Topical Cetrizine for Hair Loss instead of Finasteride (Propecia)


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I'm sorry but the argument that people have been making recently that everyone's different and have different factors affecting their hairloss is bs. If you are unaware, men tend to lose their hair in identical patterns(horseshoe shape). If that claim was true, we'd see men losing their hair in characteristically different ways like for instance, hairloss on the sides rather than the top. How often do you see a man losing hair on the sides as opposed to the top?

I'd be pretty freakin happy if I lost my hair on my sides and kept the top....

I think you're point is seems to me that there is a variability in the susceptibility to hairloss promoting processes...much like some people may only have allergies in the spring, while others suffer year round...


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My opinion is that the horse pattern is where the hair is most sensitive. Babies lack hair in front also they look like a thinning man in their first months... So anything that can affect the hair will hit there harder. My 2c.


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I'm sorry but the argument that people have been making recently that everyone's different and have different factors affecting their hairloss is bs. If you are unaware, men tend to lose their hair in identical patterns(horseshoe shape). If that claim was true, we'd see men losing their hair in characteristically different ways like for instance, hairloss on the sides rather than the top. How often do you see a man losing hair on the sides as opposed to the top?

I believe that the hairs in the horseshoe area are the hairs that are most susceptible to miniaturisation. The reason for their miniaturisation may be different from person to person, but if you've got a problem, these will be the first hairs to go. The idea that there is one universal cause of hairloss is bs, if you ask me.

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My opinion is that the horse pattern is where the hair is most sensitive. Babies lack hair in front also they look like a thinning man in their first months... So anything that can affect the hair will hit there harder. My 2c.

You beat me to the punch. I agree with this theory.


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Hello guys.
Longtime lurker here :)
I started topical CET some days ago, I did the mix myself with Aller Tec. Unlike you guys, the pills completely dissolved and I have nothing at the base of the distilled water I've used. I used 100ml with 100 pills. The mix is milky and it dry very fast and makes the skin very dry, the surface is basically solid with the CET, like a skin astringent. Is this ok?

This sounds a bit weird to me, Pex. Everyone else on Cet has had the undissolved filler sediment forming at the bottom of the container. The only time the Cet feels the way you describe is when I'm getting to the bottom of the mixture and start to get a bit too much filler in my solution. Are you using a strange brand or something? Are these just regular little white Cetirizine tablets? It sounds like you're getting all filler and no killer!


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I haven't tried that one myself...anyone else used the Kirkland brand and had the same issues as Pexcornel?


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This sounds a bit weird to me, Pex. Everyone else on Cet has had the undissolved filler sediment forming at the bottom of the container. The only time the Cet feels the way you describe is when I'm getting to the bottom of the mixture and start to get a bit too much filler in my solution. Are you using a strange brand or something? Are these just regular little white Cetirizine tablets? It sounds like you're getting all filler and no killer!

Yeah..the filler makes things gritty and crusty...I actually add a bit more water, let it settle, then take out with a dropper, then let it settle again -- it is the second batch that I draw off the top, and there is still some filler at the bottom, although not as much..


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Caspez any chance of an update? Do you know how the Germans are going?


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2 months for me so far and I have little hairs popping up in areas in front that had no hair for many years. Even when I was on propecia it never grew hair in these areas...
they seem to be getting longer but seem also to take longer to grow or maybe its just my imagination...but fact is there are some hairs growing where none were before.


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2 months for me so far and I have little hairs popping up in areas in front that had no hair for many years. Even when I was on propecia it never grew hair in these areas...
they seem to be getting longer but seem also to take longer to grow or maybe its just my imagination...but fact is there are some hairs growing where none were before.

Good to hear others reporting similar results, I hope it continues. Yes, it is slow, but it is progress for sure. Encouraging to see new growth.


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Did you had any shedding? Has cetirizine reduced your hair fall?...

Yes I did have a shed and after a few weeks it slowed it down a lot. It hasnt stopped it but it has reduced it quite a bit.

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Good to hear others reporting similar results, I hope it continues. Yes, it is slow, but it is progress for sure. Encouraging to see new growth.

Yes it is encouraging. So far the only thing Ive tried in all these many years that has grown hair in areas that nothing has been able to touch, minoxidil, propecia and all the other crap Ive tried in desperation.


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I'll take pics with my phone camera, not sure how the quality will be but will give it a try. I'll do this this evening.


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I started two weeks ago and something is happening but too early to say for sure. Will keep you all posted! Not getting my hopes up though lol


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I got buzzed was shocking but i think i'll live..anyways -- gonna give it the spray coverage twice/day now


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I took several shots last night with my phone camera but the quality is crap. Im going to borrow a camera today hopefully and post pics.