Tired Of Baldness. Tired Of Ugliness. Tired.


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I've seen guys in the 5'5-5'7 range do well, well above average, and the standards on the rest of the package are quite high. You need to be smart, efficient, athletic, and have hair, which you are as far as I know. You are one of the most rigorous guys on the forum and that's admirable.

A few of my best female friends are with men who are around 5'6. All three have hair but one or two of them are receding.

How have you done with women?

Almost all my experiences with women that ended in some kind of sexual encounter have been in the 6-7/10 range, with a couple exceptions on the fringes of both ends

I have been pursued aggressively by 6's over the years. I've done ok with 7's when I put myself out there, but it does generally feel like I'm doing a lot more work to keep their attention. I'd also say I was only able to break 7+ territory at all when I grew into my looks around 22-23 years old (27 now)

I do think my height has played a role in all this if I'm being honest. I hear a lot directly and indirectly about how significantly handsome and pretty I am from many sources. I have a suspicion that if I was 5'10"+ with my face and physique, I would be scoring with at least some 8+'s, and 7's would be easy pickings, but of course that's all speculative

I do have the a better physique than anyone else in the room in 99% of the places I go, and I'd think it has to compensate at least a little for the physical presence I lack in height, but who knows...I know some on here would label me a gymcel for even having that thought

Unfortunately, being a generally insecure person, and even more so now with my hair loss, I don't put myself out there nearly as much as I should. I brushed off a couple promising opportunities with good looking ladies recently because of it, and it sucks

EDIT: I'm 5'6" btw for those who don't know

Should probably also mention that all the women I've been involved with sexually and romantically have been at tallest of equal height to me


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Thank you.

I had some setbacks because my employer told me my health insurance would not start until my second month. I think this was an administrative error. I can go get health care now, I just got an email today. Of course I don't have a health card or anything.

6'4 is an exaggeration. I think tall starts at about 6'1, maybe 1.85 meters in practice. Basically, 1 or 2 cm more than 6 feet. Below that, a girl may feel like she's compromising. However, google says I just "grew" by ~1 cm, since American men are shorter than Australian men.

I've lost nearly 60 lbs now. I only have 10 more pounds to go (I think, I hope) but I'm tired of losing weight. I'm in a new city and I should be exploring, but instead I might be fasting this weekend, and bingeing netflix in order to kill time. I hear Stranger Things is nice. I might rewatch Sense8.

I'm mildly autistic. I'm apparently "very direct" in real life, which shows up as being "very honest and open" on the boards. It's also because of my mixed Moroccan/Tunisian background. Mediterranean cultures place less emphasis on subtlety than anglo-saxon culture, which is really enthusiastic about psychological obscurantism. In popular culture, we thus get the stereotype of Italians being "loud".

What surgeries are you planning to get David?

60 lbs is a lot. How much do you weigh now? What has been the reaction from your family and friends about your weight loss?

I should also lose some weight eventually. I currently wear American size 36 pants (the tummy area is a bit lose).


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What surgeries are you planning to get David?

60 lbs is a lot. How much do you weigh now? What has been the reaction from your family and friends about your weight loss?

I should also lose some weight eventually. I currently wear American size 36 pants (the tummy area is a bit lose).

~183 lbs, or size 33 pants which is the more meaningful number. Family and friends have been supportive. I think (hope) that ~170 lbs is ideal. I'm 32 years old and I've never seen a six pack on myself. Never. I'd like to see one.

As for surgeries, I'd like thigh extension surgery, penis extension surgery, pectoral implants, and ...


I'd like hernia surgery which will allow me to lift weights again, laser eye surgery if I can find a surgeon that agrees to do it in spite of my amblyopia, and braces, probably ceramic braces. I'm not sure if I should get a hair transplant, if the results from Fidia are good then I don't need one, and if histogen moves forward that might be better too.

None of that will make me a god, but maybe I'll top out at a 6/10.

Paraumbilical hernia sucks. I cannot lift weights. It's dangerous for me to do so.


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Isn't size 33 good? You need to lose more weight?

What was your starting pant size?

I think glasses suit you, I'm not sure eye surgery will add to your appeal.


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Isn't size 33 good? You need to lose more weight?

What was your starting pant size?

I think glasses suit you, I'm not sure eye surgery will add to your appeal.

Size 40.

Have you heard of the toilet paper theory of weight loss?

It goes like this. When you remove the first square from a toilet paper roll, it looks the same. However, as you remove the 50th square, and then the 51st square, it starts to look more and more different.

Same with people and aesthetic benefits of losing weight. The aesthetic benefits pile up at the end.

Is the same true of hair regrowth? I don't know.

It really sucks as a former fat person. I should be happy with being slightly better than normal. But I realize that with more effort, there are more benefits.

I'd like to see abs in the mirror, and I'd like to not worry about camera angles causing double chin.

This is me from a few months ago, I'll leave the pic up for a day:


Miscellaneous beauty tip for the forum: zinc oxide sunscreen stays white rather than going invisible, it looks stupid. My stubble looks grey. I didn't know. Avoid.
Other tip: Instead of posing for the camera I'd probably be better off staring at the cuddly animal.
Other tip: Should have not been cheap and paid an extra $15 to cuddle the baby crocodile.
Other tip: Muscular definition in the tricep area would go a long way.
Separately: slight double chin, so I'd look a lot better without it.
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Size 40.

