well looks like that one girl that I secured a date with went well, and we are seeing each other again on my days off. Plan on having her over and doing the ol' drink, cuddles, and movies. Aside from that most these POF chicks I come in contact with lead to nothing. About fifty percent will respond, but within a few messages they stop replying, and it leads to nothing. The best luck I have had are those who contact me first, these numbers have been relatively easy to obtain but doesn't necessarily mean anything. I have compiled a vast amount of numbers, but a lot of these meet ups haven't actually happened. So getting the number, and meeting up is not even half the battle. This is why I strongly believe in cold approach because her initial thoughts on whether not she's going to **** you has already happened within the first few minutes. After obtaining the number it only goes up hill from there. Where as online dating their is a lot to expect, and things won't always work in your favour, but then again nothing is guaranteed.
I can't see myself rele continueing this online bull****, I seem to have markedly better reactions, and feed back from women in real life versus online dating. I asked my date out of curiousity what it's like being an attractive chick over these dating websites, pretty much a massive amounts of messages related to sex. Nothing that none of us didn't know already, but just goes to show how much competition is out there. It definitely would be easier to cold approach women in real life that show interest - smile, locked eye contact.
I haven't fapped or looked at p**rn in over two weeks, and notice a huge difference in being more social, and less anxious around people in general. Life feels more meaningful, and over all I just feel more ambitious, and inclined. I rele don't want to fap, and this whole online dating, and going on dates has kicked me into over drive to meet chicks on the street, and any where really. **** p**rn, I realise that my ED in the passed is psychological and the result of p**rn, therefore nofap, and p**rn is extremely legit. I would urge those who are virgins such as exodus et cetera to go this route, it might be the only path towards solace, and finding a genuine women. p**rn will **** you over, and now I realise how BAD it actually is. It definitely was the root of my weak erections, and ED with women in the passed. Not so much whiskey dick, and performance anxiety like most would have us believe. no p**rn is the only OPTION to regain sexual arousal with REAL women. Most these urges I had the in the passed weren't libido rather addiction.