Keep telling yourself that, whatever helps cope. The problem isn't masturbating itself, but the introduction of p**rn that over prolonged period, meaning years makes it a bad thing. If you've never been with a women you will be in for a huge wake up call when your dick doesn't respond.. ha ull see. Ive been there, and was like others p**rn addict with no relationship experience. The difference is I had hook ups, and kept wondering why the **** it wont get up, and respond. These women were attractive in my mind, but my dick wouldn't get aroused. Get's rock HARD when p**rn is introduced, but cant achieve a full erection with a real women. If I'm not mistaken u said that ur dick gets limp even from p**rn, hence the introduction of even sicker stuff such as femdom, and cuckold p**rn :laugh:
Exodus you've never been with a women your entire life. Ur brain is triggered by ur addiction and ur hand, it doesn't even know what a pussy is.... your libido is a p**rn addiction. I know it's hard to accept and believe but Fred for example has been in relationships his whole life so isn't as effected by sex with a partner, p**rn, and masturbation.
ED medication such as cialis doesn't work for psychologically induced ED which is p**rn. Men who get actively laid then also watch p**rn aren't as effected as an incel who sits and masturbates to p**rn as their only form of release.
Even before I quit p**rn i had sporadic boners all day, constantly thinking about sex bla bla bla...:wave: