the no shampoo geniuses were right all along

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Hey CIG, poop head, check out my success story. I did that with no Rogaine, just Avodart once a day. I had substantial regrowth, way more than any member of your horseshoe parade has ever had.


Lmao skyline

great video.

"looooks gooood"

yes it does. good job

badasshairday III

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wookster said:
Cutsinger is God said:
[quote="badasshairday II":7396b]CIG, do you not realize that widow's Peak has been gulping down grams of Beta-sis which makes you grow man boobies since it too is a DHT inhibitor. I think transexuals like to use it too. :D

Wait one second. Now this has gone tooo far. I've now heard people say that Widows is a liar, an intentional bad photographer, he's gay, he has man boobies, he's dating a wrestler, and now he's transexuall. Worst of all, you all claim he has no regrowth. What is with you. I get you all trying to somehow knock him off the mountain because you are all bald and he's regrowing hair thru Lawrence's sudless theory, but these personal insults are a little childish wouldn't you agree.

You know I can only hope that Widowspeak somehow gets a hold of this and reads what you all say. Trust me, he will put you all in your places very quickly if he comes here to defend himself. He did it to Kramer who I believe is you sky and he'll do it to anyone else that challenges him trust me. Nobody beats Widowspeak in a smack down brawl regarding his regrowth, NOBODY!!

Now let's all drop our little insults and put your honest hats back on for a second and admit that Lord Widowspeak of GetItBack is regrowing his hair back. Only 3 years he's only been on this. Not too shabby my friends. :D

Some people could be eating a healthy serving of crow after Hairguy and WidowsPeak reveal their full Norwoodian glory to Oprah and the guinness book of world records. Just imagine the fame and fortune that WidowsPeak and Hairguy will reap. The cure for baldness, so simple, so easy. Who could have imagined that it could be something like just dropping shampoo and soap. Who cares if you smell like a horse? You will have a full head of hair! :hairy: :hairy: :hairy:[/quote:7396b]

CIG, I saw you on earlier. Can you please address this? Thank you.

To wookster. If widow's regrowth is the real deal, all this will tell us is that DHT inhibition is necessary for regrowth and beta-sis is another effective way to do so. And as for Hairguy, as far as i'm concerned he has no regrowth. Just a flat out NW7.

To CIG. Again let me point out to you that Widow's peak is using beta-sis which is suppose to work in a similar way to propecia. As for your "3 years not too shabby" comment, it is pretty shabby. He could have just used finasteride and minoxidil and had better results in less time.

Cutsinger is God

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JayMan said:
Hey CIG, poop head, check out my success story. I did that with no Rogaine, just Avodart once a day. I had substantial regrowth, way more than any member of your horseshoe parade has ever had.

Sorry but don't have the time. Say Gayman, I noticed in your avatar it says "diggin' on Gardener ooh baby". What exactly does this mean? Is there something more going on here that I am unaware of between you and Gardener?

Cutsinger is God

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badasshairday III said:
wookster said:
[quote="Cutsinger is God":3b436][quote="badasshairday II":3b436]CIG, do you not realize that widow's Peak has been gulping down grams of Beta-sis which makes you grow man boobies since it too is a DHT inhibitor. I think transexuals like to use it too. :D

Wait one second. Now this has gone tooo far. I've now heard people say that Widows is a liar, an intentional bad photographer, he's gay, he has man boobies, he's dating a wrestler, and now he's transexuall. Worst of all, you all claim he has no regrowth. What is with you. I get you all trying to somehow knock him off the mountain because you are all bald and he's regrowing hair thru Lawrence's sudless theory, but these personal insults are a little childish wouldn't you agree.

You know I can only hope that Widowspeak somehow gets a hold of this and reads what you all say. Trust me, he will put you all in your places very quickly if he comes here to defend himself. He did it to Kramer who I believe is you sky and he'll do it to anyone else that challenges him trust me. Nobody beats Widowspeak in a smack down brawl regarding his regrowth, NOBODY!!

Now let's all drop our little insults and put your honest hats back on for a second and admit that Lord Widowspeak of GetItBack is regrowing his hair back. Only 3 years he's only been on this. Not too shabby my friends. :D

Some people could be eating a healthy serving of crow after Hairguy and WidowsPeak reveal their full Norwoodian glory to Oprah and the guinness book of world records. Just imagine the fame and fortune that WidowsPeak and Hairguy will reap. The cure for baldness, so simple, so easy. Who could have imagined that it could be something like just dropping shampoo and soap. Who cares if you smell like a horse? You will have a full head of hair! :hairy: :hairy: :hairy:[/quote:3b436]

CIG, I saw you on earlier. Can you please address this? Thank you.

