A bit late to the party, but this never grows old I guess.
First off, it's kind of disturbing and refreshing at the same time how many aspects of life I've come to realize over the last years are shared and spoken out here. And when it comes to facing the mechanisms of intersexual relationships, Tinder is soo insightful. No friends (females or males), relatives, let alone internet comments are nearly as conclusive in showing you where you stand with the opposite sex than Tinder.
However, while it's nothing new that the top guys have it just as easy as the hot girls, what really frustrates me is that guys who I'd rated in my bracket or maybe slightly above cannot the girls there I would like, but they still attract considerably more interest. I cannot help but think that this gap is mainly or even solely down to my baldness. In fact, I was texting with a girl of my taste (7.5) that is also consideraly younger than me. As she was only able to see my instagram profile picture with a hat on, she was not aware of my state of hair from the beginning (which is something I avoid on Tinder). I could tell she really liked out interaction and as it was clearly going into the direction of a date, I changed my profile pic. Of course, I was ghosted. I confronted her nicely, wishing her all the best and regretting I was not her type. She replied by saying that she really found me nice, but "I need hair, sorry". I found it refreshingly fair and wished her all the best.
Now here's the thing: I am not too happy about my appearance, but whilst I know hair would not hurt me, I do not think it would significantly upgrade me, certainly not in my eyes. However, I have come to find out that more often than not Average Joe with decent eyes, smile, teeth and very good style (which is something I started developing early on, never because I thought it'd win me points with girls), i.e. me, still loses out to Average Joe with plain face/eyes, maybe even bad teeth, no fashion sense but enough hair. Hence, if results convinced me (I'd compare myself to Wayne Rooney with regard to his pre-hair transplant-state), I'd consider actions despite not thinking I'd find myself considerably more attractive.
Second: the Instagram-epidosode is one of countless examples why I agree with the users making fun of the value of things like "confidence". I am self-aware enough to see how much I bring to the table: Wits, good conversation (lighthearted-superficial topics just as much as more profound ones), good job/prestige, manners and whatnot. Elements that are said to be decisive in winning women over. They don't, they just make for excellent company. Now I cannot blame women for that, as those elements don't do it for me the other way around, but what I am sick of is all the people telling me why those things count. They don't hurt, sure, but it's worth nothing compared to being a 7+, nothing!
I also got myself Tinder Gold where I can see who likes me, as I never get any matches: Single mothers (2-3, heavier than me) who want "a down to earth guy". Lol. They are just the only ones who cannot afford the superficiality that even averages girls get away with. Doesn't prevent them from hypergaming though, since I'd still consider myself a 5 with a - apart from my looks - pretty privileged place in life...
But even them I cannot blame, as I want the same: a 7+ girl. I truly wonder if couples (and there are many and always be many, necessarily) have a different perception of dating life or if they are just happy to settle. What I can say though: men have lower standards than women, they are more generous. Now, I am (i) 30+ and average, (ii) a man (and therefore exposed to the lack of generosity in terms of looks by women), (iii) and I have the standards of a woman. I am doomed.