The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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The only one who comes close to 10/10 in my personal taste






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It's not a big deal (the age gap) but some things should be avoided when it risks the welfare of others around you. In the heat of the moment though and bonds forming, anything can happen.


Thats not true...I know that is your perspective from your pov...but even when girls seem mature and worldly--it is still 17 years old. Brain is not fully developed as an adult..the girl is never going to have same life experiences as a man 10 to 15 years older in that age range.

Trust me I would stake my maturity against a lot of young girls at 17..I was an independent party girl in both NYC and Miami club circuit.
I STILL was not emotionally prepared for the older man who came into my life when I was 18.
So be careful.
Not saying 'don't do it' just be careful because they may seem like mature and sophisticated, grown up-(and physically they are)-it's still new emotions and experiences for them and they may not be as prepared as they seem.


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Yes - 7 years is a lot to throw away in an instant. Anyway, I've slept on this and I'm feeling calmer today. Still don't know what I'm going to do but I kinda regret revealing so many details about this last night. I'd had a bit too much wine and was moody. Anyway it was also good to get this off my chest because I've felt like I can't discuss it with anyone, not even my rl friends.

Btw - "Leila" is a fake profile, I've seen that girl before and she was a quite popular model a few years ago. I don't remember her name but it wasn't Leila, that's for sure... Anyway she's pretty.

If you revealed too much go back and delete.

If you see anything I re posted tell me the post # I will go back and delete.
I am sure the others will too--you can always ask Wolfpack to delete too if you cant reach anyone.

I think that is the thing it's the 'friendship' I think if it was just a 'guy' you would not feel so betrayed.
He was probably a confidant for you in a significant and painful part of your life.


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I was 18 he was 28 BUT he was already divorced and had two twin babies that had died.

So my life and his life so completely different...he was like really 'old' for a 28 year old..owned a big house on the water, was already burnt out from his job he disliked...I was just starting my was like two different planes of experiences.

I was with him for like 3 years and when it ended it felt so 'easy' for him to end it and it took me like 2 years to get over him.

In retrospect looking back I get it because he was already divorced (and was majorly in love with his wife who when she was 8 or 9 months miscarried the twins and this broke their marriage because she had like a nervous breakdown after and she left him.)
so he was kind of broken by life breaking off with 'me' was not emotionally difficult for him.
And that hurt me.
When I met him though--he acted like he was care free--easy going easy to be with--at first. It was just a mask for his pain.

I had my revenge girl--he came back a few years later telling me he made a mistake blah blah blah I mean I think I was like 24 or 25 by that time I can't remember now. I had a HOT young musician BF at the time who was so carefree and it was like 'haha'. He was married to a chick he got pregnant who was ugly and he was so unhappy with. She was from Dominican Republic and if he did not marry her she was going to leave country with kid so it was just easier for him to marry her--so gross I saw her once (spied with my BF lol) She looked like a little boy like some Latin girls do.

But they all come back LOL it's almost predictable and comical.

But not going to lie it took me a long time to get over him. It felt like such a loss and I often felt like at that time 'why didnt I just get a guy my age and have a normal relationship'. His sh*t was too heavy.
The age difference felt too big. Not so much years but life experience.
And sometimes he was like mean to me for no reason...and I always felt like it was 'me'. Truth is he was just old and burnt out on life--dissapointed in how his life turned out.. fucked up over loss of his babies probably.

I think the babies died when he was 26 I met him at 28 so it's not really that long for a person to process I would assume.

But at 18 who is thinking of this heavy stuff?
I did not even know he had kids that died until his ex-wife called me LOL to tell me he was still f*****g her.

I mean it was just too heavy...I am not saying it's going to work out like that all the time--but I think older men should be careful with women under 21.

I have another friend who always dated older--and it seemed normal for her I don't remember anything bad...but saw her a few years ago and she said she looks back and really regrets she did not date more men her own age when she was young that she felt like she missed out on something. Granted ALL of her BF were she was 16 dating men in 30s. She just liked older men at that time. I never got too deep into it with her why it bothers her now. But she regrets it-which I think is kind of sad.
didnt read lol.

B O R I N G life stories we will never relate to my most exciting event was turning the lights on on my basement


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didnt read lol.

B O R I N G life stories we will never relate to my most exciting event was turning the lights on on my basement

I am beginning to think you are narcissistic..You really cant relate to anyone outside yourself and your own problems.


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I can relate to people with real problems the social recluses, the hobos, the incels. I can't relate to no woman problems thats for sure

Good to know
Don't PM me anymore :)

I cant relate to your rudeness and self-centeredness.

Thought you were a nice person i felt empathy for you but to be honest that you are incapable to feel it for others you don't get it anymore.

And to think I stuck up for you and I went to bat defending you to the whole forum the other day.

What a fool I am.


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Cope just informed I get 0 matches in Moscow the place were people get the most matches it really is f*****g over should I go become a monk?


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Yep, I can relate. That is what hurts the most. 7 years of being lovers and good friends and he just throws it away like it was nothing, without even caring to give me an explanation. LOL, I must be a pretty pathetic person for that to happen.

I think ''my guy'' has his own struggles, nothing like losing a child but I know he still had feelings for his ex which he was with for 7 years. She was mentally ill that's why the relationship ended, and he once told me they hadn't had sex for the last 2 years of their relationship but he stayed with her without cheating because that's how much he loved her. He later told me he was ''so glad'' he wasn't with her anymore, though. And he told me time and time again how much he cared about me (yeah right).

I won't be surprised if that happens LOL.

That's so predictable of an ''older'' women to do when she finds out her man has been f*****g a much younger woman, oozes jealousy and spite. If my older guy's ex found out he was f*****g a 17 year old she'd be blind with rage and jealousy. I'm 24 and I hope I won't turn into that bitter and older woman haha.

Agreed. But at the same time I take full responsibility for getting into a sexual relationship with a 31 year old man at 17, I was young yes but mature enough to make my own decisions and he never pressured me into anything. Had I been under the age of consent in Norway (16), it would have been a different story. I'm not a victim in this situation other than him taking advantage of my feelings. He never abused me in any way but he did make some poor decisions.

I don't think you will be bitter as you get older.


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@CopeForLife f*****g epic match happening man. del potro is a beast. fav player by far.

@hairblues what happened to this sexy musician? did he get famous?

They actually came really close to getting signed to Maverick records..but they bombed at the showcase.
I still have their CD, they were actually really f*****g good. Not so my BF he was just bass player but the lead singer, lead guitarist and drummer were insanely talented.
He broke up with me moved out of state to switch schools--and HE called 3 months after he moved away wanted to pay for me to come visit him.
(they all come back)
I honestly can't think of any significant relationship I have had where they guy does not come back..Sometimes it's even just to stroke their own ego, it's not always 'love or regret' i think sometimes its curiosity.
I mean I am good but no woman is that good--it's just a pattern men do...they re-visit.