Have you heard of the toilet paper theory of weight loss?

It goes like this. When you remove the first square from a toilet paper roll, it looks the same. However, as you remove the 50th square, and then the 51st square, it starts to look more and more different.

Same with people and aesthetic benefits of losing weight. The aesthetic benefits pile up at the end.

Is the same true of hair regrowth? I don't know.

It really sucks as a former fat person. I should be happy with being slightly better than normal. But I realize that with more effort, there are more benefits.

I'd like to see abs in the mirror, and I'd like to not worry about camera angles causing double chin.

This is me from a few months ago, I'll leave the pic up for a day:

Miscellaneous beauty tip for the forum: zinc oxide sunscreen stays white rather than going invisible, it looks stupid. My stubble looks grey. I didn't know. Avoid.
Separately: slight double chin, so I'd look a lot better without it.

Can't you see at least a 4 pack at your weight?

That chin issue in pics,
This might also be relevant:

Everyone looks not so great at bad camera angles.


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Size 40.

Have you heard of the toilet paper theory of weight loss?

It goes like this. When you remove the first square from a toilet paper roll, it looks the same. However, as you remove the 50th square, and then the 51st square, it starts to look more and more different.

Same with people and aesthetic benefits of losing weight. The aesthetic benefits pile up at the end.

Is the same true of hair regrowth? I don't know.

It really sucks as a former fat person. I should be happy with being slightly better than normal. But I realize that with more effort, there are more benefits.

I'd like to see abs in the mirror, and I'd like to not worry about camera angles causing double chin.

This is me from a few months ago, I'll leave the pic up for a day:

Miscellaneous beauty tip for the forum: zinc oxide sunscreen stays white rather than going invisible, it looks stupid. My stubble looks grey. I didn't know. Avoid.
Other tip: Instead of posing for the camera I'd probably be better off staring at the cuddly animal.
Other tip: Should have not been cheap and paid an extra $15 to cuddle the baby crocodile.
Other tip: Muscular definition in the tricep area would go a long way.
Separately: slight double chin, so I'd look a lot better without it.

Interesting, you are a lot better looking than I imagined, based on the way you portray yourself. A little more stubble, a few more lbs lost and some thick framed malcom X glasses and you be slaying boy. Guaranteed.

What is rainforest station? That is a real koala, no? Carry that little guy around with you and women will just drop their panties. ;)


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@David_MPN, looks like you're pretty close to being at a healthy weight, good sh*t

Honestly dude, lose those few extra pounds, tone up, bring the hairline down a bit, I think you could do alright with at least average to slightly above average women. You're situation is far from a lost cause


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David-MPN, Are you at all open to experimenting with a beard?
How is your beard density quality?
This may not interest you, if you are 'overly-conscientious' of beard shading variances?

BTW your complexion in the picture looks very good
and you have very nice expressive eyes.
No wonder Kuddles took a shine to you.
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I like being 5'11. It helps us to be agile and we are not cumbersome or lanky. Also, women want a guy to be a few inches taller so unless they are over 5'9 (which isn't that common) then you're height will never be a disqualifier.

5'11 is a very good height to be/

As a fellow 5ft 11 incher myself, I can 100% confirm. Not too tall that it's difficult to gain bulk or pack muscle, but not too short that you're getting heightmonged by lady friends :) Incidently though, I don't think that height really matters to women. I know some shorter blokes can feel insecure about it, but as long as you're not a dwarf or something I can't imagine one's hit rates would suffer too greatly. Given the average height for a female is something like 5ft 6, I'd think only heights below that would be a major problem.


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As a fellow 5ft 11 incher myself, I can 100% confirm. Not too tall that it's difficult to gain bulk or pack muscle, but not too short that you're getting heightmonged by lady friends :) Incidently though, I don't think that height really matters to women. I know some shorter blokes can feel insecure about it, but as long as you're not a dwarf or something I can't imagine one's hit rates would suffer too greatly. Given the average height for a female is something like 5ft 6, I'd think only heights below that would be a major problem.

One of my fleet managers confirms this. He's 5'5, ripped-muscular, handsome face a full head of hair. Picks up girls all the time
. He's 39 and just before we got back on rotation he ended up one night standing a pretty 23 year old

Its all face bro.


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OT, one person who is not ageing well in my opinion, is Angelina Jolie,


Honestly not by her body but just by her face she looks malnourished to me. Like she's under weight. Im really looking at her eyes and around her forehead and temples.


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Honestly not by her body but just by her face she looks malnourished to me. Like she's under weight. Im really looking at her eyes and around her forehead and temples.

Keep watching the headlines, and we may discover Brad-O's been hiding the ice cream and chips.

Seriously now, A.J.'s been sporting her 'anorexic look' maybe as long as the two were an item.



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this is a good look suggestion - at least in the US thick frame glasses and beards are pretty fashionable and its an easily attainable look.

on the side-topic of height; i'm 6'5" and wish i was shorter to be honest. Sometimes people look at me weird because i'm so tall - it is not a good feeling. 6'2" and even 6'3" is sometimes considered perfect height but above that is just weird.

6'5" is a great height.
I imagine there are challenges if you're on the socially shy side from time to time,
and just would like to blend into the crowd so to speak.
Can't help but stand out, but like it or not my friend, you'll still be the envy at the scene.:cool: