Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji

Super Metroid

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5'4. average in my country is 6ft for men and 5'6 for women. im so done with my life

You live in the Netherlands?

I can't judge your situation, because I don't know you. If the height is such an issue, moving to an Asian country might be your best option. 5'4' is average in some Asian / Latin American countries. Women in those places average about 5'0'. Guatamala, Indonesia, Thailand etc. Prices are much lower there as well. If you have some capital or can do some IT-stuff online, you can make an easy living over there.

Best of luck, but it is quite offtopic in the discussion about Tsuji ;)


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how would you feel if i told you your hair doesn't matter because you can just fly to the philipines where women are desperate enough for white men that even a NW7 will do quite well? like, the last thing i want in life is life in country like f*****g indonesia. that would signal such defeat, can't even attract women here need to move to a low income country etc, i thought you guys where better than that, that you would actually understand the issue is not that i can't stick my desperate dick in anything, its about desirability. whatever, just move to an asian country is one of the worst things i have gotten directed towards me when i told this story. like a f*****g sex tourist

is that what i should do? i would much prefer sucide then dead serious

Ehrm...Indonesia is the biggest Muslim country in the world. It's not exactly great for sex tourism or catalogue brides.

Not a fan of catalogue brides either but their point is that your height is average in other countries, which would actually make you desired or at least more desirable.


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and so it is with bald western men. does that help you? of course not. i don't want to live in such a country even if my life depends on it

Omfg Cricket, i know your just venting but how it's gonna help you bro ? You really need to focus on other things, i recall you being smart and going to a good college to become an engineer or something, pick up some sport and break through this negative cycle cos it's not helping you bro... I know it's hard, a lot of people on this Earth have it worse than most of us and even if i know that it's not a consolation but life is not fair mate, we only get one shot and we have to do the best with what we have even if we like it or not... Don't waste your prime years my dude, your gonna regret it deeply after... You left this forums and you said it's much better and i'm sure it was, it's not doing any good friend, your only feeding your problems with others problems and negativity !

Super Metroid

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how would you feel if i told you your hair doesn't matter because you can just fly to the philipines where women are desperate enough for white men that even a NW7 will do quite well? like, the last thing i want in life is life in country like f*****g indonesia. that would signal such defeat, can't even attract women here need to move to a low income country etc, i thought you guys where better than that, that you would actually understand the issue is not that i can't stick my desperate dick in anything, its about desirability. whatever, just move to an asian country is one of the worst things i have gotten directed towards me when i told this story. like a f*****g sex tourist

Who said that it would be like a sex tourist? You can move to another country and find a nice, traditional girl over there who happens to be a lot shorter than you. If you are about desirability, these constant posts complaining about your life don't do you any good.

Anyway, not here to pick a fight with you. Wish you the best, but please take the hint that it is very offtopic in this thread :)


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5'4. average in my country is 6ft for men and 5'6 for women. im so done with my life
I'm sorry about it dude, must be really f*****g hard. I'm 5'9 (1'76) with shoes and boys around my age are 1'81 aprox on average so it's nothing compared to you but yeah... It sucks sometimes... I'm also a bit Asperger and I'm not very handsome (not ugly either I guess) so I have a hard time with girls myself... The only thing I can tell you is that volunteering with people that are phisically and mentally ill and seeing their struggle and how they keep up with life and feel almost "Happy" has put some things into perspective for me... I used to feel miserable all the time I felt like the main protagonist of Taxi driver I became obsesed with him... A lot of young man feel like that nowadays... Lonely young man who feel the world has left them behind... But volunteering has made me a little bit Better. My Demons are still there some days and alcoholism hunts me but it's not as bad as it used to be... Love is the answer even if It can't be sex


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no it never was any better. i know this won't end well for me, it won't happen tomorrow or next month but at some point i can't cope and then i will end it for good. you can't imagine the psychological trauma i am going through every. single. day. in and out. it s so draining. and yes, of course the incel communities make it worse, these people are what i consider actual terrorists by any metric. however i feel bad enough just walking through the street seeing my pathetic body reflection in a glass wall towered over by literally 80% of girls. no, i don't want it anymore

You need to be strong buddy, pick up a sport and man yourself up, it's the only thing that will make you break this cycle.. Focus on all the good things and forget the others, life is more than looks even if it's hard to believe it or not... Who the f*** knows where you will be or what you will accomplish in this life, just keep your head up, man yourself up... And do sports buddy it really helps a lot, read interesting things, meditate and break the cycle... You are stronger than this i'm 100% sure and you have a purpose in this life but it's not on the internet or on this forums ! Think of the little guy in Game of Thrones he is an idol for me, i like him so much i can't even imagine what he is going and gone through because of his height and still with all of this he is a great man, has a wonderful wife and kids, you just have to want it real bad... Stay strong


