Last session was a complete failure, 36 pins is officially too high as it will tear out your hair as it gets twisted in the pins. I've been shedding A LOT lately and honestly I've seen no progress in the month I've been doing this. It's pretty uncomfortable being either at the precipice of satisfactory regrowth or confirmation that no treatment will work, and being unaware which it is. I've never shared any "effects of hairloss" stuff on here before as I hate incelism and all that comes with it but I may as well. I'm only 20 and I've been overweight for most of my life, handsome but overweight. Well 3 years ago I made a change and dropped 70lbs. in less than a year and finally reached a healthy weight. I was extremely attractive and I was reminded everywhere I looked. People I hadn't known very long couldn't believe my old pictures were of me, customers at my job flirted with me, and best of all I had EARNED it. Hair loss stole that from me, all my hard work and it's rewards. But that's also why I love needling so much. I've always been willing to work for my appearance, I never wanted or expected an easy, magical solution to my hair loss, just a fair opportunity to earn it. Needling is to hair what diet and excercise are to weight, and that's just fine with me. Hopefully that analogy helps some of you, because right now it's all that's pushing me along.