Here is a photo of a very small section of the skin beneath my hairline (700% zoom, see the difference in size and diameter with normal hair; there are 54 hair on this photo, it's an area less larger than 1cm x 1cm). It's a 2 centimeters band full of these dark vellus hair. This band covers the same area as the hairline I had when I was a teenager. The temples are also full of these vellus hair. These vellus are so small that you can't really see them with your eyes under normal lighting. You can only see a change of color of your skin and the vellus that are actually growing. I assume that these vellus will be growing like the other new hair I was showing. Why ? Because, if you look closely, some come with two hair inside one bulb; just like normal hair. They also go in the same direction as normal hair (which I think is quite important to make the distinction with normal vellus).
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Under these dark vellus, I have normal vellus. Normal vellus are not pigmented. They only come by one inside a bulb. They don't go to the same direction as normal hair. Here is how they look.
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I have dark hair, so I can make the distinction between those two kinds of vellus. But those who have light hair or blonde hair will have a hard time to make the distinction. I think that the vellus on the first photos are in fact actual hair in the making. Only time will tell us if I was right to think this...