the no shampoo geniuses were right all along

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Diamond Dave said:
Demodex mites can cause the exact symptoms IBM described.
Don't get made at me because I know what I'm talking about.

They can, but it would be an atypical presentation in IBM's case. Eyelashes and eyebrows are typically infested first and the vast majority of people never realize that they are infested unless they are immunocompromised and the mite is allowed to cause demodicosis.

Cutsinger is God

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roki said:
no shampoo idiot/s : as long as youll be confined to posting your unlogical dumb crap in a limited amount of threads i wouldnt mind,but you are giving newbies false information and therefor something must be done ,i persinally would love to see you banned and go back to your loonie getitback forum

Something must be done all right and it starts with idiots like you Roki. Quit making new threads about us and practice what you are preaching about. Please don't respond to Diamond Dave and I. That would be another great thing you could do. We are fine discussing this in the experimantal areas but you and many others insist on bringing this topic to other places like right here. As far as false information. That is YOUR opinion. The photos and evidence in MY OPINION at GIB are overwhelming.

As far as newbies are concerned. Please don't listen to anything I say. Roki is under the belief that anybody new is too stupid to make up their minds for themselves and without his guidance the entire world might possibly go bald. I'll be sending you your certificate in the mail for your contributions here.


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god d*mn it just a year ago my friday night's was spent in parties getting it on with lovely german girls now im arguing with a forum troll

something must've went wrong, this cant be real :freak:

Cutsinger is God

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roki said:
god d*mn it just a year ago my friday night's was spent in parties getting it on with lovely german girls now im arguing with a forum troll

something must've went wrong, this cant be real :freak:

Trust me the feeling is mutual. Cry me a river Roki. Nobody wants to hear your sob story. This thread should not of even been started and you know it. It belongs in the "poor balding me" section.


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roki said:
god d*mn it just a year ago my friday night's was spent in parties getting it on with lovely german girls now im arguing with a forum troll

something must've went wrong, this cant be real :freak:


Cutsinger is God

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UK1 said:
roki said:
god d*mn it just a year ago my friday night's was spent in parties getting it on with lovely german girls now im arguing with a forum troll

something must've went wrong, this cant be real :freak:


Trying to change your image are we UK1? Well at least your avatar is much more respectible than that filth you had prior. Good job chap.


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Cutsinger has had no regrowth, by his own admission, after two years of no shampoo use. What is a newbie supposed to think when he reads Cutsinger saying the following:

"Take it from an expert on hair regrowth and degrowth be001g. You don't need to take anything. That's right you heard me right the first time. All you need is to try to use non SLS shampoo or just wash with water. It's safe and your hair will be healthy in time from all the chemical baths you've been giving it over the years."

Should we just allow you to say things in a forum that was STARTED with a subject from some dude who justs want an opinion on his potential hairloss and had nothing to do with the on going shampoo wars? Not fair!



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Cutsinger is God said:
UK1 said:
roki said:
god d*mn it just a year ago my friday night's was spent in parties getting it on with lovely german girls now im arguing with a forum troll

something must've went wrong, this cant be real :freak:


Trying to change your image are we UK1? Well at least your avatar is much more respectible than that filth you had prior. Good job chap.

This is my real avatar, the others are just flings.


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HAHAHA let all the fools wash their hair without any shampoo it will be nice and greacy and get a nice bad smell after a year or 2... and we will se people fade from them because off the rottan smell and
Let all the idiots try it and come back in 3 years and tell us how many hairs u got back on that treatment :D
I dare u guys to go on only a no shampo regiment for 3 years.. come back with youre shiny bald heads in 3 years and il come with my styled nicly smelling washed hair :D
And to all you noobs out there come on... they cant show any proof.. but Nixoral can, So to the 2 idiots on this forum and you know who you are.
S.h.u.t The F.u.c.k u.p and give Roki his peace of mind.


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god knows i deserve it :lol:


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Cutsinger is God said:
UK1 said:
roki said:
god d*mn it just a year ago my friday night's was spent in parties getting it on with lovely german girls now im arguing with a forum troll

something must've went wrong, this cant be real :freak:


Trying to change your image are we UK1? Well at least your avatar is much more respectible than that filth you had prior. Good job chap.

CIG you admitted before the no shampooing theory didn't work and would not grow hair so why do you continue to post about it? There's no shame in admitting you were wrong.


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I agree, this stuff has to stop. I have no problem with there being some posts on this forum about this "experimental" hair regrowth technique. But that's all it is. Just like needling. Scalp excercises...etc.

