Tinder experience

Agustin Araujo

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What are temple points? Those triangles under your hairline? Do they disappear in all bald men?

Yes, temple points are those hairs growing in triangular shapes underneath the hairline, which give angular closure and help frame the face nicely. In some bald men it does disappear, in some it doesn't depending on genetics. I myself am very prone to losing my temple points, and need to keep those treated. A member here who experience severe baldness with temple points unaffected is FredTheBelgian. A member here who experienced severe baldness with temple points affected completely gone is DannyBoyy.

Wolf Pack

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Some Norwood 1s for life don't have temple points, so it just depends.

This picture explains the regions well


Wolf Pack

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Lol. I need this kind of hairline which goes down at the sides as there is some loss above the temple points. Basically got some temporal loss here but the temple points themselves are pretty good.


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I once tried purposely shaving my temple points because I thought they made my receding more obvious. I quickly realized it was a bad idea and that it made me look worse. I never knew what they were called until now though.

Yeah without them your forehead looks like a wide band. It's quite remarkable. Before hair loss my forehead was not high or big at all. It can never become big/protruding without bone growth, but it's definitely become high and wide if I style it up!


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Most people who experience male pattern baldness typically loose temple points first. It seems to be the onset for male pattern baldness. Most don't catch it because the hairline is the main focal point.


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Most people who experience male pattern baldness typically loose temple points first. It seems to be the onset for male pattern baldness. Most don't catch it because the hairline is the main focal point.

I think my temple points are what still make me look "bald" or like my forhead is HUGE. Once those go there really is no recourse to repair. All doctors will use those as your starting line to match up with.
Wish I could literally just grow those back forward an inch to reduce the empty ad space.

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Most caucasians don't. We need volume...from a style. The most we can expect from a shaved look so is "acceptability."

nope, you NEED to have that hairline shading proving you have hair. It also breaks up the endless head. I think a lot has to do with white people get greasy and shiny. I dont really see black people having that issue so the sun isnt constantly reflecting off them accentuating the issue.
Ive been debating shaving again since my hair transplant has come in to see if I somewhat have that shading now. The last time though everyone looked at me like I was some serial rapist walking around work. The ONLY people who thumbs upped were the old bald guys, every, EVERY woman would NOT talk to me. Im not exaggerating, they would NOT talk to me. Every time I had to go help someone at their desk (I do IT networking and helpdesk) I felt them scooting away and turning up their nose.
I honestly dont care what other people think of me much but I do like feeling "attractive", and you cant sit there and admire "yourself", thats just fuqing weird.


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Wolf Pack, that's what most members including myself wanted: being accepted.

I don't give a f-ck about being stellar looking just to have sex with a lot of women.

I already had a satisfying sex life when I was a slick NW5.

What I wanted was to be treated like a normal human being, by society and my girlfriends.

Thanks for my hair transplant giving me back a frame, people now show respect for me.

You need volume and a hair style if you're vain. This has nothing to do with being accepted.

You would know if you were bald yourself. Do people treat you differently even if you're approaching NW3? They aren't.

All we need is the bare minimum of hair so that people get the signal: "Look, he's one of us! (He just shaves his head)"

Yes it would be nice if I had some more hair, but I don't need more than what I have on my head now to live a normal life.

And that's what matters.

I agree. Going to see Belgium on Sunday/Monday and will be overjoyed if the surgeon says he can restore some sort of hairline coverage. I will keep it buzzed but just want to reduce slickness to a small an area as possible. Not interested in getting 18 year old hair.

uncomfortable man

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Fred, dont bother trying to explain to these guys. They are young and all they care about are looks and status. Everything is a competition to them. They have to be the best so they can look down on everyone else... very different from just wanting to blend in and not be harrased. They are vain, while we just want to look normal. Good post fred and an important distinction to make.


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If you have a decent face you absolutely do not need a hairstyle. All you need is a hairline to maintain proper facial proportions.

Kinda hard when you have a prominent forehead to begin with. Slightest recession messes up facial proportion.

Wolf Pack

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Wolf Pack, that's what most members including myself wanted: being accepted.

Being bald doesn't make you unacceptable in the way you think it does. That's your weak mindset. I only have to walk with my cousin to know that.

I don't give a f-ck about being stellar looking just to have sex with a lot of women.

So why did you spend the last 8 years online dating despite having a gf? Why do you have a PhD in online dating? Sounds like you are highly insecure, depressed, anxious and need to feel wanted. You need reassurance. You hate yourself. You pick on looks and bodybuilding like no other person I know. Over and over again forever. I am the opposite, I am happy with how I am. I date in real life and don't need/seek validation, well no where near your level like it's off the scale man.

I already had a satisfying sex life when I was a slick NW5.

Good for you. Sounds like you wrote this for your own benefit though.

What I wanted was to be treated like a normal human being, by society and my girlfriends.

Thanks for my hair transplant giving me back a frame, people now show respect for me.

That's your mindset, not reality. Ask a neutral person with hair, show them both your pictures, before and after. There is hardly a cosmetic difference. Do you think a surgeon would use your situation to highlight the "difference he makes?" There is your answer. You feel people respect you because you feel a million times better.

