Tired Of Baldness. Tired Of Ugliness. Tired.


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N0003, I agree with what you are saying.

One problem is if you challenge a persons negative self belief they will always get angry. Tell a fat person that they must increase their activity and they will always get frosty. Tell a person who is bad with money to save more and they will start to make excuses.

Some people love excuse.

But in defence of some of the boards neg heads I will say that this place is a 'safe space' where like minded people can go. In the same way that rape survivors meet up for comfort, so to do balding men chat about how hard it is. This place is probably the only place that these men can vent. In life we are taught as men not to show weakness and insecurity. We keep things bottled up and that is why men kill themselves so often. If this place can help those men let go of there frustration then in some ways it could be helpful for a short while.

I say all that with trepidation though, my concern is that sometimes this board perpetuates a negative outlook on life.

I guess it goes two ways.

there is nothing wrong with trying to encourage people to be positive but if you read between lines of the things he writes its NOT what he is doing.

I dont agree with a lot of what these guys say or their outlook but you dont encourage people by belittling them or implying they are 'weak' as this guy did.

I'm an attractive woman my whole life i only recently have hair issues i can't 'judge' what its like to be 18-25 year old man in the year 2016 what its like to lose hair...take into account also not knowing peoples additional challenges of looks, profession, etc.

me personally i always got the most compliments from both men and women about my hair i happen to have genetically beautiful hair so losing it feels absolutely devastating and its always been so dense i never thought i
would have trouble losing my hair so its quite shocking as well..its not something i thought 'well when i get older I may lose it so let me prepare mentally' its shocking . i was always compared to Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman for my hair when i was younger...Would you think Julia Roberts sort of hair would fall out? so its like losing something you feel is most beautiful about you. Maybe thats how a lot of these guys feel in their own way.
I would rather lose a breast because i can hide it than lose my hair. And for 45 believe it or now i have really great breasts. But that is how dark the thoughts can mess up your mind.

I dont agree with a lot of their generalizations about society or women BUT maybe thats all they know for now at least.

no one can tell yet i am loosin it because its long and curly/wavy so its easy to hide for now if i dont part in middle.
but its depressing...

No one knows what other people are going through.

You can disagree but when people are on this thread feeling suicidal and depressed and he's gloating how strong his personality is and he does not like men who complain--then why is he here other than to feel superior about himself by knocking others.

not to mention the stereotyping he says about whole countries filled with people.


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N003 compared hair loss to cancer loss earlier, but actually it's similar to cancer in the following way. The best solution to cancer is not to compensate by buying better clothes or getting braces or being more confident, but rather it is to fight the cancer as hard as you realistically can. If I got cancer tomorrow I would go hard on a full spectrum of both conventional and alternative medicine strategies.



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^THIS.It's like you are being forced into creating a mask for yourself to show other people that matches your look.I am a transgender so I'm not sure how many people can relate but my looks unfortunately do not allow me to transition yet,so I'm being forced into creating an entirely different persona"mask" that i show to people on the daily basis .Like a jacket ,bearded fella with a buzzcut is supposto be always serious,always alpha ,always strong with nothing that can remotely make him feel bad about how he looks,with not a drop of insecurities and so on.Unfortunately the reality of who I am and whom I want to become isn't even close to the persona I'm projecting.Always forced in micromanaging the mask that I show.Is the mask looking good?Is the mask acting properly in the current situation?Is the mask supposed to want that?Would the mask think on the current discussion?Do they like it,do they like the mask?Can they see beyond it?Pathetic human being trying to meet the expectations,to fit into society because of the fear that he would never be accepted for who he really is ,or simply the fear that in the end it would turn out that society never gave a sh*t and all the effort put in something like that was just a primal subconscious process giving you the emotion of fear of rejection.Caged inside the bars of our own deeply troubled minds.Would conquering male pattern baldness and any other insecurity put an end to this ?I think not,we can't simply adapt or die anymore.We need to go beyond


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It is not my intention to injured people here:rolleyes:
But a certain strength it needs in life:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I try to make the best of my situation in my life:cool:

And I do not compare myself with models and other hollywood idiots and how "handsome" their life is:rolleyes::rolleyes:

i am what i am and make the best of them. There are things you have to accept it and things which you can change!

I know there are different personalities. Some are successful and look forward others give up and say it's all doom


Exodus, Neil Strauss, a famed ladies man is bald and not really manly. He is also only 5'7.