I've seen numerous posts where the no shampoo guys have gone into threads completely unrelated and started their pitch, which only turns into arguments.

I think it's actually bringing the quality of this site down.


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Creating new posts about it doesn't help, nor does calling out the mods. A PM does much better. Anyone who has send me a pm gets a quick response and there is no need to create a thread about us.


Since not shampooing is an unproven treatment for treating hair loss, all posts will now be moved to the experimental section.


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Cassin said:
Creating new posts about it doesn't help, nor does calling out the mods. A PM does much better. Anyone who has send me a pm gets a quick response and there is no need to create a thread about us.


Since not shampooing is an unproven treatment for treating hair loss, all posts will now be moved to the experimental section.
well its not like you havent noticed it yourself ,i wanted to make a thread so i can get support from people who think the same as i do and i dont see anything wrong with it
you are more then welcome to delete this thread as it has allready done what it was ment to do and there is no need for another dragging thread

Cutsinger is God

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Cassin said:
Creating new posts about it doesn't help, nor does calling out the mods. A PM does much better. Anyone who has send me a pm gets a quick response and there is no need to create a thread about us.


Since not shampooing is an unproven treatment for treating hair loss, all posts will now be moved to the experimental section.

That's exactly what I told Roki as well. What he did only made things worse and seem like we were invading every topic when in reality they kept making more and more threads all relating to this subject and forcing us to respond. I am so glad this move was made. Now at least I won't have to deal with Roki anymore. He got his wish and frankly I am happy that I won't have to respond to him anymore.


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Cutsinger is God said:
Cassin said:
Creating new posts about it doesn't help, nor does calling out the mods. A PM does much better. Anyone who has send me a pm gets a quick response and there is no need to create a thread about us.


Since not shampooing is an unproven treatment for treating hair loss, all posts will now be moved to the experimental section.

That's exactly what I told Roki as well. What he did only made things worse and seem like we were invading every topic when in reality they kept making more and more threads all relating to this subject and forcing us to respond. I am so glad this move was made. Now at least I won't have to deal with Roki anymore. He got his wish and frankly I am happy that I won't have to respond to him anymore.

You are happy because you CAN'T respond. You already admitted that the no shampoo theory was a fraud so why do you now post so many times about it saying it works.

Cutsinger is God

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global said:
Cutsinger is God said:
Cassin said:
Creating new posts about it doesn't help, nor does calling out the mods. A PM does much better. Anyone who has send me a pm gets a quick response and there is no need to create a thread about us.


Since not shampooing is an unproven treatment for treating hair loss, all posts will now be moved to the experimental section.

That's exactly what I told Roki as well. What he did only made things worse and seem like we were invading every topic when in reality they kept making more and more threads all relating to this subject and forcing us to respond. I am so glad this move was made. Now at least I won't have to deal with Roki anymore. He got his wish and frankly I am happy that I won't have to respond to him anymore.

You are happy because you CAN'T respond. You already admitted that the no shampoo theory was a fraud so why do you now post so many times about it saying it works.

Global Balding,

What I said in the beginning was a joke to Diamond Dave because I was saying that so he could guess who I was. He and I are members of GIB and I was saying the opposite (saying I didni't get any regrowth etc) just to upset him because he said some things to me at GIB a while back to rattle me. Well after a few posts he figured out who I was and he knew it was a joke.

Unfortunately for me, people like you didn't know it was a joke and for that reason it was a huge mistake for me to say that in the beginning. All I can tell you is I am a believer in what Lawrence says and I am hoping to get regrowth like many of the others there are getting. I am at two years and hoping this is my year my healing is 100% and the regrowth can now start to occur. Lawrence should unveil his norwood 1 scalp in July. If he doesn't I'll be just as skeptical as you are then. The fact he's contacting Oprah Winfrey is all I need to know that he's telling the truth and to keep on not shampooing my hair.


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CIG you contradict yourself in your own post.

You start off saying it was a joke when you admitted you hadn't grown any hairs and you laugh at us because we didn't understand this.

Then a few sentences later you admit you haven't had any regrowth and are hoping it will start.

So which is it?

Why are you persisting with this ridiculous charade when you know you have have hd no success with this method?

Why are you such a believer in Lawrence when so far he hasn't shown a single photo showing any regrowth and nor has anyone else.

Are you just afraid to admit you made a mistake.

Come on CIG be a man and admit that you've been overpromoting this theory without any evidence.
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