Tinder, Bumble, And Other Dating Sites.

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Shook would make a great wing man for you though. Just by being in his company, women will find you more attractive but just remember Shook always gets "shotgun".:D
I appreciate your kind words as always, but I don't want to give the impression to people that I dont suffer from my own problems.

Suffering from horrible self-esteem my entire child hood, which came with a series of problems as I got older.

Myself personally, I need to reboot myself on a completely restored level physically. Meaning a full head of hair, and gradually work my way up as if I were a teenager all over again. It's been a rocky road pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, and it's still a work in progress. I am a firm believer that child, and teenage tragedies such as bullying, self-esteem, and image issues are highly probable to affect you as you get older. Looking back, if I never suffered through these issues, and had the core experience that most people have with out the crutch effect of being insecure, I would be much different today.

I can only portray the casanova image for so long until I sulk back in my insecure, and low self-esteem stuff. What's ironic is I have that out going vibe, and extrovert personality, but my image issues destroy me, and prevent me from being the person I want to be.

Pretty much gave up dating for awhile, after reaching an all time low again. Despite the records, numbers and women I been with it does not fix my problems, and image issues. it's easy for people to preach to the choir about my transplants, but they don't know my history, and what I have been through.


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I met 5 women during the evacuation in 1 week off of POF. Everyone of them got the pipe, and a shot gun hole between there legs after the deed was finished



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Of course. He is a loser according to you because he is not good looking enough for American women who constantly humiliated him and rejected him for his looks and went to a country where women do accept him and treat him as a human. Do you guys listen to yourself talk? Disgusting.
Absolute bullshit. Needing to travel the world to meet a women?

Unless this guy suffers from a medical condition, or a deformity which inhibits his ability to meet women then it's pretty pathetic.

Average, and below average looking people are matched up every day.


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Absolute bullshit. Needing to travel the world to meet a women?

Unless this guy suffers from a medical condition, or a deformity which inhibits his ability to meet women then it's pretty pathetic.

Yeah he did suffer from deformity. He had to get jaw surgery to fix it. He was also physically abused all his life by his step dad and class mates in school that shattered his confidence and made him really timid. But that's besides the point. He just made a smart choice to move to an area where he is having a really good life. He loves his job and the attention he is getting from women. Nothing pathetic about that.


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Absolute bullshit. Needing to travel the world to meet a women?

Unless this guy suffers from a medical condition, or a deformity which inhibits his ability to meet women then it's pretty pathetic.

Average, and below average looking people are matched up every day.
Ugly landwhales in home country

vs prime asian

Ya, what a fuckin loser :rolleyes:


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Ugly landwhales in home country

vs prime asian

Ya, what a fuckin loser :rolleyes:

Getting second pic takes money weather you are in USA or South American

its not stupid but lets keep it real

I know South American who were wealthy and in SA you are wealthy or you are poor...and wealthy women like second photo are not going to be jumping on Alberta Nut sack.

If shes poor? sure he's North American....but its like ordering a mail order bride from Russia or wherever

lets not pretend that these Gorgous foreign women are just so much easier than American women...LOL yes the ones who are not independent are easier...

wealth is relative to where you live.


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Getting second pic takes money weather you are in USA or South American

its not stupid but lets keep it real

I know South American who were wealthy and in SA you are wealthy or you are poor...and wealthy women like second photo are not going to be jumping on Alberta Nut sack.

If shes poor? sure he's North American....but its like ordering a mail order bride from Russia or wherever

lets not pretend that these Gorgous foreign women are just so much easier than American women...LOL yes the ones who are not independent are easier...

wealth is relative to where you live.
Im not arguing that point, all I'm saying is why not go to a country where being white is a huge advantage like pjhair's friend?


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Yes, what you said about my friend IS disgusting. You called him a loser for choosing to go to Asia just because women over there like him.

Also your experience is terribly limited. Asian women have different taste from South American women. If you have white skin, you have a definite advantage there. There are MANY examples of white guys who couldn't land any women here having time of life there. But that is IRRELEVANT anyway. The FACT is that my friend IS getting women there whereas he WASN'T getting any in America. Another FACT , that I even mentioned in a direct response to you is that he is in THEIR f*****g country, living in THEIR f*****g house. So he is absolutely NOT taking advantage of them. Not only that he is making LESS money than the women he is living with and she knows about his financial condition.

Don't open your mouth and call others losers if you don't have all the facts with you.

Relax buddy--dont tell me not to open my mouth.

I did not type your friend is a loser...funny you have balls to tell me to shut my mouth but no @shookwun who actually wrote your friend is a loser.

I am referring to Canadian guy bald hurts who is speaking about Columbian women--i can give a f*** about your friend


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Im not arguing that point, all I'm saying is why not go to a country where being white is a huge advantage like pjhair's friend?

What hairblues can't think of is that OF COURSE South American women IN America, a country full of white people will have higher standard for white men. But in Asia where white men are rare, competition is low and women are just fascinated by seeing a man with a white skin.


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Im not arguing that point, all I'm saying is why not go to a country where being white is a huge advantage like pjhair's friend?

Nothing is wrong with it at all

Go with reality in mind though--which to be honest i think bald hurt is realistic about this as he mentioned ordering a mail order bride.

I don't judge people for how they live there lives men or women.


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Relax buddy--dont tell me not to open my mouth.

I did not type your friend is a loser...funny you have balls to tell me to shut my mouth but no @shookwun who actually wrote your friend is a loser.

I am referring to Canadian guy bald hurts who is speaking about Columbian women--i can give a f*** about your friend

I called shooks post disgusting too. And I called you to shut up because you continued insinuating that men who date foreign women take advantage of their poverty. Unless you know all the facts, stop talking.


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What hairblues can't think of is that OF COURSE South American women IN America, a country full of white people will have higher standard for white men. But in Asia where white men are rare, competition is low and women are just fascinated by seeing a man with a white skin.

what you don't realize is i don't care i am talking to a fellow member of the forum who is interested in South American woman.

Asia=-no one cares. Except you.


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I called shooks post disgusting too. And I called you to shut up because you continued insinuating that men who date foreign women take advantage of their poverty. Unless you know all the facts, stop talking.

Right and if you look at @Patrick_Bateman post he said clearly "I'm not arguing the point"

so perhaps he has that experience or knowledge about Asia that i have about Central and South America.


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@shookwun, if you have a hard time maintaining the Uber confident facade indefinitely maybe just try being level with a girl from the start so you don't need to crash.

It may be confusing to these girls that you play the role of Chad in dates 1, 2, and 3 and then you're a different man afterwards.


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what i find interesting is my post where i said I was thinking that but did not want to write it to be polite--you took so much exception to to the point of telling me to 'shut my mouth'

when what @shookwun wrote was so much more AFTER my post about mixing races which i made NO comment on since i don't agree with him

yet you tell me to shut my mouth---dont see you being so rude to him.

Its interesting.


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No you don't. If you had experience you would know that the standard for white men that South American women have living IN America is NOT the same as the standard for men that South American women have that live IN South America and have never been to America.

this sentence did not even make sense.

I don't knew what you are talking about

i honestly think you just want to debate for the sake of debating at this point.
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