Heres the pic


  • upload_2016-9-21_16-20-14.png
    642.9 KB · Views: 224


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Exodus, Neil Strauss, a famed ladies man is bald and not really manly. He is also only 5'7.

He's also a con-artist. There's nothing honest about relationships when you're a pickup artist d-bag.


I'm not a fan of many pua's as well but its just an example that you can look like him, not be manly, but still be attractive.

I might be alone but I think Neil Strauss is attractive. Not stunning but decent looking.

I just wanted to show that you don't have to be jacked to be bald.


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I'm not a fan of many pua's as well but its just an example that you can look like him, not be manly, but still be attractive.

I might be alone but I think Neil Strauss is attractive. Not stunning but decent looking.

I just wanted to show that you don't have to be jacked to be bald.

I don't think he's unattractive either... but he is a piece of sh*t. You have to be as a pickup artist.


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As reiterated countlessly here before, in one style of verbal expression or another;
treating Androgenetic Alopecia has never been the primary obstacle holding many of us back,
the difficulty lies in our shortage of motivation to reassert
and implement our 'self control' or willpower and plot a treatment course
that can not guarantee the vast majority here a satisfactory outcome.

While we may all acknowledge the tentative climate we confront,
and recognize the limited options within our reach,
for many, it still feels like having to choose between dying
or dying while trying. Whichever decision we choose; the conflictingly
subjective question still prevails:
Can I accept either one?
Last edited:


Hellouser, I'm curious to hear why you dislike pua's?

I've met some ethical pua's when I was younger and while they spoke to many women and worked on themselves they never took advantage of the women themselves. One or two of them just wanted to get better with women and find someone to spend their lives with.


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Hellouser, I'm curious to hear why you dislike pua's?

I've met some ethical pua's when I was younger and while they spoke to many women and worked on themselves they never took advantage of the women themselves. One or two of them just wanted to get better with women and find someone to spend their lives with.

Because they're dishonest.


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It is not my intention to injured people here:rolleyes:
But a certain strength it needs in life:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I try to make the best of my situation in my life:cool:

And I do not compare myself with models and other hollywood idiots and how "handsome" their life is:rolleyes::rolleyes:

i am what i am and make the best of them. There are things you have to accept it and things which you can change!

I know there are different personalities. Some are successful and look forward others give up and say it's all doom

I am only person who referenced someone famous in comparison in regards to hair these guys are not doing that.

the things you write prove what i said about you.

You come here to gloat over these guys as if you are mentally superior stronger 'man'

LOL I see through you.

You sound really insecure below the surface of words.

What kind of middle aged man whose so happy in his own life had to keep coming back to a forum where most of the men are in their 20s and brag about how strong he is?

A very weak minded man. A very simple, base person.


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I'm not a fan of many pua's as well but its just an example that you can look like him, not be manly, but still be attractive.

I might be alone but I think Neil Strauss is attractive. Not stunning but decent looking.

I just wanted to show that you don't have to be jacked to be bald.

as a woman he's not ugly but he looks ridiculous how he is dressed...he looks like exactly what he is someone trying desperately to pick up women that are really attractive probably in quantity to feel better about himself.


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What if you were to meet an honest pua?

so your advising these guys to become con men to get laid to become something other than themselves to get laid..

I think it would be better advice to tell them to hire high priced clean escort--at least its honest and healthy.


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the identity destroying aspect of baldness is a source of underrated misery

just sitting here being anxious and emotional as usual and despite learning to let go of societys hatred of men like this i can still see it from their POV

a bald man has to be manly to be worth something they say, well f*** that. i hate being manly and i dont give a flying f*** (atm) if i wont be able to get girls being a perceived sensitive bald guy

my soul cant f*****g breathe if i dont get to be me

i just wish i could be me and get a girlfriend as well

lets not kid ourselves theres lots of feminine twink emo types getting hot girls nowadays, ofc they have HAIR tho

not to mention from a society POV its just weird to have a sensitive bald guy. theyre only depicted as jokes like Costanza. theyre always powerful genius or evil to make up for the negative of the baldness

this is the kind of stuff to me that makes me consider suicide because of baldness

not allowed to even exist
(Goddamn, if only Exodus would learn how to capitalize letters).

I saw an interview recently with Will Smith and Margot something where they were talking about their movie (not Suicide Squad). It involved con artists. Will said that one thing the con artists made him realize is that everybody is running a con. We portray ourselves a certain way in order to get results we want from others.