To wookster. If widow's regrowth is the real deal, all this will tell us is that DHT inhibition is necessary for regrowth and beta-sis is another effective way to do so. And as for Hairguy, as far as i'm concerned he has no regrowth. Just a flat out NW7.

To CIG. Again let me point out to you that Widow's peak is using beta-sis which is suppose to work in a similar way to propecia. As for your "3 years not too shabby" comment, it is pretty shabby. He could have just used finasteride and minoxidil and had better results in less time.[/quote:3b436]

Asshair II, Yes I am well aware of Widowspeak's alleged massive Beta sis intake. I feel this is vastly exagerrated by some members at GIB who are against seeing Widows succeed because they went back to shampooing too early. Some members there like Mr. Clean says Beta Sis is not all that it's cracked up to be. I see zero evidence that Beta Sis regrows a single hair.

I say this because Lawrence Cutsinger is NOT I repeat NOT taking Beta Sis and he is regrowing hair. Widows is taking Beta Sis and not shampooing. The only two things these two have in common is they are both regrowing hair and both are not shampooing. There's your science people. Yes, Widows is taking Beta Sis but it's probably doing more for his mental health than it is for any hair. It is clearly the non shampooing that is causing the regrowth JUST LIKE LAWRENCE SAID all along in his Cause of Baldness at GetITBack.

badasshairday III

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You claim that lawrence has regrown hair but I see nothing but a NW7 on him. How do you make such a claim? You said he was a bowling ball earlier, so are there any pictures of this? Or are you going off of what he told you?

Cutsinger is God

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badasshairday III said:
You claim that lawrence has regrown hair but I see nothing but a NW7 on him. How do you make such a claim? You said he was a bowling ball earlier, so are there any pictures of this? Or are you going off of what he told you?

Asshair III, Yes Lawrence is a NW7 and yes he was a bowling ball when he first started not using shampoo according to everything I read at GIB. Now the million dollar question. Are there any before pictures of his so called bowling ball. The answer unfortunately is NO, there isn't any as of yet. Will he supply the elusive bowling ball photo? I don't know. I would of liked to see it but I don't believe he has any photos of him from the past.

For right now though I have to take his word for it that he was a bowling ball and I see no reason to not believe him. He has never lied or evaded any questions since he started GIB three or four years ago. Widowspeak is another guy that never took photos so there is alot of people out there in the world without any photos from their past. Neither have a driver's license either I believe and both stay away from photos at all cost prior to going grunge.

HAVING SAID THIS, this is a possibility and it's only my theory.

Lawrence might and I say might have the elusive bowling ball photo already here. Now I know it's not the best bowling ball photo to go by but I personally believe that bald bowling ball baby that BEANER has for his avatar that he stole from Lawrence's site could in fact be Lawrence Cutsinger as a young totally balding kid. If it is we do have possible evidence where we can at least judge how bad he was as a youngster and how much he regrew in the last 11 years to get to a respectable Norwood 7. Before we all go making fun of me and call me a b.s. er, what if Lawrence was just like our little buddy Mr. Telly Savalas. Savalas would of looked very similar to Beaner's avatar as well when he was a little kid. If Telly regrew to a Norwood 7, we certainly could judge him too by his baby photo right assuming he was a bowling ball even as a kid which I believe he was.

Maybe someone from GIB can find out if that baby photo is in fact Lawrence Cutsinger and did he suffer similar hairloss as Telly Savalas did. Just my theory I am tossing around.


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I heard my name mentioned. Yes, look at the fine bald alien baby that I "stole" from Cuntsinger's website. This totally proves that he was a "bowling ball." You know how rare it is to find a bald baby.


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I love all the doubt and i don't knows yet still the blind faith in your posts lol.

yeah them bald babies. sooo hard to find.

Cutsinger is God

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beaner said:
I heard my name mentioned. Yes, look at the fine bald alien baby that I "stole" from Cuntsinger's website. This totally proves that he was a "bowling ball." You know how rare it is to find a bald baby.

Thank you Beiner for responding. YES!! That is the little child photo I was talking about in your avatar regarding it possibly being Lawrence Cutsinger. I am sure he has a more recent one that he will someday provide to prove he was a bowling ball but until then I think this is at the very least a photo we can do a comparison of to show how far he has come.

