Tonight I'm Going To Do It. One Last Shot.


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Hope you had fun asking overweight single moms out.

he was banging a legit model while wasn't deformed... now his confidence got a hit


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As per the title. Tonight I'm going to 'go out' for the first time in 6 months, the first time since becoming disfigured. I'm going to take a shower, do my teeth, put on the new jumper my parent's bought me as a going-away-present to uni, spray on some nice deodorant, strap on my ratty old piece, style it, cover up the edges with topic and head out on the pull. I'm going to go to a bar, ask a 5/10 girl if I can buy her a drink, laugh, force myself to behave like a guy who doesn't want to kill himself. I'm tired of being miserable. I can't just wallow in apathy and self-loathing forever. Tonight this is going to change. I'm going to make it change. One last shot. Wish me luck.

Is he wearing a toupee?


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obese women do not deserve love

they have love with food already tbh


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toupee game is legit if you plan on creating different identities with every women you encounter.

Trash by day, modern day Christian Grey by night. Zero to hero

His story is super weird and he seems kind of fucked up in the head. He claims minoxidil gave him severe scarring all over his body and shrunk his penis several inches (srs). Don't even know how that would work. Also has insane fetishes, wants to bang his sister and asked one of the members here to give him a blowjob over email. He's in the "baldness is the least of his problems" category IMO.

He's a valuable member to this board. I enjoy his former stud stories, and crazy drug experiences


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They're not fat, they're "big-boned" and have a glandular problem, don't you dare mock them! :D

If only I had BIG bones...

sh*t... give them to me


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His story is super weird and he seems kind of fucked up in the head. He claims minoxidil gave him severe scarring all over his body and shrunk his penis several inches (srs). Don't even know how that would work. Also has insane fetishes, wants to bang his sister and asked one of the members here to give him a blowjob over email. He's in the "baldness is the least of his problems" category IMO.

yeah i like DB but i found this to be really odd claim.


His story is super weird and he seems kind of fucked up in the head. He claims minoxidil gave him severe scarring all over his body and shrunk his penis several inches (srs). Don't even know how that would work. Also has insane fetishes, wants to bang his sister and asked one of the members here to give him a blowjob over email. He's in the "baldness is the least of his problems" category IMO.
@zircon Charming. I can assure you I am not, as you put it, 'fucked up in the head' - you're welcome to your opinion of course, but just know that it's wildly off mark. Minoxidil, potentially in combination with a couple of other drugs, did damage the skin all over my body, not scarring per say, but it caused full-body acne amongst other things. Again, you don't have to believe me, but I have no incentive to lie about it. Do some research into clinical studies of minoxidil and collagen depletion - it's a real thing. And there are others too, one guy even got pseudo-acromelagy from taking it, albeit over a prolonged period and at a way above average dosage. As to the 'banging a model', well it's true. My ex-girlfriend is a professional model, repping brands at the London Fashion Show etc. She's far from a perfect 10, but was she attractive? Of course she was. The fetishes are weird, fine, I grant you that - but does that make me a bad person? Many people have all kinds of unsavoury fantasies; I needed to vent and gave voice to a few of mine - this is an internet forum after all, a 'safe space', where we can rant about things we wouldn't usually go shouting about in real life, get things off our chest we wouldn't otherwise be able to shift. I'm sorry if my sexual preferences offended you, it certainly wasn't intentional. The BJ message was a JOKE - why would I ask a woman for a blowjob who's not only 25 years my senior, but also over 5000 miles away on a completely different continent? It was a troll comment, a blown valve in reaction to a hell of a lot of hostility from much of this board over my suggestion that being an NW3 at 40 is in no way analogous to being an NW6 at 20. Again, you're welcome to your opinions, but there was no need to turn a disagreement into a personal vendetta, as many on this forum, including myself (for which I've apologised) ended up doing.