This however shows a cosmetically changing transplant. Haters will hate and will find excuses and troll the forum. Realists will accept it. It's a mathematical fact, putting more grafts in a smaller area = better look. I know you like saying "wait until you're bald" and I will "self hate." That's you bro. I can accept reality AND myself. For example, I am 5ft 9. Would I look better 6 ft? Of course. Do I have a meltdown? Have I even lost one day of sleep let alone ended up in hospital? Do I make silly stories up about how 5 ft 9 is perfect? It is what it is and no sleep is lost. I also will not be bald for multiple reasons, that's a reality too.


If you disagree with this transplant, tell the surgeon he made an error taking him on. Tell him yours is better. Tell the guy he is not good looking and the transplant doesn't enhance him. Pretty sure you will be laughed at. My hair is not bad as his at all but I have shown my 1.5 hairline and now to my gf, who has been with me the whole time. She totally does see the difference. Hairstyle is necessary to age gracefully for the majority of people especially whites/asians. Unless you can have a thick genuine buzz cut grown out for example, even then it looks uniform.

You need volume and a hair style if you're vain. This has nothing to do with being accepted.

Says the person who had laser surgery for his eyes. You didn't need that. Oh right I forget silly me, not wearing glasses is practical as you said. Well having freer hairstyles is also practical. So stop judging what people to.

All we need is the bare minimum of hair so that people get the signal: "Look, he's one of us! (He just shaves his head)"

In fact it's actually worse. You had a transplant for society. That's right, for society. I am doing it for me, the person actually undergoing the transplant.

Yes it would be nice if I had some more hair


It sounds like you're going through the stages of grief for your hair and you keep fluctuating between them. You had a bad hand genetically but there is no need to hate others and have a warped sense of one's self or life in general.
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I have to agree with Wolf on this one.

Fred's posts lately reek of the projection of his own self loathing.

I consider myself a realist too so it's not that I don't like people "keeping it real"... quite the opposite actually.


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In the real world a thinning nw2-3 diffuse looks like crap and women won't see it any differently. All hair loss looks like crap and the general public seen it as unattractive. Who cares if someone is a NW2 or nw5
.. their is still discrimination regardless of the state of someone's male pattern baldness.

Nobody likes hair loss. Only in a community like his is their segregation of Norwood. Hair loss is hair loss to everyone else outside his community.


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Damn, I wear glasses.


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In the real world a thinning nw2-3 diffuse looks like crap and women won't see it any differently. All hair loss looks like crap and the general public seen it as unattractive. Who cares if someone is a NW2 or nw5
.. their is still discrimination regardless of the state of someone's male pattern baldness.

Nobody likes hair loss. Only in a community like his is their segregation of Norwood. Hair loss is hair loss to everyone else outside his community.

Not my experience.

Im going to slightly agree with shook here. When your hair is thin and mid Norwood you are still seen as unkempt and balding. Even now like I said when I let my hair get to long it turns into an unmanageable rats nest and appears I dont take care of myself. Prior to the hair transplant, I looked like this AND had balding in the front so in the end it really matters not. A woman who actually takes this to heart will view you the same either way, bald or balding you are going TO BE bald in her lifetime with you.
Sometimes this forum does become a pissing match of who has it the worst.


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Da faq iz wrong wit glasses? For me it has absolutely zero effect on how I view myself or others with glasses. Do girls care about this? Never in my life thought of it.


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Let's say that when you are a pale skinny nerdy looking bald guy in his early twenties who wants to make his blue eyes stand out, you don't want to have glasses.

These are the reasons I had surgery. And also because it was practical. I didn't put my glasses that often, I just chose to walk around half-blind.

Every time I put them, my friends couldn't stop laughing. A shaved head may suit me, but glasses definitely don't. Just like hair loss, it's a case by case scenario.

I dont see this as true at all. You WANT some accessory to draw attention there. Get some cool glasses that frame well. There is a NW7 guy younger than me who works out at my gym. All of a sudden he started wearing these square frame glasses that draw even my attention away from his cue ball head.
Like you said though its case by case. Just be ready to sound smart as fuq when people think youre some kind of glasses wearing braniac.


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I guess it was also the Hollywood influence when I was a kid. Namely this movie:


So I can understand how girls must feel about balding when they're fed this since their childhood:





Then in real life, this guy approaches her:


What will be her reaction?

well depends on her age
18-26 will be "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
27 + "well I can marry him since he has a good job and money then just fuq the pool boy!"

I mean it really depends on her level of appeal as well.


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I honestly dont see anything wrong with the bald guy...


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Yep in your late 20's you've already had a dose of reality and the fact that life is not like what's presented in the movies. However, if they settle for the bald guy with the good job, as I've said before don't be surprised to discover they have the wandering eye still living in the hope of finding prince charming.

well depends on her age
18-26 will be "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
27 + "well I can marry him since he has a good job and money then just fuq the pool boy!"

I mean it really depends on her level of appeal as well.