The Frequent "official" Origin Of My Recent Failures With Women


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when i was growing up after her and my Father split...


She and my Father.

The thing no one talks bout that is going to f*** everyone over next 10 years is robotics.
There should be a limit on how much industry can cross over to robotics to replace people--yeah that is socialist idea I guess but so what? the alternative is going to be a night mare.

There have been proposals in Europe that robots should be taxed.

Ultimately, it would be great if robots do all the work, freeing up humans from this drudgery.


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She and my Father.

There have been proposals in Europe that robots should be taxed.

Ultimately, it would be great if robots do all the work, freeing up humans from this drudgery.

In USA they will never be taxed if republicans and conservatives have say---this is the problem here.

They want this libertarian society of sink or swim....I don't really understand why so many poor white people keep voting for them but I guess they get them roped in with social issues and 'anger'/
I mean we just had a conservative Trumpeter congressman physically body slam a reporter who asked him about health care--and he won election next day--granted 2/3 of people already early-voted..BUT you had some people who voted for him anyway OR because he body slammed the reporter because there is a lot of hate on far right at moment towards almost all journalists.


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Don't worry -- they're spending it. They're spending a ton of money. I have family in Central Florida, the dominant industry there is catering to rich people. Taking care of their million dollar homes, selling them $5,000 perfumes and $250,000 cars, etc. When Donald Trump ran for president it actually impacted the social environment and economy there, as he used to host a ton of parties.

A relative meets major celebrities and the wives of celebrities at her job in sales. They buy up expensive makeup, perfume, shoes, clothes, etc, that's a large part of their life, going shopping. There's a Salvatore Ferragamo store near her work, they might sell two or three $500+ shoes a day, and that's enough to keep the place going. I never see a client in there buying anything yet it's been open for years. That's not an efficient partition of resources.

Sure, my point was, their expenditure is minuscule compared to their coffers.


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In USA they will never be taxed if republicans and conservatives have say---this is the problem here.

They want this libertarian society of sink or swim....I don't really understand why so many poor white people keep voting for them but I guess they get them roped in with social issues and 'anger'/
I mean we just had a conservative Trumpeter congressman physically body slam a reporter who asked him about health care--and he won election next day--granted 2/3 of people already early-voted..BUT you had some people who voted for him anyway OR because he body slammed the reporter because there is a lot of hate on far right at moment towards almost all journalists.

Trump didn't win. Hilary lost. 2/3 of the voters said Trump was incompetent.

Also illegal immigration.


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Trump didn't win. Hilary lost. 2/3 of the voters said Trump was incompetent.

Also illegal immigration.

I concur. Whole heartedly.
and she lost because she neglected those middle american ex-union factory ghost towns.

I mean maybe Russia aided in negative propaganda but I think this was more with people who already disliked her--they just help to turn that dislike into pure hatred and almost paranoia. I don't think they really turned middle of road people too much. But I doubt we can ever really quantify the effects.


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I concur. Whole heartedly.
and she lost because she neglected those middle american ex-union factory ghost towns.

I mean maybe Russia aided in negative propaganda but I think this was more with people who already disliked her--they just help to turn that dislike into pure hatred and almost paranoia. I don't think they really turned middle of road people too much. But I doubt we can ever really quantify the effects.

Please, if anyone was the victim of negative propaganda it was Trump.


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Please, if anyone was the victim of negative propaganda it was Trump.

His only propaganda comes out of his mouth.
Do you read his tweets?
Hello Birther movement?
I am beginning to wonder if Vlad was paying him to do that in retrospect.
Would make sense when an otherwise intelligent man who lived his life as a democrat liberal NY'r would suddenly become the head of something so idiotic as the 'Birther' movement.


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If the american voters were like the membership Trump would have won the largest landslide in American history.

Being/getting ugly opens up your eyes to the lies around us.


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Sure, my point was, their expenditure is minuscule compared to their coffers.

Trump lies pathologically I don't get it.
he also looks down on 'ugly' or 'weak' people so don't get that either.


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Speaking of Trump, I had an Uber driver recently who loved Trump. He kept going on about how Trump had won in a landslide, A LANDSLIDE !!!! He was very excited for how Trump was going to fix the country. He started off the conversation saying that the country had declined because rich were hoarding everything for themselves, and that people like him in unions got nothing. He then said Obama only got voted in because he was Black. At some point it segued into Trump and he said he was looking forward to his 15% tax cut.

I wonder, is he going to end up disappointed, or will he end up believing that Trump has fixed the country regardless of actual developments?


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Speaking of Trump, I had an Uber driver recently who loved Trump. He kept going on about how Trump had won in a landslide, A LANDSLIDE !!!! He was very excited for how Trump was going to fix the country. He started off the conversation saying that the country had declined because rich were hoarding everything for themselves, and that people like him in unions got nothing. He then said Obama only got voted in because he was Black. At some point it segued into Trump and he said he was looking forward to his 15% tax cut.

I wonder, is he going to end up disappointed, or will he end up believing that Trump has fixed the country regardless of actual developments?



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Speaking of Trump, I had an Uber driver recently who loved Trump. He kept going on about how Trump had won in a landslide, A LANDSLIDE !!!! He was very excited for how Trump was going to fix the country. He started off the conversation saying that the country had declined because rich were hoarding everything for themselves, and that people like him in unions got nothing. He then said Obama only got voted in because he was Black. At some point it segued into Trump and he said he was looking forward to his 15% tax cut.

I wonder, is he going to end up disappointed, or will he end up believing that Trump has fixed the country regardless of actual developments?

Good topic to bring into ur next date (not srs)


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Speaking of Trump, I had an Uber driver recently who loved Trump. He kept going on about how Trump had won in a landslide, A LANDSLIDE !!!! He was very excited for how Trump was going to fix the country. He started off the conversation saying that the country had declined because rich were hoarding everything for themselves, and that people like him in unions got nothing. He then said Obama only got voted in because he was Black. At some point it segued into Trump and he said he was looking forward to his 15% tax cut.

I wonder, is he going to end up disappointed, or will he end up believing that Trump has fixed the country regardless of actual developments?

I have a colleague/pretty good friend, total Trumpite, his knee-jerk reaction to any criticism of Trump is instant defensiveness, it's looney liberal spinning, it's "fake news". The constant Trump lies? Eg creating half a million jobs in his first 2 weeks? Well that's all to be believed, anyone who doubts it is a crazy Democrat. Fact-checkers are "fake news", even if they're right wing and Republican, everyone's out to get poor little Trump.

The bias of Trump supporters is beyond hysteria, people are frustrated and feeling weak. They are constantly sold this American dream and are only now realising how the system has been set up to keep the rich getting richer, and if you are one of the rare few who beat the system, it not only required skill and determination, but a hell of a lot of luck- you survived and prospered because the system made a mistake. You shouldn't have got there, basically.

What's hilarious (maybe not ha-ha funny) is that Trump has somehow captured the imagination of working class, low IQ individuals, because he apparently stands for them, the guy who inherited a fortune, huge connections from his father, and has costed the taxpayer literally billions with his 4 bankruptcies.