So what exactly is it that makes you think I'm a psycho? Look through my posts, you'll see my story has been consistent throughout. I was a good-looking guy (6-7-8/10) who had a lot of girls fancy him but struggled due to Asperger's, OCD tendencies and crippling social anxiety. I started to get over these problems, then hair loss hit. I went from a thickish NW2/3 to a slick NW6 in less than 2 years. My model girlfriend cheated on me during this period and broke up with me. I became severely depressed, tried and failed to kill myself, dropped out of uni. Tried a hair piece, had some success, then had a bad reaction to minoxidil - though it may also have been caused by some antidepressants I was also taking at the time - which destroyed my body and left me disfigured. I gave up on the piece, stopped going to the gym, gave up on life and became a recluse. Depression worsened, didn't respond to any antidepressants or CBT. And that's about it really. You don't need to sympathise with me and I recognise that there are others who have it worse (@Dante92 potentially, @Exodus2011 , Evillocks - sorry to hear about your recent heart troubles by the way :( ). Everyone has problems, that's life, and anyone who say's most people have a good time of it are lying to you - one of the main reasons I refuse to have children by the way. But that doesn't mean mine are somehow non-existent. Indeed, why don't you give me the benefit of the doubt for a second, assume everything I tell you is 100% true: can you imagine how that would effect a person? To have their life (because all of us know the importance of looks and social skills) ripped away from them before it barely even got started (I'm 20 years old btw)? To be completely powerless to do anything about it? I'm not lazy, I've been in fitness model shape (to give inspiration to the likes of Cope and Dante, I should point out that I suffer from a pretty slender frame also and can promise you you can work on it :) ) worked my balls off to succeed at school, but it counts for f*****g nothing man. My happiness isn't grounded in that sh*t.

Anyway, think of me what you like, but I'm really not crazy... my mum had me tested ;)
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@zircon Charming. I can assure you I am not, as you put it, 'fucked up in the head' - you're welcome to your opinion of course, but just know that it's wildly off mark. Minoxidil, potentially in combination with a couple of other drugs, did damage the skin all over my body, not scarring per say, but it caused full-body acne amongst other things. Again, you don't have to believe me, but I have no incentive to lie about it. Do some research into clinical studies of minoxidil and collagen depletion - it's a real thing. And there are others too, one guy even got pseudo-acromelagy from taking it, albeit over a prolonged period and at a way above average dosage. As to the 'banging a model', well it's true. My ex-girlfriend is a professional model, repping brands at the London Fashion Show etc. She's far from a perfect 10, but was she attractive? Of course she was. The fetishes are weird, fine, I grant you that - but does that make me a bad person? Many people have all kinds of unsavory fantasies; I needed to vent and gave voice to a few of mine - this is an internet forum after all, a 'safe space', where we can rant about things we
wouldn't usually go shouting about in real life, get things off our chest we wouldn't otherwise be able to shift. I'm sorry if my sexual preferences offended you, it certainly wasn't intentional. The BJ message was a JOKE - why would I ask a woman for a blowjob who's not only 25 years my senior, but also over 5000 miles away on a completely different continent? It was a troll comment, a blown valve in reaction to a hell of a lot of hostility from much of this board over my suggestion that being an NW3 at 40 is in no way analogous to being an NW6 at 20. Again, you're welcome to your opinions, but there was no need to turn a disagreement into a personal vendetta, as many on this forum, including myself (for which I've apologised) ended up doing.

