The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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Im trying to remain calm today


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Please spare the "refugee" crap, most or them are NOT escaping from ANY conflict. If they were truly refugees, they would be very few, and consequently they would not be as much of a problem as they are now. Are all africans coming to italy refugees? Not at all.

Would you say that an intelligent child born i Africa has the same opportunities in life as you, who were born in Europe? I would say not. Now what makes you more worth to have those opportunities only to yourself, and not to be available to them? I say open the gates totally, let the there be equal opportunities for everyone, no matter race or religion. Of course, this is my own thinking. I'm not sayin everyone should think the same, but I argue for what I think is right.


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dont any of the main compound exercises work the forearms like bench press, shoulder press, pull up etc?

Sure. Back/bicep workouts in particular tend to hit the forearms as a secondary muscle group

This exercise is for forearm isolation


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Would you say that an intelligent child born i Africa has the same opportunities in life as you, who were born in Europe? I would say not. Now what makes you more worth to have those opportunities only to yourself, and not to be available to them? I say open the gates totally, let the there be equal opportunities for everyone, no matter race or religion. Of course, this is my own thinking. I'm not sayin everyone should think the same, but I argue for what I think is right.

Because we don't elect governments to suck black and Islamic c***, we elect them to serve THEIR OWN PEOPLE. How many refugees have you housed and paid for? If you are sorry they lack your opportunities, then shut the f*** up and help them yourself. How narcissistic and arrogant does one have to be to demand the tax dollars of others are spent on refugees that are ideologically wired to despise Western values?


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Would you say that an intelligent child born i Africa has the same opportunities in life as you, who were born in Europe? I would say not. Now what makes you more worth to have those opportunities only to yourself, and not to be available to them? I say open the gates totally, let the there be equal opportunities for everyone, no matter race or religion. Of course, this is my own thinking. I'm not sayin everyone should think the same, but I argue for what I think is right.

So when are you going to house a Syrian? There are people starving to death in Africa like you suggest, what makes you think you're worth more than them? Why don't you send your money to them and take their place? Like you said, you're not worth any more than a starving kid in Africa, sounds like it's time for you to leave and take their place.


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Because we don't elect governments to suck black and Islamic c***, we elect them to serve THEIR OWN PEOPLE. How many refugees have you housed and paid for? If you are sorry they lack your opportunities, then shut the f*** up and help them yourself. How narcissistic and arrogant does one have to be to demand the tax dollars of others are spent on refugees that are ideologically wired to despise Western values?

"Tax dollars" are being spent destroying some of these countries, for example the 1953 of the democratically-elected Iranian government, or the 2011 removal of Ghadaffi and subsequent replacement by jihadist savages.


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"Tax dollars" are being spent destroying some of these countries, for example the 1953 of the democratically-elected Iranian government, or the 2011 removal of Ghadaffi and subsequent replacement by jihadist savages.

Stupid decisions don't make other stupid decisions good ideas.


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I bet if you guys just stopped labelling yourselves incels and had a positive attitude you'd be swimming in puss in no time.
I have been trying dude the last 8 months I put in significant effort looksmax, hairmax started finasteride taking photos going out. Nothing f*****g works.


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I have been trying dude the last 8 months I put in significant effort looksmax, hairmax started finasteride taking photos going out. Nothing f*****g works.

I still have no photos going out, my Facebook profile pic is from 2012. It's harder to get a good photo of myself than get a root unfortunately.


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I bet if you guys just stopped labelling yourselves incels and had a positive attitude you'd be swimming in puss in no time.

I bet if you lost your undeserved beauty you'd kill yourself in a matter of minutes rather than living a single day of the life people like me, cope and others have been condemned to. I really, really hope that.
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Because we don't elect governments to suck black and Islamic c***, we elect them to serve THEIR OWN PEOPLE. How many refugees have you housed and paid for? If you are sorry they lack your opportunities, then shut the f*** up and help them yourself. How narcissistic and arrogant does one have to be to demand the tax dollars of others are spent on refugees that are ideologically wired to despise Western values?

No need for agressive tones, it's all good bro, I can easily read.

Have you ever considered that, your own politicians will have you believe what you wrote? Have you considered that politicians of your country answer to politicians of another greater country, and they answer to lobbists and wealthy corporations in mining and other commodities. Can you imagine a wealthy capitalist sponsoring a politicians campaign, only so that the same politician can influence the politics in another country to his own interests? In Africa, the continent of gold and minerals and diamonds, why would you build schools so that the people can actually learn and educate themselves, so that that take advantage od their own land? No, no, you rather corrupt a very few, give them some pesos, and let them rule the uneducated crowd. Africa is not poor and uneducated because they lack potential, they are those things because it is in wests best interests that it stays that way. As said, this is my own thinking. As far as refugees, I have been witness to more that I would wish upon on anyone in this world. First hand.


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I still have no photos going out, my Facebook profile pic is from 2012. It's harder to get a good photo of myself than get a root unfortunately.

I never heard the word "Root" used that way until I moved to Australia in 2012. In Canada it's a brand of clothing.


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What are you doing for personality-max, which is what @JeanLucBB suggested?
personality maxxing comes in second first I need to actually meet and talk to women for it to make an impact.

I've only talked to a couple the past 8 months with no success ofcourse. One had a boyfriend the other you know the story


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Were you depressed before hair loss?
I wouldn't say depressed, at least not very depressed. But I did struggle with anxiety from the age of 17, and chronic fatigue from around 18-19 so that did make me sorta depressed. But the difference between then and now is that I had moments of happiness regularly. I haven't experienced true happiness in years now.


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So when are you going to house a Syrian? There are people starving to death in Africa like you suggest, what makes you think you're worth more than them? Why don't you send your money to them and take their place? Like you said, you're not worth any more than a starving kid in Africa, sounds like it's time for you to leave and take their place.

Do you know how I do actually house a Syrian? I do this by paying taxes. I pay taxes so that they can have proper housing, take language courses and afterwards contribute. That's what taxes are for, and many other things.


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personality maxxing comes in second first I need to actually meet and talk to women for it to make an impact.

I've only talked to a couple the past 8 months with no success ofcourse. One had a boyfriend the other you know the story

You need to make personality-maxing a priority.