I see the age gap argument, and of course, not being blessed with good looks and still going for them is close to being self-destructive, I won't deny that. The 22-year-old was an exception though, normally they'd be between 5-8 years younger.
However, as I tried to describe: My social skills are far better than my looks. Not only do I think rather highly in this regard of myself, also the facts here (feedback by actions, not words; quality and quantity of friends, also females, making new friends, feeling comfortable in groups etc.) in my perception reflect my rather good standing in this regard. And there are girls who show an interest now and then (more so in the past than now), so either the look beyond my social skills (assuming I overestimate them) which would proof they do no matter much - or they (but only they, not the hotties) appreciate them, sadly also highlighting that they are merely a plus that is even worthless if you don't pass the looks test first.
It took me long enough to realize these thing, in fact, I overestimated my looks for quite and hence dating value for a long time. In that case, such a self-perception is not confidence, but hubris that is unattractive to girls. Halo-effect