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I am so resentful towards attractive people. look at this guy


his life is determined to be vastly superior and enjoyable than my purely by his genetic code. he hasnt worked for it, he just got it for free. this is nothing you can buy, its a certain privilege in our society that cannot be earned, good genes are priceless. now imagine, this guy suddenly started to lose his hair. imagine him being a Norwood 6 or 7. that BEauTiFul ManE. next imagine he got my beard genes as in, patchy neckbeard and thats all he can achieve. next imagine he was 5'5. i don't know how tall he is but most likely well above 6ft. imagine he got all that sh*t. now imagine he has a 4 inch dick as well. you think he will do the same sh*t, flying around the world taking pictures of himself? if it had happened to him right from the start who knows what he would do. but if he were to get all those sh*t traits now? no question he would sucide himself. he has seen the privilege of looks, how different he has been treated and how people react to him. life is all about life quality and life quality in my opinion to a large extent depends on how you look. im so fed up with these assholes that i had to delete my social media accounts because i can't bear seeing those sh*t faced idiots all the time


Are you just now discovering that life ain't fair? Get over it, kid. Oh and go whine in the correct forum section. Thanks. If you truly are as hideous as you say you are hitting the gym + Spanishboy97's advice are your best options.


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I am so resentful towards attractive people. look at this guy


his life is determined to be vastly superior and enjoyable than my purely by his genetic code. he hasnt worked for it, he just got it for free. this is nothing you can buy, its a certain privilege in our society that cannot be earned, good genes are priceless. now imagine, this guy suddenly started to lose his hair. imagine him being a Norwood 6 or 7. that BEauTiFul ManE. next imagine he got my beard genes as in, patchy neckbeard and thats all he can achieve. next imagine he was 5'5. i don't know how tall he is but most likely well above 6ft. imagine he got all that sh*t. now imagine he has a 4 inch dick as well. you think he will do the same sh*t, flying around the world taking pictures of himself? if it had happened to him right from the start who knows what he would do. but if he were to get all those sh*t traits now? no question he would sucide himself. he has seen the privilege of looks, how different he has been treated and how people react to him. life is all about life quality and life quality in my opinion to a large extent depends on how you look. im so fed up with these assholes that i had to delete my social media accounts because i can't bear seeing those sh*t faced idiots all the time


Let's not take over this thread, i said what i had to say, rest depends only on you.. You have to decide and the power is in your hands.. What do you want to do with your life, sit and rant and look at others lives or try to do something with yourself and with your life.. It's that simple and looking at others life will not change anything it will only make it worse.. Even being that guy if he starts looking at others he will find many others better than him but this is life, and yes some have much luck than others and others have to make their own luck.. Crying over internet forums and spending your life in a swallow pity hole is not going to help... Man up and try to get out of this negative thinking because nothing is gonna change it your not gonna do it.. Now let's not take over this thread and good luck and stay safe !


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i just wanted to make my point clear and i stand by the fact that i will most likely try to end it eventually. and you'd understand if you felt what i felt over the last decade

No, i won't understand it and i really hope you won't do something stupid that will cause a lot of suffering among your parents and loved ones.. There is nothing in this world that deserves to give your life for except protecting your safety or loved ones, nothing else... If i would have been next to you or closer i would have smacked the sh*t out of you maybe youd come to life this way, but unfortunately i'm a dude on the internet who is trying to help you.. And as bad as i feel for you this is the only thing i can do, i can't save you unfortunately and the only person who can is you... If not, you will be another coward that ended his life, the world is full of them and your not gonna be the first and not the last one either !
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i just wanted to make my point clear and i stand by the fact that i will most likely try to end it eventually. and you'd understand if you felt what i felt over the last decade

Just go find yourself a short asian chick.


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Just go find yourself a short asian chick.

OMFG stop it with this sh*t advises, he need therapy, he need friends, he need his family next to him, he need to see that life is more than this, he needs a vacation and some purpose in life... What the f*** are you all retarded and low IQ or what the f*** is wrong with people this days...
FIND A ASIAN CHICK, OMFG you retards are so annoying it's unbearable some times !


