The impact of hair loss on my body.


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cuebald said:
I reckon there might be a slight difference in culture between the UK and USA as evidenced in this thread
All the yankie women I've talked to seem to have a dislike for skinny guys, whereas in the UK most girls don't care if a guy is skinny unless he is grotesquely so.
I am 5'7", and I weigh 9 stones (57KG, 126lbs), and people in the UK say I have a "decent" body (I have practically nil muscle btw). Over in the states it's an "eew" weight.
Girls in the UK don't seem to like the big bodybuilder style, bodybuilders can be seen as almost humourous where I live because the only way people see them is watching Wrestling (which is melodramatic in itself)
The footballer/underwear model is the most popular type.

People calling Pitt "pretty boys" is a bit strange, there are two kinds of "pretty boy" in Wales - one who through no fault of his own just has a feminine face/bone structure, and the other "metrosexual" kind who wax their eyebrows and put on fake tans, and this type is the subject of much derision.

If I was, say 5'5", I'd rather be short and skinny rather than short and bulky. All the short guys (yes, shorter than me!) I know try to bulk up and it looks silly, they look like dwarfes - "Short Man Syndrome". Almost like a bald guy growing a goatee to compensate, it ain't fooling anyone.

You're skinny as f***, man. I'm 5'7" and I weigh 67 kg and even I'm skinny!

Mr Norwoods

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ghg said:
cuebald said:
I reckon there might be a slight difference in culture between the UK and USA as evidenced in this thread
All the yankie women I've talked to seem to have a dislike for skinny guys, whereas in the UK most girls don't care if a guy is skinny unless he is grotesquely so.
I am 5'7", and I weigh 9 stones (57KG, 126lbs), and people in the UK say I have a "decent" body (I have practically nil muscle btw). Over in the states it's an "eew" weight.
Girls in the UK don't seem to like the big bodybuilder style, bodybuilders can be seen as almost humourous where I live because the only way people see them is watching Wrestling (which is melodramatic in itself)
The footballer/underwear model is the most popular type.

People calling Pitt "pretty boys" is a bit strange, there are two kinds of "pretty boy" in Wales - one who through no fault of his own just has a feminine face/bone structure, and the other "metrosexual" kind who wax their eyebrows and put on fake tans, and this type is the subject of much derision.

If I was, say 5'5", I'd rather be short and skinny rather than short and bulky. All the short guys (yes, shorter than me!) I know try to bulk up and it looks silly, they look like dwarfes - "Short Man Syndrome". Almost like a bald guy growing a goatee to compensate, it ain't fooling anyone.

You're skinny as f*ck, man. I'm 5'7" and I weigh 67 kg and even I'm skinny!

Try 6'0, 55kg. That's skinny. Granted I'm anorexic...


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FFS said:
Here that's the body I want, and I think also the body evry girl or woman would love. 10times better than Pits body in Fightclub! For a body like that u have to workout like crazy and also very strict dieting...
And Goldbergs body looks like sh*t and is easier to get than this one!
nice abs and obliques but his arms and traps are just to big imo, but hell if you want that body go for have alot of clean bulking and cutting ahead of you lol


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I'm in pretty good shape already now, but I know it's still a hard way to get there. I think If I have a body like that I can at least compensate a little for hair loss, I know I still couldn't compete with a thick NW1, but that's life not everyone can get what he wants....


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Nah, you guys have got it all wrong, this is what women want,

All you got to do is follow a diet of 12 pints of Guinness a day followed by 40 roll ups. Dental insurance is recommended.


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Of course he's every woman's dream - check out the NW1!
What does he measure on your scale, CCS?


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heyitsthatguy said:
FFS said:
Here that's the body I want, and I think also the body evry girl or woman would love. 10times better than Pits body in Fightclub! For a body like that u have to workout like crazy and also very strict dieting...
And Goldbergs body looks like sh*t and is easier to get than this one!
nice abs and obliques but his arms and traps are just to big imo, but hell if you want that body go for have alot of clean bulking and cutting ahead of you lol

FFS if you want that body - just a few relavant points:

That guy is probably only about 22.
He's probably been working out since he was a teen.
He probably works out about 4 x a week for about 2 hrs a time.
He probably follows a very very strict diet.
He probably does'nt look that good all the time he probably worked up to a temporary peak shape just for that particular photoshoot.
He probably wont look like that in 5-10 yrs time.
He's a model - great genetics.

To sum up for an average joe getting and keeping this kind of body would be very difficult it would impact your entire life and would'nt be a fullproof longterm plan.


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I think the best body a guy can hope for is one which he can realistically get. Fitting the gym in round life and not life around the gym.

99% of us will never be that cut. In this day and age your doing well to get to the gym twice a week.


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iwantperfection said:
I think the best body a guy can hope for is one which he can realistically get. Fitting the gym in round life and not life around the gym.

99% of us will never be that cut. In this day and age your doing well to get to the gym twice a week.
I think I might be able to get that cut, I was always prettey lean and muscular and I started hitting the gym 5-6 days a week.... I haven't got much of a social life anywas so why not spend my freetime in the gym...


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FFS said:
iwantperfection said:
I think the best body a guy can hope for is one which he can realistically get. Fitting the gym in round life and not life around the gym.

99% of us will never be that cut. In this day and age your doing well to get to the gym twice a week.
I think I might be able to get that cut, I was always prettey lean and muscular and I started hitting the gym 5-6 days a week.... I haven't got much of a social life anywas so why not spend my freetime in the gym...

Getting cut is more about diet than excercise, most people can only stay that cut for short periods of time.


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I know, but first u need to bulk, otherwise u just look skinny. I try to keep my body fat the same when I'm bulking about 13%like it is now, As soon as I'm getting big enough I'll cut down Fats and Carbs almost completely, that way I'll get pretty cut in a couple of month, but I'll still eat lod's of protein, so I don't loose muscle. I did that once when I was younger, worked pretty good u get a sick 6pack If u do it propper.....


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amsch said:
iwantperfection said:
ive been an adonis since birth :whistle:
Are you the next Dr. House of or what.
There is only ONE Dr House on here. Kaleb and Kiel are our "resident" models. They score all the hot women. You need to hang around with them, Amsch.


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FFS said:
I know, but first u need to bulk, otherwise u just look skinny. I try to keep my body fat the same when I'm bulking about 13%like it is now, As soon as I'm getting big enough I'll cut down Fats and Carbs almost completely, that way I'll get pretty cut in a couple of month, but I'll still eat lod's of protein, so I don't loose muscle. I did that once when I was younger, worked pretty good u get a sick 6pack If u do it propper.....
Yeah, the only issue is at 13% you'll want the bulk to be fairly clean so stay off the crap foods and booze. I only say this because I know some people who treat a bulk like party time and just eat as much of anything as they can, they get bigger and stronger yeah but it just means their going to have to cut more later.... Anyways good luck sounds like your fairly motivated and if your working out that many times a week you should be able to achieve your goals.


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DoctorHouse said:
amsch said:
iwantperfection said:
ive been an adonis since birth :whistle:
Are you the next Dr. House of or what.
There is only ONE Dr House on here. Kaleb and Kiel are our "resident" models. They score all the hot women. You need to hang around with them, Amsch.
Another point on the frustration scale. Thanks housie =/...


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Petchsky said:
Nah, you guys have got it all wrong, this is what women want,

EXACTLY! Notice how the hair frames his face and highlights his looks. :)

UncomfortableMan was right all along!


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You know what.... if that guy fix hes teeth, he will actually be able to pull without a problem.


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heyitsthatguy said:
Seriously to the guy that said he could get the fight club body in a month your dreaming man.... that would take alot of cutting to get a low bodyfat like that.

iwantperfection said:
Ur right. that type of body is probably harder in some ways than getting big. It would require no takraways, no drink etc. Getting ripped like that means high number of reps and a serious amount of ground exercises. Your looking at 200 situps a day with a strict diet.

you are saying that but you don't know what I look like, or what my diet is.

I went 9-10 months without a single drop of alcohol, now I drink at most once a month. Apart from the occasional frozen pizza, I don't consume much processed food. I can't even remember the last time I had a takeaway or Coke (I think I was in KFC 3-4 weeks ago). Diet is not a problem for me.

I try to do 100+ push-ups and 50 sit-ups a few times a week. It's not much, but I never felt the need to do more. TBH, if I had time, I'd rather go jogging or play football than do push ups and sit ups. Aerobic exercises make me feel energetic, the rest is purely to keep in reasonable shape.


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FFS said:
Here that's the body I want, and I think also the body evry girl or woman would love. 10times better than Pits body in Fightclub! For a body like that u have to workout like crazy and also very strict dieting...
And Goldbergs body looks like sh*t and is easier to get than this one!

I know s.a.f. has said this already, but aside from the impracticalities, in the photoshoot you have to remember also that they tense up and dehydrate a bit before their shoots, and probably do more stuff, not to mention the photoshoot touch up..

However I dont think this body is impossible to get to. Just takes a lot of hard work. Once you were there, you would probably be a lot more confident and have high self esteem so its probably a worthy trade. Either way, a chisseled body that isnt as big as this might be a good middle way to get to. I agree with IwantPerfection that his arms are a little unnecasarily big but still overall girls would dig that body.

Futher more, imagine that guy bald. Ok he loses some points, but im sure he would still be very attracitve to women


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people may critisize what im about to say but bottom line is I wish I was black..In terms of male pattern baldness 99% of them seem to pull it off lucky.. and look overall. Im not some wigger - i dont emulate black culture particulally. Im not that into hip hop or anything..but.. I just feel the bk man is far better looking then the white man.. i hate to say it.. but they just seem to be phsically supurior when it comes to biological terms.. not just in strenght and sports etc but also in looks..dont look as bad bald - dont get acne(well mostly not,and even when there is acne it aint as bad as it is for whites), n generally, they just seem better looking then the average white man. they also seem to have a better dress sense. They seem to fit clothes better. Sometimes u see someone wearing something and it just doesnt look right on them - but they seem to 'fit' clothes better.. i dont know what it is..those last points may be related to cultural elements but i dunno.. sorry for that rant lol, i just thought id put that point up there, n see what others think.. just 4 the record i live in a highly multicultural society, have many friends from multiple ethnic backgrounds etc, and im not just envisioning some ideal about another race that i know nothing about - its just from simple observation ive deducted from this..

they dont seem to age as bad either..loads of things..look at will smith 4 example..he still looks so young( generalization i know but anyway) sorry for talking for so long! Look I could probably go on. A lot of it does come down to subjective preference I guess - im not gonna say one culture is better than the other or whatever, but in terms of exterior white guys seem to be bottom of the pile often compared to other races not just blacks but asian, oriental etc..