer look like what they consider to be acceptable. You never fully realize just how cruel and judgmental people are until this happens to you. There are still good people out there though that will look past our baldness, but it sucks having to deal with all the other peoples outright prejudice against us. Many of these people deserve our hatred.
Mmm. He did admit it is OK because he feels the same about ugly girls. Don't turn into an hypocrite.

I knew a guy at college that lost his hair while he was at high school. He just simply shaved the whole thing and he pulled the shaved look OK. No one thought about him as being older, and he was quite successful with girls. I bet that all the people outside of his friends circle thought he just shaved by choice.

If you can't really shave, and it is affecting you so bad, why don't you try a hair piece?


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Guys thanks for commenting .

I have been thinking about the hair piece solution but I don't think it will make my life easier with this constant fear of being detected... How can you deal with someone who somehow realizes that you wear a hair piece and asks you "hey man, are you wearing a wig or something???" ?


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a 20 years old guy who went from having a full head of hair to total baldness in 18 months? sorry, unless you've the pics to prove it, sounds fishy to me...

if you are telling the truth, however, then best thing is get on the proven meds, or else learn to accept it - if you've really lost everything you soon will accept, cos you've no choice. you're young and you'll get girlfriends. and to back up what some others have said: don't let the professional pessimists here drag you down..


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the thinning has probably started before but i guess i haven't noticed it because it wasn't so severe back then.


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rogber said:
a 20 years old guy who went from having a full head of hair to total baldness in 18 months? sorry, unless you've the pics to prove it, sounds fishy to me...

My thoughts exactly, how many times have we seen these poor bald guys turn out to be NW1.5/2.


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when you started to bald at age of 18~19 you will fell world war started within you the same thing i got whenever i see some old friends they use to teasing me about my male pattern baldness then i cried my inside a lot .

when it has progressed within me i had these feelings

1.why i born with this male pattern baldness
2.i dont want any girl but i want a pure love
3.i'm almost done
4.getting more self pleasure (masturbating) will ultimately loss your outlook confidence
6.most of the time spending alone
7.lost confidence in studies and in work not mingle with peoples
8.smoking and alcohol addict will like you are in 50 years of age and whatever you do if it goes wrong you are the ultimate pleasure for them
10.upto your life it will stay when someone changes within you


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s.a.f said:
rogber said:
a 20 years old guy who went from having a full head of hair to total baldness in 18 months? sorry, unless you've the pics to prove it, sounds fishy to me...

My thoughts exactly, how many times have we seen these poor bald guys turn out to be NW1.5/2.

lol i would sell my house to be 1.5/ i said before, the thinning started earlier than 1.5 years ago. it's just that until then the thinning wasn't enough to make it look bad..actually i didnt even know that i'm getting bald , i didn't know anything about this issue. i was thinking that maybe my hair gets thinner because i used vax everyday and i was sure that it would get better once i stop using it someday...1.5 years ago it's more or less the time when i really started to suffer from it and started to notice big bald spots all over my top of the head.


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That'sIt said:
rogber said:
a 20 years old guy who went from having a full head of hair to total baldness in 18 months? sorry, unless you've the pics to prove it, sounds fishy to me...

My thoughts exactly, how many times have we seen these poor bald guys turn out to be NW1.5/2.

lol i would sell my house to be 1.5/ i said before, the thinning started earlier than 1.5 years ago. it's just that until then the thinning wasn't enough to make it look bad..actually i didnt even know that i'm getting bald , i didn't know anything about this issue. i was thinking that maybe my hair gets thinner because i used vax everyday and i was sure that it would get better once i stop using it someday...1.5 years ago it's more or less the time when i really started to suffer from it and started to notice big bald spots all over my top of the head.[/quote:3ui03h8w]

hey, if you're 20 years old and have your own house things aren't that bad...plenty of girls would take that over a bit of hair:)
sorry, couldn't resist...


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it's so sad but as a matter of fact if i really had my own house i would sell it to be able to afford a good hair kidding.


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i don't think anyone should be allowed to post on this board without having a pic of their hair for all to see! well.. not really.. but sometimes i feel that way.

you've got kids coming here saying life is over, they post a pic, and they are actually very good looking (with or without hair) and overreacting which is common..

then you've got people offering this incredible insight and words of wisdom and "chin up son!" who have full heads of hair themselves...

so many people on this board want to offer advice without having experienced true baldness themselves. what a sham!

man - everyone here is going to say the same old crap, that it gets easier, go the gym, focus on your health, etc, etc. i don't think you're ever going to find anything on an internet message board that's really going to make you feel better... except maybe stories from guys who are even worse off....

one thing i've realized that is true is males are much more visually stimulated then females. not universally true, but in general. there are many girls who would go for the guy who makes them laugh then the guy who hooks up with random girls all the time...

anyway.. if it helps to post here and read through then do.. it's a great community. i've just seen this exact same thread too many times to count.