So what exactly is it that makes you think I'm a psycho? Look through my posts, you'll see my story has been consistent throughout. I was a good-looking guy (6-7-8/10) who had a lot of girls fancy him but struggled due to Asperger's, OCD tendencies and crippling social anxiety. I started to get over these problems, then hair loss hit. I went from a thickish NW2/3 to a slick NW6 in less than 2 years. My model girlfriend cheated on me during this period and broke up with me. I became severely depressed, tried and failed to kill myself, dropped out of uni. Tried a hair piece, had some success, then had a bad reaction to minoxidil - though it may also have been caused by some antidepressants I was also taking at the time - which destroyed my body and left me disfigured. I gave up on the piece, stopped going to the gym, gave up on life and became a recluse. Depression worsened, didn't respond to any antidepressants or CBT. And that's about it really. You don't need to sympathise with me and I recognise that there are others who have it worse (@Dante92 potentially, @Exodus2011 , Evillocks - sorry to hear about your recent heart troubles by the way :( ). Everyone has problems, that's life, and anyone who say's most people have a good time of it are lying to you - one of the main reasons I refuse to have children by the way. But that doesn't mean mine are somehow non-existent. Indeed, why don't you give me the benefit of the doubt for a second, assume everything I tell you is 100% true: can you imagine how that would effect a person? To have their life (because all of us know the importance of looks and social skills) ripped away from them before it barely even got started? To be completely powerless to do anything about it? I'm not lazy, I've been in fitness model shape (to give inspiration to the likes of Cope and Dante, I should point out that I suffer from a pretty slender frame also and can promise you you can work on it :) ) worked my balls off to succeed at school, but it counts for f*****g nothing man. My happiness isn't grounded in that sh*t.

Anyway, think of me what you like, but I'm really not crazy... my mum had me tested ;)

I don't think your crazy or delusional.

I do find the minoxidil connection odd--you can lay claim to this and genuinely believe it but i would love proof this has happened to others or Dr backing this up as a diagnosis--you do NOT need to provide it though i don't mean that as a challenge...lets just say i believe you believe you are justified in making this connection.

And as the person who you sent the blow job message--you apologized and i am not holding a grudge so i dont think anyone else should hold this against you.

i just have to edit this
I dont judge you for having taboo fetishes which is what i think may be going on with you-

--but I would just suggest you dont confuse not judging yourself for having taboo attractions with normalizing something that would not be okay.
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@zircon Charming. I can assure you I am not, as you put it, 'fucked up in the head' - you're welcome to your opinion of course, but just know that it's wildly off mark. Minoxidil, potentially in combination with a couple of other drugs, did damage the skin all over my body, not scarring per say, but it caused full-body acne amongst other things. Again, you don't have to believe me, but I have no incentive to lie about it. Do some research into clinical studies of minoxidil and collagen depletion - it's a real thing. And there are others too, one guy even got pseudo-acromelagy from taking it, albeit over a prolonged period and at a way above average dosage. As to the 'banging a model', well it's true. My ex-girlfriend is a professional model, repping brands at the London Fashion Show etc. She's far from a perfect 10, but was she attractive? Of course she was. The fetishes are weird, fine, I grant you that - but does that make me a bad person? Many people have all kinds of unsavoury fantasies; I needed to vent and gave voice to a few of mine - this is an internet forum after all, a 'safe space', where we can rant about things we wouldn't usually go shouting about in real life, get things off our chest we wouldn't otherwise be able to shift. I'm sorry if my sexual preferences offended you, it certainly wasn't intentional. The BJ message was a JOKE - why would I ask a woman for a blowjob who's not only 25 years my senior, but also over 5000 miles away on a completely different continent? It was a troll comment, a blown valve in reaction to a hell of a lot of hostility from much of this board over my suggestion that being an NW3 at 40 is in no way analogous to being an NW6 at 20. Again, you're welcome to your opinions, but there was no need to turn a disagreement into a personal vendetta, as many on this forum, including myself (for which I've apologised) ended up doing.