As I said many times, I am not a computer genius and do not know how to cut and paste so could one of you do me a favor for scientific purposes.

Could someone show this baby photo of Beaner's and put it next to the left of Lawrence's regrowth photos of July. At least we can have a before and after for now to shut up asshair III about him not having a bowling ball before photo. Yes I know it's a little young but it's all we have at this point and I do believe in my heart that this child is possibly Lawrence. Thank you for your help in this.

Lawrence if you are somehow reading this could you come on here to provide an older one, verify at GIB if this is you, or explain who that little child with a hairloss problem is? Thank you.


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First and foremost, thank you, Cutsinger is God, for being the voice of reason in this pathetic little henhouse.
Please ignore the rest of this post.

To all the hens in the henhouse,
I know this site must be a henhouse, because all I smell is chickensh*t.

Some facts for all you bald jealous losers:

1. As to grunge - I was regrowing hair in my temples for at least 6 months, before I stopped shampooing.
Even though I was regrowing hair in the temples, I was still losing hair in the crown.
When I stopped shampooing, fallout in the crown went from 10-20 hairs a day to 1-2 a day.

As to "no spill" - it's one of the best things you can do for your health, period.
No spill is a necessary part of advanced Kung Fu training, which is where I got it from.
Boxers abstain from sex before a fight, in order to build up testosterone; they got this from Shaolin Temple Boxing.
Bodybuilders are discovering no spill as an all-natural way to build more muscle.
It makes my hair thicker and sped up the regrowth process, in addition to helping me pack on more muscle.

It enbles me to do things like ride bike 15 miles a day, do kung fu for 2 hours after that, and break bricks with my hands.

If can you even get up off your fat a$$es and do anything physical, you should give it a try.

If you doubt that I can break bricks with my hands, give me your home address, so I can try it out on your thick skulls, jerkoffs.

You want me to post pics of myself to prove that I don't have "b*tch tits", but the real fact of the matter is that you just wanna look at me and all my regrown hair and touch yourself inappropriately, ya sick f*cks.

Just give me your home address, and I'll come over and rip your fat lil b*tch tits off and beat you with them, ya fat sacks of sh*t!


Nothing you bald useless trolls say will change that.
You can call me whatever you like, but at the end of the day, you have to look at your pathetic bald (and getting balder) heads in the mirror and cry like little girls.
Everyone laughs at you, either to your face or behind your back, and so do I.

I laugh at you, because I've offered you a way to regrow your hair without sexual side effects like Propecia (which makes many users impotent), or Rogaine (which seems to stop working after 2 years for most users) and you choose to call me a liar, because you're a bunch of stupid useless bastids.

Everyday, I look at my regrowing hair and smile.
I smile because I know that in 3.5 years I will have a FULL HEAD OF HAIR and you will just be balder, more pathetic and will probably commit suicide (the only smart thing you'll ever do in your life).

2. Mark Henry works out with a guy that I work with and if he heard what you said about him, he'd break you in half without his little finger.
Give me you home address and I'll come and smack the sh*t out of you myself, you impotent c*nts.

I figured out how to regrow hair.
I will regrow it all.
You don't know sh*t about regrowing hair, so you try to knock my regimen and call me a liar.

Like everything else in your pathetic lives, it doesn't work.
Every 6 months I will post pics of my regrowth.
You will see more and more of my hair regrowing and there's nothing you can do to stop that, ya useless f*cking a$$clowns.
You will get balder and fatter everyday, because you are all useless c*nts WHO CAN'T REGROW A SINGLE HAIR.

badasshairday III

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If you regrew hair while using shampoo doens't that prove that shampoo isn't the root of baldness as cutsinger said?

I'm just saying that your massive dosages of beta-sis is probably whats giveing you regrowth. Yes, you say you started regrowing your temples 6 months before you gave up shampoo, maybe your crown just took a little while longer to respond. Of course your shedding will go down when you stop shampooing because you don't see the hairs that have already shedded and are stuck within your other hair. All i'm saying is that I don't think that shampoo is the root of your balding. If it was, would you give up your beta-sis at this point to prove it?

Cutsinger is God

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Hey Widowspeak, you honestly do not know how great it is to see you here defending yourself from all these balding infidels. Diamond Dave and I have been attacked, psychologically raped, laughed at, humiliated, etc you name it they have been doing it to us. The thing is, we both have hung in there defending you and Lawrence and we have not backed down.

