I think NW7-NW0 by 2030 is possible, but optimistic. To take a NW7 to a 0 is probably more likely within 15 years. That being said, it will probably be possible to take a NW7 to a NW3 within ten years, and maybe within five, and that's plenty of hair for what most of you guys are so worried about - women.
Let's be honest here; the whole hair issue for most forum members is an incel thing. You're not getting laid, and you blame your hair - and you're probably right. That's not to say you couldn't get laid if you were more charismatic and/or had more money, but that's not easy for your average millennial who has been brought up on soy and video games. But what you early 20-somethings don't realize is that life doesn't end at 30 - that happens at 40. This means that if you're a NW2 at 35, you still have plenty of time to enjoy yourself. That Guy is right in saying that, optimally, you want to find a quality mate by 25, but that doesn't mean you can't find that person at 35; where I live - a gigantic, globally-important city - men with means routinely date and marry women 10+ years younger than themselves (I haven't date a girl my own age since college - my last gf was in her twenties and eight years younger than me). Besides, in these debouched, decedent times we live in, it doesn't matter if you have Jesus's hair and Bezos's bank, you're not going to find a 25 year-old 10 tits-on-a-stick virgin - they just do not exist in the 21st century. So hang in there - it's coming.
I don't know, which is why I don't needle. My totally uninformed opinion says reasonable needling (ie., not every day at such a significant depth that your head looks like a horror movie) probably won't have any adverse risk on future protocols, but since I still have a lot of hair, the risk isn't worth it to me. People who discount Follica and claim it's "just needling and minoxidil" don't appreciate what they've been doing for the last 15 years; they have researched every factor - depth, frequency, windows, etc. - to produce a protocol that is optimized for maximum benefit and fewest drawbacks. That's the difference between Follica and someone at home using a needle stamp on themselves, and that's why Follica will be so much better.