I looked at the front page, this study was never published and from 1930. They did not even have the technology back then to test for brain injury which is the most impacted area of ketosis. They also did not test liver function. And there are also many scientist that have linked sodium to insulin resistance rather than carbohydrates. A growing body of evidence on this subject.
Once again I'm not disputing whether a human can survive in these conditions. We are very resilient. We can survive with nothing but water for long periods of time. Our bodies produce most vitamins required given some basic material for production. They are not optimal conditions for health though. It is not a coincidence that the human body stores glycogen in muscles and liver. It is the best source of fuel for us. We, however, evolved to store fat because there were periods of time when food was scarce especially during winter. Our bodies then would convert to using fat stores as a source of energy.
I'm stating that life expectancy of people on these diets is much lower and they have more health issues. You can find this information on inuits via Canada's census/statistics pages.
The point is it will not help your hair. I can guarantee it. When I was heavily into bodybuilding I did a ketogenic diet in order to strip down to 4% body fat. I lost a big load of hair during that time. I was also not very mentally alert. The mental alertness could vary based on ancestral type. I'm sure you can find many people complaining of hair loss while on this diet on various forums. Bodybuilding forums are known for this complaint. This is purely anecdotal but it's out there. Now this hair will more than likely grow back as it could be a telogen effluvium of sorts. It grew back for me when I started on carbs again.
I don't know your hair situation. But don't be hopeful that being on a ketogenic diet will save your hair. If insulin resistance was the cause you would lose hair everywhere. This is definitely a result of your sebaceous glands genetically predispositioned to having more dht receptors. I'm sure DHT is not the only factor but so far science has proven that it is a factor. Science has also proven that taking propecia will help it. So why postpone? Real science shows the side effects are rare. Your ketogenic diet is not a breakthrough in hairloss. People have been trying every cure known to snake oil salesmen and yet a huge population is still bald.
Once again I'm not disputing whether a human can survive in these conditions. We are very resilient. We can survive with nothing but water for long periods of time. Our bodies produce most vitamins required given some basic material for production. They are not optimal conditions for health though. It is not a coincidence that the human body stores glycogen in muscles and liver. It is the best source of fuel for us. We, however, evolved to store fat because there were periods of time when food was scarce especially during winter. Our bodies then would convert to using fat stores as a source of energy.
I'm stating that life expectancy of people on these diets is much lower and they have more health issues. You can find this information on inuits via Canada's census/statistics pages.
The point is it will not help your hair. I can guarantee it. When I was heavily into bodybuilding I did a ketogenic diet in order to strip down to 4% body fat. I lost a big load of hair during that time. I was also not very mentally alert. The mental alertness could vary based on ancestral type. I'm sure you can find many people complaining of hair loss while on this diet on various forums. Bodybuilding forums are known for this complaint. This is purely anecdotal but it's out there. Now this hair will more than likely grow back as it could be a telogen effluvium of sorts. It grew back for me when I started on carbs again.
I don't know your hair situation. But don't be hopeful that being on a ketogenic diet will save your hair. If insulin resistance was the cause you would lose hair everywhere. This is definitely a result of your sebaceous glands genetically predispositioned to having more dht receptors. I'm sure DHT is not the only factor but so far science has proven that it is a factor. Science has also proven that taking propecia will help it. So why postpone? Real science shows the side effects are rare. Your ketogenic diet is not a breakthrough in hairloss. People have been trying every cure known to snake oil salesmen and yet a huge population is still bald.