The impact of hair loss on my body.


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This is something i wanted to share with you for sometime now and hear what you ppl think;
I think when a guy losing hes hair early on (around 19-21~) he usually let the body go as well, i did, i used to work out in the gym everyday, and when noticed my hair is falling, felt like "well, why should i work my *** if eventually ill doomed to ugliness...", right now i know this perspective is bs, but when i look back im not mad at myself, i think its very frustrating lose yout hair so young, epically at the age where everyone out partying and f*****g and girls couldn't be more superficial, what made me depressed enough to stop giving a f*** about my body too. this is why (i believe) we see many skinny bald young guys. (i went back to the gym tho)

did hair loss effected you the same way? ... or did it made more motivated to work harder? improve your external? (just curious how people here react to hair loss )


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Smooth said:
This is something i wanted to share with you for sometime now and hear what you guys think;
I thing that when a guy is losing hes hair early (around 19-21 lets say) he usally let hes body go too, i knew i did, i used to worked in a gym almost everyday that age, and when i noticed my hair is going, i felt "well, whey should i work my *** if im going to torn ugly in coupe of years anyway..." today i know that this perspective inst true, but when i look back im not mad at myself, i think that its very frustrating for a young guy to lose hes hair epically at the age when everyone i out partying and f****ing and girls couldn't be more superficial at that age, what made me depressed enough to stop giving a f*ck about my body. this is why you see many skinny bald youngsters i think.
(im do go to the gym today tho)

did hair loss effected you and your body? did you let your body go too?... or did it made more motivated to work harder? improve your external? (just curious how people here reacted to hair loss when it comes to thier body and overall looks..)

I'm not sure I agree with your hypothesis that skinny nessacarily means you have 'let your body go'. Quite the opposite in fact. Everyone has their own body size - some are naturally thin, some are naturally bigger. I dont think working out in gym nessacarily gives you a good body. I have seen a lot of guys who work out but it looks really unnatural - Generally what constitutes a 'good' body is to be toned - this doesnt mean that you need to be pumping weights all the time in the gym. There seems to be this notion that girls well instantly go wet with bulked up guys - but really, it isn't the supposed boon its meant to be.

Fair enough, if you want to go for a bulkier body size then go for it. But dont tell me that the bar for a good body is only a bulky hollywood gym body - I think a lot of woman prefer I guy with a more natural physique - overall health, a tan etc.

It seems to me a bit laughable to to hear 'Im going bald, so I'll compensate by becoming a beef burger in the gym and then the girls will go wet at my sight.' I really think people can see through that. In the same way that a man having a midlife crisis buys a sport car; its to compensate and cover up. By all means work out, become healthier - but dont judge people who aren't hollywood hulks as having let their body go - complete bollocks imo.


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I think that girls actually do attrected to the bulked style, it represent power and "security" in their subconscious, and acutally that "buffed up" mini bodybuilder quite suits most baldies.

And dont you feel like you lost something that had to do with your external its necessary to compensate for YOUR OWN self? to be more confident (simple equation; lost something, work on something else) although its obvious??


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women def dont go for the bulky thing so much. its more the footballers body rather than the rugby players. Body like pitt in fight club is what women love the most. Thin but muscly if that makes sense. Its what i try to keep myself at.



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Smooth said:
I think that girls actually do attrected to the bulked style, it represent power and "security" in their subconscious, and acutally that "buffed up" mini bodybuilder quite suits most baldies.

And dont you feel like you lost something that had to do with your external its necessary to compensate for YOUR OWN self? to be more confident (simple equation; lost something, work on something else) although its obvious??

You and I are really on the opposite ends of the spectrum, aren't we??
I suppose opposing views are essential so that we have a balanced variety in the society, can you imagine a world where everyone is the same?