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OMFG stop it with this sh*t advises, he need therapy, he need friends, he need his family next to him, he need to see that life is more than this, he needs a vacation and some purpose in life... What the f*** are you all retarded and low IQ or what the f*** is wrong with people this days...
FIND A ASIAN CHICK, OMFG you retards are so annoying it's unbearable some times !

I NEED to get back to topic. Right now.


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I get the biggest kick out of these timelines. These people that think this technology is just going to plummet the price within 10 years I'd like to know what instances you are talking about for real to make this generalization that that's just what treatments do? Ive read some specifically say itll probably come down to an average hair transplant in 5-10 years does that seem realistic? Seriously? Like if the 300k mark is true lets say it comes down to 15k a 95% discount within a couple years for a minimally invasive surgical procedure does that sound realistic? Where do I find other medical procedures that this exact 95% discount business is happening to?

People are only saying that because it’s what that guy reported Tsuji saying in his lecture.

Super Metroid

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I don’t think it is going to “plummet” in price but I could see it going down to ~100k. Anything lower than 50k is dreaming until there’s some actual competition

I find it kind of funny that, after all the false stories, hoaxes, fake news etc. around the subject of hair regeneration, a story from a simple blogger that is supposed to know Tsuji is believed without question on this forum. What evidence does he present for all these claims? Maybe it is a guy that just wants the attention or it's a marketing thing from Riken, possibly to get attention from investors. If this person is a student of Tsuji, why don't other student confirm this story? Or better, why doesn't Tsuji / Riken do this announcement by themselves?


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I find it kind of funny that, after all the false stories, hoaxes, fake news etc. around the subject of hair regeneration, a story from a simple blogger that is supposed to know Tsuji is believed without question on this forum. What evidence does he present for all these claims? Maybe it is a guy that just wants the attention or it's a marketing thing from Riken, possibly to get attention from investors. If this person is a student of Tsuji, why don't other student confirm this story? Or better, why doesn't Tsuji / Riken do this announcement by themselves?

Well, he says that at the end of this year we'll have some results, hopefully to believe. That's all we have.

Speaking of evidence, as we do not know that a large percentage of those who write in this forum are representatives of hair graft clinics, prp, mesotherapy with dutas, etc etc etc etc .... since they only write to say that nothing helps, fraud, conspiracy and blah blah blah ... at least this has some proof and the rest does not. If it was for advertising I would have put it in several languages from the beginning, for example, I would have published it in forums, etc. Remember that I published the video and not the one.

That Guy

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I don’t think it is going to “plummet” in price but I could see it going down to ~100k. Anything lower than 50k is dreaming until there’s some actual competition

and that's the thing: There is no competition in the foreseeable future.

I see a number of people here are n00bz, and probably weren't around back in ~2016 when we were having these discussions about Tsuji, Tissuse, Hairclone, etc. I also wrote some articles for HairLossTalk.com on the subject.

As far as cloning is concerned, Tsuji has literally no competition whatsoever. The big breakthrough that his team made, was solving the epithelial multiplication problem. No one else has done this and it's the biggest piece of the puzzle for anyone pursuing it. Hairclone has no idea how they're even going to cultivate cells, Tissuse literally said they are waiting for someone else to solve the mystery for them, Alex Terskikh's company is in its infancy still...Tsuji likely won't have any competition for the next 10 years. f***, maybe longer when you consider the things they'll have patented etc.

Someone brought up LASIK. LASIK has been brought up everytime this discussion happens. It's taken 20 years for LASIK to drop to a price that is within reach for a lot of people, and consider that LASIK had a way-lower starting price than what is being suggested here.

Let's say that they start at 380k; the absolute highest suggested. After ten years, best-case scenario, it might drop to half price if the technology behind it is streamlined a bit and MAYBE there is some actual competition. So that's a 190k. Still out of reach for most.

Further, I don't know if you guys have noticed, but inflation shows no sign of slowing down; we could damn-well be in Weimar Republic levels within 15 years. It's entirely possible that they keep the price at today's top dollar or even increase the cost as things get worse.

There is no competition at the ready. There will likely be no price drop that will make much difference throughout the next decade.

To all the young forum lurkers: The cruel irony is that Tsuji isn't going to save you despite probably having the cure. You will be well-past your prime by the time you might be able to afford it. Take finasteride, take minoxidil, get a transplant, and save a bit of money so that Follica can do whatever it can do for you within the next couple of years. Maybe, if we're lucky, you'll be able to not bother with the finasteride once Shiseido decides to launch RCH-01 within the next couple years.

That's all you can do in this lifetime.