There's A Big, Enviromental Factor In Baldness, And It's Still Undiscovered.


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I have noticed a few things these days...

There a lot of Asian men in my town, and i have never seen so many balding Asians. Yeah, most of them are still NW2-NW3, they have decent genetics, but years ago all i saw were NW1s.

Why are so many races previously very resistant to hair loss starting to bald after following our diets?

For fucks sake, sometimes i even see balding WOMEN. Why are the rates of baldness skyrocketing in both sexes?
Women produce little to no DHT and yet here we are.

There's something in the enviroment that affects baldness. The problem is... what? We'll never know which is unfortunate otherwise we could adjust our lifestyle accordingly.


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I have noticed a few things these days...

There a lot of Asian men in my town, and i have never seen so many balding Asians. Yeah, most of them are still NW2-NW3, they have decent genetics, but years ago all i saw were NW1s.

Why are so many races previously very resistant to hair loss starting to bald after following our diets?

For fucks sake, sometimes i even see balding WOMEN. Why are the rates of baldness skyrocketing in both sexes?
Women produce little to no DHT and yet here we are.

There's something in the enviroment that affects baldness. The problem is... what? We'll never know which is unfortunate otherwise we could adjust our lifestyle accordingly.

In China and Singapore a lot of balding young asians. NOT LESS than in white countries.

And a little to none in Cambodgia, Laos, Thailand. (thick NW0 dark hair everywhere)

Armando Jose

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I have noticed a few things these days...

There a lot of Asian men in my town, and i have never seen so many balding Asians. Yeah, most of them are still NW2-NW3, they have decent genetics, but years ago all i saw were NW1s.

Why are so many races previously very resistant to hair loss starting to bald after following our diets?

For fucks sake, sometimes i even see balding WOMEN. Why are the rates of baldness skyrocketing in both sexes?
Women produce little to no DHT and yet here we are.

There's something in the enviroment that affects baldness. The problem is... what? We'll never know which is unfortunate otherwise we could adjust our lifestyle accordingly.

Did you noticed diferences in the lenght of the hair in people/women suffering hairloss?


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Poor diet, high stress and smoking/alcohol abuse has been tied to hair loss. It's obviously not the cause of male pattern baldness but it can quicken it and make it start earlier.


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If that was the case baldness would only show up in the 60's in western countries.


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Balding is mainly a hormonal thing so I wonder if it has anything to do with hormones in our food/meat? People in those cointries perhaps eat less meat? Or perhaps it's due to accelerated ageing, DNA telomere damage due to radicals from smoking and poor lifestyle. But then why do homeless people in Western countries always have good hair? Maybe staying inside all the time is bad for hair! I don't get enough sunlight can that's for sure... But Arabs do, and it's very prevalent among them too. Patterns are very hard to identify


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Did you noticed diferences in the lenght of the hair in people/women suffering hairloss?

Usually women with hairloss have trouble with growing their hair out after it reaches a certain length.
Non balding women can easily grow hair until it reaches their lower back.
Balding women hair usually grows until it reaches shoulders/back them stops there.

I'm probably wrong about this, but it's a thing i noticed.


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There has also been a pretty significant link made between westernized japan (POST WWII) and a much greater incidence of balding / degenerative diseases across the board.


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I think hairloss is the same as it always was. Its just with media inc facebook, tablets tv etc you see more people from these places and so more bald ppl.


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There has also been a pretty significant link made between westernized japan (POST WWII) and a much greater incidence of balding / degenerative diseases across the board.

If true couldn't it be because Americans were mixing with the Japanese?


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I looked into this a year ago and the sources for that claim are pretty bad (single study funded by a hair loss treatment manufacturer which is not available anywhere).

I'd have to look again since its been a while but the hairloss was more anecdotal. The rise in chronic diseases, however, has definitely been documented..... Attributable mostly to a westernized diet I.E cooked animal fat, sugar and hydrogenated oils

If true couldn't it be because Americans were mixing with the Japanese?

I'm sure that would definitely sway things, but I'm talking about native Japanese.

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So many external factors could be in play with not just Androgenetic Alopecia in younger people compared to previous generations, but also in health/aging in general.

The list is very very long. Everything from chemical processing of fabrics and personal products to residue birth control hormones in potable water.

f***, for all we know it's due to global warming.

Regardless, science will find a way to bend mother nature to our will eventually. When exactly is unknown...


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Poor diet, high stress and smoking/alcohol abuse has been tied to hair loss. It's obviously not the cause of male pattern baldness but it can quicken it and make it start earlier.


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There has also been a pretty significant link made between westernized japan (POST WWII) and a much greater incidence of balding / degenerative diseases across the board.

Where has the link been documented with respect to balding?


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It's known from studies of identical twins that environmental factors such as body weight, smoking habits, alcohol habits, and so on correlate with male pattern baldness. It's not just genetics.

However, what's not measured is how strong these environmental factors are, and how exactly they function.


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And what the hell David?

I thought you were a man of science?!

this is a very poorly understood aspect of Androgenetic Alopecia. It's hard to argue for it and hard to argue against it.

all I have to say in regards to this, is think about the "rules" of telogen effluvium.

Your body doesn't give two sh*ts about your hair, anywhere.

When there is a significant physiological insult, it will send a greater number of follicles into telogen to divert blood (carrying O2 and nutrients) to the areas of stress/damage.

This makes perfect sense in some respects. WHY allow arteries to feed useless hair follicles when there are greater physiological tasks. i.e. repairing damaged liver and lung tissues.


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How about the fact that there are men with awful lifestyles, diets, that do drugs, meth and what not, and die with a thick NW1 at the age of 75.

And there are men who have perfect lifestyles, diets, exercise regularly, never had one drop of alcohol and become NW6 at the age of 25.

Seriously?! It's 2016 and people are still believing male pattern baldness isn't 100% genetic? Some things will never change it seems.

For ages:

The only way to prevent baldness is to chose right parents.