I’ve been going a bit deeper lately, 1.25mm, but I will go back to 1mm.
I had a professional microneedling session done to my face yesterday, and when the woman looked at my scalp she said that my skin had not entirely healed yet from when I microneedled almost two weeks ago. She stressed the importance of letting your skin fully heal before you start disrupting it again, and she thought it’s not necessary to go deeper than 1mm.
Funny thing: I have been getting remarks about my hair colour lately - that the colour is richer and warmer than before. Three different people have complimented me on it and think that I am dying it a different colour. I dye my hair to give it more volume, but have not changed the colour. So it must be that my hair texture has changed, and that the hair is taking up the dye differently.
I had a professional microneedling session done to my face yesterday, and when the woman looked at my scalp she said that my skin had not entirely healed yet from when I microneedled almost two weeks ago. She stressed the importance of letting your skin fully heal before you start disrupting it again, and she thought it’s not necessary to go deeper than 1mm.
Funny thing: I have been getting remarks about my hair colour lately - that the colour is richer and warmer than before. Three different people have complimented me on it and think that I am dying it a different colour. I dye my hair to give it more volume, but have not changed the colour. So it must be that my hair texture has changed, and that the hair is taking up the dye differently.