The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Changed my name for privacy reasons, I've decided to be more private from now on. Some of the opinions I've posted on this board are not politically vanilla, I realized that it could be trouble if anybody eve tracked me down.

The hardest drugs I've done (lol) are weed, alcohol, and codeine (prescription). I got a major reaction to codeine actually, it amplified my sleep paralysis by a factor of ten, it was pretty awesome but also scary.

What drugs have you done?

not many. no hard core drugs. this dmt sh*t i hear a lot about sounds f*****g insane though. going into different dimensions and that. your own body produces it during sleep i think.

sleep paralysis loooooool. that sh*t is f*****g nuts. not met many people in my life who have it.

how does it happen for you?

happens when im really really tired, physically and mentally. but im still switched on, cant turn my brain off. so as im just about to pass out, something just switches and i go into this state. i cant move at all. my heart starts racing. my eyes roll up to the back of my head pretty hard.

takes me a few minutes to calm myself down until im able to break from it. when it was first happened to me as a teen it scared the f*****g sh*t out of me

i always wonder what would happen if i was with someone who tried to snap me out of it or was worried about my lack of movement. i need to seriously slow my heart down and relax to be able to snap out of it and i think being in that situation would just make me panic more. would have i heart attack? pass out? scary stuff


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not many. no hard core drugs. this dmt sh*t i hear a lot about sounds f*****g insane though. going into different dimensions and that. your own body produces it during sleep i think.

sleep paralysis loooooool. that sh*t is f*****g nuts. not met many people in my life who have it.

how does it happen for you?

happens when im really really tired, physically and mentally. but im still switched on, cant turn my brain off. so as im just about to pass out, something just switches and i go into this state. i cant move at all. my heart starts racing. my eyes roll up to the back of my head pretty hard.

takes me a few minutes to calm myself down until im able to break from it. when it was first happened to me as a teen it scared the f*****g sh*t out of me

i always wonder what would happen if i was with someone who tried to snap me out of it or was worried about my lack of movement. i need to seriously slow my heart down and relax to be able to snap out of it and i think being in that situation would just make me panic more. would have i heart attack? pass out? scary stuff

I sometimes get it before and after sleep, I can't move but I can feel and hear the stuff, and if i open my eyes can see. I snap out of it by breathing as hard as i can.


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I get sleep paralysis probably 3 times a week on average, some mornings I will get it everytime I try to fall back asleep. I have gotten used to it but it still scares me. Everytime I get it I have to stop and collect myself and gather the mental energy to give one big body thrust to pull myself out of it.

I used to be into astral projection. I never got to project but I got really close, you basically put yourself into a state of paralysis. It starts sounding like you have ur head out of the car window on a highway and it literally feels like you are being sucked through your bed. I always got too scared when that started happening so opened my eyes and subsequently awoke my body.


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I get sleep paralysis but not so much past few years...I notice IF i don't go back to sleep I don't get it..but if i go back to sleep after waking up i tend to get avoid that.
I do get pain in my head because I grind my teeth so i feel pressure in my jaw when it happens so for me its physically painful. also get a super loud noise in my ears i assume that is blood rushing i don't know though.


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I stopped eating 'white' or refined sugar and grains on Tuesday and I am down 2 pounds already which is not normal for me it usually takes like 1/2 pound a week.
I am actually eating more calories and more fat (this happens almost naturally)..I'm staying away from fried fats or trans fats etc..not using butter, I use olive oil mostly, avocado, walnuts, and fat in some cheese--fresh mozzarella and egg yolks etc.
Still eat fruit.
And i dropped two pounds in a few days and my energy is up.
I am also doing hip hop dance/ HIIT twice a day. I don't suggest that for everyone that depends on your energy level. I just find it easier to split the workouts.
The no grains no sugar kills appetite and cravings...i 'eat' a lot actually so I don't fast.
I mean to each their own on fasting I know people who do it successfully but it's not for me really.


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Can you post a pointer to that thread?

Modestly complete list of scientific publications on benefits of fasting and a few related articles here, topics covered are reduced blood pressure, weight loss, weightlifting, hormone changes, improved brain function, cancer prevention, alzheimer's prevention, etc:

ETA: I think autophagy is actually a better argument for fasting than weight loss / hormone shifts.

Autophagy got the 2016 nobel prize in medicine.
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Modestly complete list of scientific publications on benefits of fasting and a few related articles here, topics covered are reduced blood pressure, weight loss, weightlifting, hormone changes, improved brain function, cancer prevention, alzheimer's prevention, etc:

ETA: I think autophagy is actually a better argument for fasting than weight loss / hormone shifts.

Autophagy got the 2016 nobel prize in medicine.

You looksmaxed.


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