Tired Of Baldness. Tired Of Ugliness. Tired.


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I doubt it.

well to you perhaps...you seem to just value a womans beauty based on her youth--which is fine no judgment.
Im just saying for myself at 19 compared to other 19 year olds i did not think i was that pretty even looking back at pics it was 'meh'.
when i was 28 -36 compared to other women in my age group i feel like i excelled.
I got a ton more attention at 28 and older than 19-28ish. I mean i am generalizing the age grouping i can't say exact ages.


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Part of it is that you're in Norway. You've become accustomed to a certain look. We guys aren't.
Another part of it is fuckabilty. Some girls just ooze sexuality. Since you're straight, this does not factor into your taste.
While the girl you posted certainly is pretty, she can't hold a candle to Dani Daniels who you said was an average cute girl in Norway.

View attachment 43709 View attachment 43710

Nope, I don't understand. While she is certainly not ugly, she's barely above average to me. But then again I've never seen her in p**rn.


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Men and women have different ideas as to what constitutes beauty in women, which I think explains the confusion of @hairblues and @EvilLocks .

See this famous pic:



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I don't think women should dictate what the ideal woman should be for MEN to be attracted to.


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I don't think women should dictate what the ideal woman should be for MEN to be attracted to.

We're not dictating what you should be attracted to, we're just stating our opinion. I am allowed to feel surprised by what you guys are attracted to, am I not? No one is forcing you to be attracted to something you're not, no?


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Men and women have different ideas as to what constitutes beauty in women, which I think explains the confusion of @hairblues and @EvilLocks .

See this famous pic:


Trust me i am not confused.i get it..i just did not think that Norwegian girl oozed sexuality in her face. Her face was very pretty but average pretty not striking. She oozed innocent to me every young--this is turn on for some more than actually beauty.
Some men have a 'breeding' fetish when the two guy mentioned fertile sort of reminded me of this fetish.

I also think perhaps you personally have a very high esthetic or standard of what you consider beauty--for you it seems to mostly be the body especially but this is probably why you are hard on yourself as well. You have a high standard.
Not judging i just notice people who have high or a specific standard of beauty of what attracts them usually very self critiquing of their own looks.


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Nope, I don't understand. While she is certainly not ugly, she's barely above average to me. But then again I've never seen her in p*rn.

p**rn doesn't have anything to do with it. I saw her pic first in a forum (that car pic I think), and I was like SO PRETTY!!!! Who is she????

The take away is that in the eyes of most men, you might already be prettier than the models you look up to.


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We like or gravitate to a certain type..,
until that magnetic force is broken.
To date, M. Stowe's powerful
pull has neither wobbled nor waned. Therefore I am convinced
her attraction is real and much greater than an ephemeral and spectacular, terrestrial illusion. .l


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p*rn doesn't have anything to do with it. I saw her pic first in a forum (that car pic I think), and I was like SO PRETTY!!!! Who is she????

The take away is that in the eyes of most men, you might already be prettier than the models you look up to.

She is pretty - but average in my eyes. I don't understand you guys' taste in women but I'll respect that it's different from mine. I personally like the model type with long legs, long hair and an angelic face. But you are right that I don't know what type of women guys think have the most sex appeal, since I'm not a guy obviously. However, I know there are many guys out there who find the model type girls the most attractive, the conventionally pretty. The few guys who have stated their opinion on this forum are just a drop in the ocean.

Well, I highly doubt I'm as pretty as the girls I look up to. I've never had any issues attracting men, that's for sure - but I am no supermodel. I don't have a mile long legs (I'm 5'6), I'm obviously balding and my face is pretty at best. Not otherwordly amazing in other words, but I think I'm cute and pretty (besides the hair loss). But I'm nowhere near these models.


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I also think perhaps you personally have a very high esthetic or standard of what you consider beauty--for you it seems to mostly be the body especially but this is probably why you are hard on yourself as well. You have a high standard.
Not judging i just notice people who have high or a specific standard of beauty of what attracts them usually very self critiquing of their own looks.

Your post comes off as a little rude, but I'll respond calmly and matter-of-factly.

1) I don't have a high aesthetic standard. You're basing that off the pictures I posted but those were specifically selected to be "hottest women celebrities", hottest. Not Julia Roberts or Jennifer Aniston or Amy Schumer or Meryl Streep. Certainly not Sarah Jessica Parker. If you think those represent a "high standard", then you're actually agreeing with me that they're the hottest.

My standard is modest. I have asked out a lot of average-ish women. As another poster said, it's like drawing blood from a stone. They'd rather have a man who is 6'4, of northern european extraction, and well-built.

2) I don't "focus on the body", I'm a heterosexual man so both the body and face matter. All the women I linked to have great faces as well. Look at Alexandra Daddario's eyes, lips, skin, and hair. They're hypnotic. They contribute to her being famous:

If you don't find her sexy then you have a minority opinion, equivalent to saying you don't like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. She was in one of the world's most respected sex scenes, which won awards, and is one of the most downloaded women.

