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N0003, I agree with what you are saying.
One problem is if you challenge a persons negative self belief they will always get angry. Tell a fat person that they must increase their activity and they will always get frosty. Tell a person who is bad with money to save more and they will start to make excuses.
Some people love excuse.
But in defence of some of the boards neg heads I will say that this place is a 'safe space' where like minded people can go. In the same way that rape survivors meet up for comfort, so to do balding men chat about how hard it is. This place is probably the only place that these men can vent. In life we are taught as men not to show weakness and insecurity. We keep things bottled up and that is why men kill themselves so often. If this place can help those men let go of there frustration then in some ways it could be helpful for a short while.
I say all that with trepidation though, my concern is that sometimes this board perpetuates a negative outlook on life.
I guess it goes two ways.
there is nothing wrong with trying to encourage people to be positive but if you read between lines of the things he writes its NOT what he is doing.
I dont agree with a lot of what these guys say or their outlook but you dont encourage people by belittling them or implying they are 'weak' as this guy did.
I'm an attractive woman my whole life i only recently have hair issues i can't 'judge' what its like to be 18-25 year old man in the year 2016 what its like to lose hair...take into account also not knowing peoples additional challenges of looks, profession, etc.
me personally i always got the most compliments from both men and women about my hair i happen to have genetically beautiful hair so losing it feels absolutely devastating and its always been so dense i never thought i
would have trouble losing my hair so its quite shocking as well..its not something i thought 'well when i get older I may lose it so let me prepare mentally' its shocking . i was always compared to Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman for my hair when i was younger...Would you think Julia Roberts sort of hair would fall out? so its like losing something you feel is most beautiful about you. Maybe thats how a lot of these guys feel in their own way.
I would rather lose a breast because i can hide it than lose my hair. And for 45 believe it or now i have really great breasts. But that is how dark the thoughts can mess up your mind.
I dont agree with a lot of their generalizations about society or women BUT maybe thats all they know for now at least.
no one can tell yet i am loosin it because its long and curly/wavy so its easy to hide for now if i dont part in middle.
but its depressing...
No one knows what other people are going through.
You can disagree but when people are on this thread feeling suicidal and depressed and he's gloating how strong his personality is and he does not like men who complain--then why is he here other than to feel superior about himself by knocking others.
not to mention the stereotyping he says about whole countries filled with people.