It's nice to see an old friend. I have been at GIB and have been following what you and Lawrence have been saying for years. I have great respect for the both of you and I can understand why you got so upset in this last post. They were calling you all sorts of names so I would of done the same. I do hope you can stay for a while and help prove to these suckers that grunge regrows hair. They are well aware by now of you and Lawrence's predictions this July and Aug and honestly none of these people believe it. They will be proven wrong I have no doubt. Welcome aboard Widows. Oh, out of respect for Cassin the highly respected moderator, if you do come back, stick only to this experimental section ok? thank you. We gave Cassin our word and this is all we have left as the other moderator Kojak half destroyed us with false info regarding our IP's.

Cutsinger is God

Cutsinger is God

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JayMan said:
lol @widowspeak

enjooyyy the horseshoe m***********

Jayman, you have absolutely no idea who you are dealing with do you? You better pray for forgiveness Gayman because if Widows decides to come back and get into a brawl of words with you over your inability to even acknowledge regrowth in his photos, you are toast.

Widows has never lost a single battle to anyone in three years and I don't expect you or anyone else here on Propecia and Nogaine are going to present much of a challenge to him either. Good luck Mr. Star Wars and I would wear that costume for your own protection.

badasshairday III

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Cutsinger is God said:
JayMan said:
lol @widowspeak

enjooyyy the horseshoe m***********

Jayman, you have absolutely no idea who you are dealing with do you? You better pray for forgiveness Gayman because if Widows decides to come back and get into a brawl of words with you over your inability to even acknowledge regrowth in his photos, you are toast.

Widows has never lost a single battle to anyone in three years and I don't expect you or anyone else here on Propecia and Nogaine are going to present much of a challenge to him either. Good luck Mr. Star Wars and I would wear that costume for your own protection.

Enjoy your horseshoe CIG.

Where is Lawrence's BOWLING ball head. Your so full of sh*t. The guy has a horseshoe and will remain a horseshoe indefinately. Come back in July. He still hasn't even posted his Jan 15 update nor his March 15 update as he promised. Maybe because he got a hair transplant and is waiting for regrowth and his scar to heal. LOL.

Cutsinger is God

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badasshairday III said:
[quote="Cutsinger is God":d6fb8]
JayMan said:
lol @widowspeak

enjooyyy the horseshoe m***********

Jayman, you have absolutely no idea who you are dealing with do you? You better pray for forgiveness Gayman because if Widows decides to come back and get into a brawl of words with you over your inability to even acknowledge regrowth in his photos, you are toast.

Widows has never lost a single battle to anyone in three years and I don't expect you or anyone else here on Propecia and Nogaine are going to present much of a challenge to him either. Good luck Mr. Star Wars and I would wear that costume for your own protection.

Enjoy your horseshoe CIG.

Where is Lawrence's BOWLING ball head. Your so full of $#iT. The guy has a horseshoe and will remain a horseshoe indefinately. Come back in July. He still hasn't even posted his Jan 15 update nor his March 15 update as he promised. Maybe because he got a hair transplant and is waiting for regrowth and his scar to heal. LOL.[/quote:d6fb8]

That is not true and you know it asshair III. Lawrence has talked negatively about the shampoo, the chemical companies, and yes the hair restoration industry for years. Ha, you make me laugh at the thought of Lawrence even thinking for a second that he would spend a dime on getting some racoon hair on his head. Lawrence is all natural and only uses water on his head. That is it and that is all anyone needs to do. As he says time and time again and I'll repeat it for you deaf people.

NOTHING to buy..... All Lost hair will regrow regardless of Age... Patience required.

That is it AssHair.


Cutsinger is God said:
JayMan said:
lol @widowspeak

enjooyyy the horseshoe m***********

Jayman, you have absolutely no idea who you are dealing with do you? You better pray for forgiveness Gayman because if Widows decides to come back and get into a brawl of words with you over your inability to even acknowledge regrowth in his photos, you are toast.

Widows has never lost a single battle to anyone in three years and I don't expect you or anyone else here on Propecia and Nogaine are going to present much of a challenge to him either. Good luck Mr. Star Wars and I would wear that costume for your own protection.

Oh my god! Is he going to beat me up?
Im really scared.

No I seriously am. I'm a total p*ssy and I didn't mean to offend Widow. I don't want him to kick my ***. I would seriously cry because, again, I'm a total pussy.

Is there any way that I could apologize to you and Diamond Dave and Widow and do some kind of repetance so Widows won't hurt me? Please let me know.

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