I've always been big on never comparing myself to other men. My only beef was that hair loss is preventing me from being the best man that I can be. That being said, and at the risk of a heterosexual male judging other guys (haha), I will say that both of the good-looking guys that Joan and Evillocks posted are 10/10 in my opinion. The guy in the youtube video looks very thin though, something that I could never be since I love to lift weights. But I can see the appeal though. My friend is similarly very thin (he never eats haha!), has model quality looks, and thick head of long hair. I hung out with him and his g-f a few weeks ago, and his g-f stood out like a beacon in the room.
I also agree that even great-looking guys will not jump all over much less attractive women just to get their d*cks wet. But I will say that it is much more likely for a good-looking guy to hook up with a lesser quality woman than vice versa just because guys crave frequent sex more frequently and voraciously than women do. My friend brought up an interesting scenario the other day: a regular guy walks into a bar and individually asks 100 women "wanna f**k?". Maybe a small handful, if any, will say yes, after he beaten to smithereens with purses by all of the other women. But an average-looking woman does the same thing, and I'd bet nearly all of the guys wouldn't even need to think twice about it.
And with regards to the hair pulling, I rarely really had women go to town on it. Sure, they would rub and touch it, but they rarely went to town tugging and pulling on it. What I did have was women grabbing onto my arms for dear life, which often left me with bruises and welts on my arms afterwards. I had fun trying to explain that to the guys at the gym the next day, with a s**t-eating grin. And experiences like these give me some hope that when I finally do shave my head, I can maybe attract women with my muscles, despite my bald head.