The Mistake of Neglecting Hair Loss


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Then they're all like: "Yeah you're right, but baldness suits you! (never understood what that meant), baldness is not for me!"

Baldness is for no one.

To me this statement says "It suits you because I would not have been able to handle it as long as you have and blown my brains out already". More a mental suits you, not physical. Its a "thank god its you and not me" suits you.

Baldness is for no one.
Any man looks better with hair. And not even full hair but just a buzz cut hair line. There is no man that completely shaves his head and looks better. There are ones who will still look good of course but then as Ive always said its a LOT of extra work in other areas. Eyebrows, shaving, clothes, working on a persona, NEVER smiling (bald guys LOOK AWFUL when they smile).

Last night in the bath I was shaving after a week of not and left a Chris Cornell gotee for a minute. My GF wanted to take a pic and said "smile". I never do but she did catch one and with my HUGE forehead I looked like a fuqing freak. NEVER smile as a bald guy.

Anyway back to topic, you can always look better with SOME hair style but never bald. No one gets a horse shoe and realizes "holy schit THIS is what Ive been missing"


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To me this statement says "It suits you because I would not have been able to handle it as long as you have and blown my brains out already". More a mental suits you, not physical. Its a "thank god its you and not me" suits you.

Baldness is for no one.
Any man looks better with hair. And not even full hair but just a buzz cut hair line. There is no man that completely shaves his head and looks better. There are ones who will still look good of course but then as Ive always said its a LOT of extra work in other areas. Eyebrows, shaving, clothes, working on a persona, NEVER smiling (bald guys LOOK AWFUL when they smile).

Last night in the bath I was shaving after a week of not and left a Chris Cornell gotee for a minute. My GF wanted to take a pic and said "smile". I never do but she did catch one and with my HUGE forehead I looked like a fuqing freak. NEVER smile as a bald guy.

Anyway back to topic, you can always look better with SOME hair style but never bald. No one gets a horse shoe and realizes "holy schit THIS is what Ive been missing"

This with the "never smile" is just ridiculous...How exactly is smiling bad for a bald man?
A person who never smiles is more attractive?
I thought smile can only make you look better, balding or no-balding.


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This with the "never smile" is just ridiculous...How exactly is smiling bad for a bald man?
A person who never smiles is more attractive?
I thought smile can only make you look better, balding or no-balding.

nope, smiling when bald makes you looks like an awkward dufus
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thats fine

But it doesn't endear people to you when you walk around with a sullen face. When you are a bouncer type baldy, you have to work twice as hard to get people to relax around you. Now, I am not interested in being "popular", I just want to be left alone, but you know what people are like, nosy buggers that cant resist telling you to "cheer up"......interfering c**ts.


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But it doesn't endear people to you when you walk around with a sullen face. When you are a bouncer type baldy, you have to work twice as hard to get people to relax around you. Now, I am not interested in being "popular", I just want to be left alone, but you know what people are like, nosy buggers that cant resist telling you to "cheer up"......interfering c**ts.

Stick to picking up battered housewives during happy hour, and last call. I'm sure they would love a bald-hairy DHT freak to dominate them.


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You sound like such an ambitious guy with a lot to offer someone. Your GF probably doesn't know how lucky she is, whether you have hair or not. Even expressing negativity about your looks, you're humorous and make me laugh. I don't think I'd find any of you guys nearly as unattractive as some of you find yourselves. A bald woman? Now that's a different story, especially a middle-aged one )-:

I think it's all about projecting images. We all want to be seen in a certain light. Without hair, I think men and women aren't able to project the person or "image" they want to be. Even if people find them attractive and want them sexually/romantically, it's difficult for the balding person to accept that because they aren't the full person they want to be, and thus feel odd/strange/unworthy about the affection. It's like winning a "Best Effort" prize at a competition. What you feel: ummm, I guess this is nice and better than nothing, but I'd rather get no attention at all than this because I'm a loser.


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I think it's all about projecting images. We all want to be seen in a certain light. Without hair, I think men and women aren't able to project the person or "image" they want to be. Even if people find them attractive and want them sexually/romantically, it's difficult for the balding person to accept that because they aren't the full person they want to be, and thus feel odd/strange/unworthy about the affection. It's like winning a "Best Effort" prize at a competition. What you feel: ummm, I guess this is nice and better than nothing, but I'd rather get no attention at all than this because I'm a loser.

Yeah dude, that's exactly right. My hair loss is extremely aggressive and I'm worried that I may be forced to shave my head soon...even if I look "good" to people as a bald guy(which I doubt I will) I don't think I'll ever be able to fill he void that's been created by my hair loss. To make matters worse, I'm the only one in my family suffering from it. Awesome(not). I don't know, maybe things will turn out okay in the end, but at this point I'm just not seeing any positive force that could change my mind :(


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Yeah dude, that's exactly right. My hair loss is extremely aggressive and I'm worried that I may be forced to shave my head soon...even if I look "good" to people as a bald guy(which I doubt I will) I don't think I'll ever be able to fill he void that's been created by my hair loss. To make matters worse, I'm the only one in my family suffering from it. Awesome(not). I don't know, maybe things will turn out okay in the end, but at this point I'm just not seeing any positive force that could change my mind :(

I hear you man. I think you should have optimism, because things have turned out well for men who are strong with their regimen. I personally don't bother with optimism. I'm not waiting for any Hollywood endings, especially with regards to women. Work, drink, bang whomever will take me to bed, drink some more. I take the Charles Bukowski approach to life. I relish in it.


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I hear you man. I think you should have optimism, because things have turned out well for men who are strong with their regimen. I personally don't bother with optimism. I'm not waiting for any Hollywood endings, especially with regards to women. Work, drink, bang whomever will take me to bed, drink some more. I take the Charles Bukowski approach to life. I relish in it.
Hmmmm...problem is, I actually need to get started on a regimen. Perhaps I should get back on finasteride. And I like your approach to life, very admirable!! :) I hope I'll get there one day.