3) I'm hard on myself because women are hard on me. Every woman I've ever asked out in real life (save one) has turned me down. They were not all gorgeous. Several were average relative to their age group. When I go on tinder, etc even if I lower my standards to zero (by that I literally mean zero) I get a less than 1% response rate. This is well-documented widely, unless a man is in the top-20% he will struggle to get and to keep even average women.

I'm working on getting toward ~10% body fat, and will be getting multiple surgeries soon, because I probably have no other good choice. My other (non-good) choices are to be single forever, or to get with a woman who is obese/crazy/older who won't even love me but will see me as a cuckold and wallet. No thank you.

If I had never had much trouble with women before I might not be on a hair loss forum, nor would I be on minoxidil and an experimental drug from China. I would just shave it off. However I see the barren abyss of my life with women even with hair, and I don't want to live a world where I lack hair and it's even harder.


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She is pretty - but average in my eyes. I don't understand you guys' taste in women but I'll respect that it's different from mine. I personally like the model type with long legs, long hair and an angelic face. But you are right that I don't know what type of women guys think have the most sex appeal, since I'm not a guy obviously. However, I know there are many guys out there who find the model type girls the most attractive, the conventionally pretty. The few guys who have stated their opinion on this forum are just a drop in the ocean.

Well, I highly doubt I'm as pretty as the girls I look up to. I've never had any issues attracting men, that's for sure - but I am no supermodel. I don't have a mile long legs (I'm 5'6), I'm obviously balding and my face is pretty at best. Not otherwordly amazing in other words, but I think I'm cute and pretty (besides the hair loss). But I'm nowhere near these models.

Just a note, "long legs" doesn't necessarily mean tall, that's a misconception a lot of women have. Not necessarily you (I don't know) but a lot of women think that tall = nice legs.

It also means how much of your height is due to your legs.

A 5'6 woman can have great legs.

It's also why your hip bones are probably "taller" than those of most 5'6 men.
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2) I don't "focus on the body", I'm a heterosexual man so both the body and face matter. All the women I linked to have great faces as well. Look at Alexandra Daddario's eyes, lips, skin, and hair. They're hypnotic. They contribute to her being famous:

If you don't find her sexy then you have a minority opinion, equivalent to saying you don't like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. She was in one of the world's most respected sex scenes, which won awards, and is one of the most downloaded women.

Saying that is just an arms-length away from "if you don't like person X, you're gay." I guess she is considered universally attractive but she doesn't flip any switches for me. You really need to feel that spark from the first moment you see a person to be fully attracted to them. But, guess what, I don't think Emma Watson is hot either. Sue me.

I'd much prefer a look like Rachel Dashae, speaking strictly about faces here:


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We're not dictating what you should be attracted to, we're just stating our opinion. I am allowed to feel surprised by what you guys are attracted to, am I not? No one is forcing you to be attracted to something you're not, no?

You in this thread aren't, but there are 'movements' by women and feminists that try to tell men what's attractive... like this push for fat acceptance and celebration of it. Sloth and gluttony aren't attractive to men. It's pretty insulting to men actually.

How would you feel if men started a movement for women to be attracted to men with beer bellies, asymmetrical faces... or god forbid, bald heads?


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Your post comes off as a little rude, but I'll respond calmly and matter-of-factly.

1) I don't have a high aesthetic standard. You're basing that off the pictures I posted but those were specifically selected to be "hottest women celebrities", hottest. Not Julia Roberts or Jennifer Aniston or Amy Schumer or Meryl Streep. Certainly not Sarah Jessica Parker. If you think those represent a "high standard", then you're actually agreeing with me that they're the hottest.

My standard is modest. I have asked out a lot of average-ish women. As another poster said, it's like drawing blood from a stone. They'd rather have a man who is 6'4, of northern european extraction, and well-built.

2) I don't "focus on the body", I'm a heterosexual man so both the body and face matter. All the women I linked to have great faces as well. Look at Alexandra Daddario's eyes, lips, skin, and hair. They're hypnotic. They contribute to her being famous:

If you don't find her sexy then you have a minority opinion, equivalent to saying you don't like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. She was in one of the world's most respected sex scenes, which won awards, and is one of the most downloaded women.

3) I'm hard on myself because women are hard on me. Every woman I've ever asked out in real life (save one) has turned me down. They were not all gorgeous. Several were average relative to their age group. When I go on tinder, etc even if I lower my standards to zero (by that I literally mean zero) I get a less than 1% response rate. This is well-documented widely, unless a man is in the top-20% he will struggle to get and to keep even average women.

I'm working on getting toward ~10% body fat, and will be getting multiple surgeries soon, because I probably have no other good choice. My other (non-good) choices are to be single forever, or to get with a woman who is obese/crazy/older who won't even love me but will see me as a cuckold and wallet. No thank you.

If I had never had much trouble with women before I might not be on a hair loss forum, nor would I be on minoxidil and an experimental drug from China. I would just shave it off. However I see the barren abyss of my life with women even with hair, and I don't want to live a world where I lack hair and it's even harder.

i am so sorry i did not mean it to be rude.