- calcification fibrosis is the
cause of hairloss in men ( which are 99% of cases in males, ......obviously there are exceptions but you get the point)
- calcification fibrosis makes the follicle dormant.......
its not actual hormones directly making dormant follicles. try to use
finasteride on someone with an advanced calcification fibrosis scalp...the hair wont grow alot...... thats because the fibrosis is already advanced and
needs to be treated/reversed to normal.
- calcification fibrosis cause poor circulation,
but it can be constantly reversed with microneedling (add minoxidil to wakeup/boost the follicle everyday, until you reversed calcification fibrosis and the hair is solid (6months-12months). think about it, why guys with beards keep their follicles after dropping minoxidil? Because theres almost no calcification fibrosis on cheecks/jawline. get rid of that calcification fibrosis and make sure the new hairs/gains will stay, like people do with their minoxidil beard, they go 1year on minoxidil and drop it after, and keep all their gains.
if you drop it and you lose your gains ... well
-your calcification fibrosis was still not reversed
-or your new hairs weren't terminal
so before dropping minoxidil and maintaining with microneedling only, make sure of 3 things:
1- scalp is reversed of calcification fibrosis
2- your dormant follicles woke up and they are now terminal hairs
3 - You found a way to fight calcification fibrosis constantly effectlively (that would be microneedling and maybe massages if you want) and you are ready to take the risk of losing all your gains.
minoxidil + Microneedling is a marathon, not a race. it might take 3 years of treatement with consistency for you to get back to nw1. its not easy, its a lifestyle.
thats how you can maintain with microneedling + massages. (considering the person's hairloss cause is calcification fibrosis and that they can handle microneedling sessions to their lifestyle)
undetailed summary:
-manage to constantly reverse calcifacation fibrosis. (maintain)
-wakeup/boost your dormant follicles with a strong circulation boosting topical, until your follicles are strong enough (terminal) and your calcifaction fibrosis is constantly gone.
So for now, thats the ''cure'' of hairloss.... aka the best way we found to fight calcification fibrosis.....can you handle this? will this work for you? depends if you are a disciplined person and can tolerate pain, healthy, hygenic in your microneedling regimen and motivated. remember that it gets easier overtime. If thats you start here, :