So what exactly is it that makes you think I'm a psycho? Look through my posts, you'll see my story has been consistent throughout. I was a good-looking guy (6-7-8/10) who had a lot of girls fancy him but struggled due to Asperger's, OCD tendencies and crippling social anxiety. I started to get over these problems, then hair loss hit. I went from a thickish NW2/3 to a slick NW6 in less than 2 years. My model girlfriend cheated on me during this period and broke up with me. I became severely depressed, tried and failed to kill myself, dropped out of uni. Tried a hair piece, had some success, then had a bad reaction to minoxidil - though it may also have been caused by some antidepressants I was also taking at the time - which destroyed my body and left me disfigured. I gave up on the piece, stopped going to the gym, gave up on life and became a recluse. Depression worsened, didn't respond to any antidepressants or CBT. And that's about it really. You don't need to sympathise with me and I recognise that there are others who have it worse (@Dante92 potentially, @Exodus2011 , Evillocks - sorry to hear about your recent heart troubles by the way :( ). Everyone has problems, that's life, and anyone who say's most people have a good time of it are lying to you - one of the main reasons I refuse to have children by the way. But that doesn't mean mine are somehow non-existent. Indeed, why don't you give me the benefit of the doubt for a second, assume everything I tell you is 100% true: can you imagine how that would effect a person? To have their life (because all of us know the importance of looks and social skills) ripped away from them before it barely even got started (I'm 20 years old btw)? To be completely powerless to do anything about it? I'm not lazy, I've been in fitness model shape (to give inspiration to the likes of Cope and Dante, I should point out that I suffer from a pretty slender frame also and can promise you you can work on it :) ) worked my balls off to succeed at school, but it counts for f*****g nothing man. My happiness isn't grounded in that sh*t.

Anyway, think of me what you like, but I'm really not crazy... my mum had me tested ;)

I don't understand why @Dante92 likes this?? he WAS good looking at one point, Dante... so, according to you, he deserves this more than anyone, and you should be filled with happiness to see he is going through it.


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but, but... I'VE been using minoxidil for five years and *I* never experienced anything like DBW, so it's obviously a lie.


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seriously though, DBW, will you give me a blowjob?


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Hangin'on Hair

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@zircon The BJ message was a JOKE - why would I ask a woman for a blowjob who's not only 25 years my senior.....

Why the hell not. A blow job is a blow job. And someone 25 yrs your senior would have more experience than some clueless 20yr old who would literally start blowing on your dick if you asked for a BJ.


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Why the hell not. A blow job is a blow job. And someone 25 yrs your senior would have more experience than some clueless 20yr old who would literally start blowing on your dick if you asked for a BJ.

lets be real most men don't care whose sucking their dick---if you all had bendable backs this would not even be an issue.


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If worst comes to worst I'm working on a backup plan consisting of consulting gigs from home in the day and sexing coked-up randoms with a hair piece at night. Weirdo IT millionaire style. Might add juice into the mix.
Steroid users, and recreational drug abuse tend go hand-in-hand. I mean where else can you wear tight v necks besides always finding reasons to walk around in the mall.

Why the hell not. A blow job is a blow job. And someone 25 yrs your senior would have more experience than some clueless 20yr old who would literally start blowing on your dick if you asked for a BJ.

I'd rather have something pleasing to look at. The whole fantasy scenario gets a bit over played when you are with a wretch


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lets be real most men don't care whose sucking their dick---if you all had bendable backs this would not even be an issue.
MEN with healthy t levels will put there dick any where if they are horny. They may talk big game around the boys but everyone with a semi healthy sex life has had a fattie slob on there knob:D

Problem is after wards you want them to leave. Some are good at a knowledgeable this, others not so obedient.


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So did DBW end up pulling any strange?


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MEN with healthy t levels will put there dick any where if they are horny. They may talk big game around the boys but everyone with a semi healthy sex life has had a fattie slob on there knob:D

Problem is after wards you want them to leave. Some are good at a knowledgeable this, others not so obedient.

I don't understand how women are attracted to men in their 20s to be honest.
I was not attracted to 20 year old men even when i was 20 years old.
I don't value youth in men. I value health and fitness this is not same thing.
i don't care if men have some lines and wrinkles, i prefer this actually.