I'm yet to hear a woman say that she really likes the perfect gym body, if anything I keep hearing the opposite. Indecently, there was a TV programme on the male body on Ch4 last night and a few women commented that they don't want the perfect body. The reasons they gave were along the lines "Gym guys keep looking at the mirror", "Having a fit guy will put unnecessary pressure on me", "Those guys will pay more attention to themselves than me", etc. Obviously, they want a healthy body but not a gym body.

Back to the original subject. I can only speak for myself, thinning hair made me pay more attention to my body. Paying attention to the body can breed insecurity, just read CCS' posts and you'll understand. I went through that insecurity period that was partially due to me paying too much attention to the details. However, I learnt how not to care and the fact that I was paying more attention meant that I worked a bit harder in some departments, as a result I'm in a better shape.


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ali i seen that program. i disagree. Most of the women picked the slim toned guy. None of those guys had a proper six pack. And yes...some of them said they would feel under pressure if they had a guy like that but heres the thing. none of them looked like they could have a guy like that. And i remember the one girl that looked like she could have a guy like that..the fit blonde one.. saying her mans abs were perfect. If those women had the choice they would take the abs. I have a relatively ripped stomach and the women i have been with have never once said i prefer guys with less worked out bodies. They have all LOVED it. i would compare it to us guys pulling a bird with big tits. As they say big boobs.....big bonus. Same goes for abs and women.


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ali777 said:
You and I are really on the opposite ends of the spectrum, aren't we??

maybe, but you do make good points, im always glad to hear new (intelligent) opinions.

ali777 said:
I'm yet to hear a woman say that she really likes the perfect gym body, if anything I keep hearing the opposite. Indecently, there was a TV programme on the male body on Ch4 last night and a few women commented that they don't want the perfect body. The reasons they gave were along the lines "Gym guys keep looking at the mirror", "Having a fit guy will put unnecessary pressure on me", "Those guys will pay more attention to themselves than me", etc. Obviously, they want a healthy body but not a gym body.

I learn that women say one thing and mean/want the opposite! look; most girls say that they want a good guy that treats them nice and with respect, i dont believe that bs one sec, women NEEDS to be treated badly (im trying to avoid saying "treated like sh*t" but it really is just that), if you are nice to your girl 100% of the time, it will be ove before you know it, they need to be "slapped" around sometimes, its wired into their brain! they would like to avoid it, but they cant (the whole "penetration" theory bs, im starting to read into that, and there is a lot of sense there)
So when they say that they dont want a "gym" guy.... take that with a grain of salt....


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And btw, if i had to chose between having the physique like Brad Pitts in "fight club" (although ripped, in that picture he has the body of a 15 years old boy) between something like that :


Id go for Goldbergs in heartbeat.


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amsch said:
iwantperfection said:
ive been an adonis since birth :whistle:
Are you the next Dr. House of or what.

It was a joke. note the :whistle:

Actually brad in troy is a better example of what women like..women loved him in that.


Prince V

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Smooth said:
And btw, if i had to chose between having the physique like Brad Pitts in "fight club" (although ripped, in that picture he has the body of a 15 years old boy) between something like that :


Id go for Goldbergs in heartbeat.

Goldbergs body over Brad Pitts in Fight Club? That amazes me. Fair enough if you want to be a chippendale or pro wrestler or some other profession where it pays to be an absolute brute. Not for me though.

I totally agree with 'Hope4hairredux'. You don't have to put on size to be attractive to women. I think maintaining proportion for your body is the best thing you can do for your attractivenes. When I see shorter men (well any man whose bulk exceeds his height) who are really bulked up I always think ridiculous and insecure they look because they are so disproportionate and have worked so hard on their body.

Also, t-shirts, shirts and suits look so much more stylish on a slender but toned torso. Think David Beckham.

Oh yeah, 'iwantperfection', you do know there are other males in the world aside from Brad Pitt!


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Give me a break, you think there are no girls that would go for Goldbergs body?!... i would like to be something like that because I (me, personaly) think its wayyy more impressive then Brad pitts body, and there are many girls that would love to be with someone like that, Brad pitt has a good body no doubt, but too small, like a teenager, it doesnt fit my alpha male style that i would like to achieve (and if i could chose,, once again, i would go for looking more alpha then a teenager, but thats just me so....yeah...)
i also wouldnt remove hairs from my chest, id prefer having body hair then being complete smooth, yeah many girls like the smooth body, but who gives a f***!? only the "new male" gay type..


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Prince V said:
Oh yeah, 'iwantperfection', you do know there are other males in the world aside from Brad Pitt!
Yeah.. *someone* has a crush on Brad :gay:

Prince V

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I think you attract a certain type of girl when you're a beefcake and i guess that is why i'm not and dont't want to be one. I prefer the cultured, arty, muscial girl who typically don't go for sporty beefy guys.

The way I see it the parallel on the feminine side is a perma-tanned, bleached blonde, plastic boobed bimbo.


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LOL. He's just a good universal example everyone knows. I use the fight club fitness regime he used. I couldn't be that big. Wouldn't suit my image.


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Smooth said:
And btw, if i had to chose between having the physique like Brad Pitts in "fight club" (although ripped, in that picture he has the body of a 15 years old boy) between something like that :


Id go for Goldbergs in heartbeat.

Jesus, are you kidding me? that guy looks like a complete f**. Wrestling is acting. Its not real. How anyone would want to look like that is beyond me. The first words that strike me when I look at that phote are; moron, chavaunist, mysogynistic, pig. Probably what a woman would think as well. Im not gay, but come on, who really takes that type of person seroiusly. We're not living in the caveman era anymore. Its not like woman only go for bulky morons. We live in a civilised world, where being intellectual is just as important as ones physce. How old are you smooth out of interest?

Real fighters, boxers, mma fighters and athletes have bodies nearer to Brad Pitt. Those are the real physique. Not some bodybuilder f** wrestler whose main goal is vanity but fails so miserably.


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Yeah right Kimbo and Fedor really have the same body as Brad....

One that talks like that:
Hope4hairRedux said:
We live in a civilised world, where being intellectual is just as important as ones physce.

Should see the conflict when saying this type of things

iwantperfection said:
The first words that strike me when I look at that phote are; moron, chavaunist, mysogynistic, pig.
Hope4hairRedux said:
Not some bodybuilder f*g wrestler whose main goal is vanity but fails so miserably.

You shouldn't attack someone just because he doesnt fit your perspectives...

You talk like the guys you hate so much, why whould you think they are morons? becuse they have huge bodies? your feel intimidated by them? :dunno:
I cant see the conflict between being huge and being smart...

Mens Rea

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iwantperfection said:
women def dont go for the bulky thing so much. its more the footballers body rather than the rugby players. Body like pitt in fight club is what women love the most. Thin but muscly if that makes sense. Its what i try to keep myself at.


In some cases, i would agree

I would say the perfect build however would have bigger arms & be a bit bulkier. The althetic look can look excellent on a really good looking chap e.g. Pitt and Ronaldo for example. (P.S. I love your fascination with Pitt you probably do stuff that suits him that doesn't suit you!)

But for the average looking guy? Firstly, that built doesn't stand out at all with clothes on. How often do you meet people with your top off anyway? 99 times out of 100 that build will do nothing for your average Joe. Now, put well schuplted bulk on the same average Joe and you'll notice his clothes no longer wear him, he wears the clothes.

Im sure i could find a better example but heres a good one (this guy is more ripped than necessary though) :


Without a shadow of a doubt this build would get the average guy the most attention. That way u can wear a tight t-shirt and show that you are in amazing shape and you also have the presence with your above-average size .

Mens Rea

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iwantperfection said:
LOL. He's just a good universal example everyone knows. I use the fight club fitness regime he used. I couldn't be that big. Wouldn't suit my image.

your image or Brad's image?