I explained myself poorly, apologies, English is not my first language. What I meant to say is that my thyroid is not optimal (High TSH and low Free T4) but I can't attribute it to topical dutasteride.
1) I think you are the one who doesn't get it. Again, if TT it's permanently bound or not is irrelevant in his case. Again, context.
2) I don't have a complex pharmaceutical formula, it's not my formula. I can't disclose what I don't own. If you buy Parati's Topical Dutasteride you will be able to read from the label that their formula is extensive. I am glad I have been able to help you with your regimen, that is the point of this threat.
3) DHT doesn't fluctuate as widely as E2 does. You can't manipulate DHT through diet or body fat index to the extent you can manipulate estrogen. Even eating dairy products the night prior to my bloodwork will elevate E2. DHT I can raise a little with Creatine, that's it.
4) High free T4 levels (within range) is not a bad thing if your TSH is within range which I believe he had.
Instead of trying to be a c*** towards me you should invest your time on helping others. Dr Google will only get you so far...