It makes finding a solution to your hair loss problem harder for example, and you'll be more likely to make mistakes like a botched FUT hair transplant with a unknown surgeon.
I didn't take my homework before getting my FUE lightly, for me, it was like working on a thesis for one year and half. You need to be smart enough to be able to do that.
Once you've done your research, pulling the trigger is an act of faith, and ultimately, you do it because you absolutely have to. Because remaining bald is not an option.
Either that, or you're going to overthink about whether you should go on hair loss medication because you don't understand the significance of the finasteride/minoxidil safety trials and would rather base your decision on random internet anecdotes full of fear-mongering.
I think that's why hair loss hurts smart people more, because in the end, they know the extent of the damage it's doing to them.
So make no mistake man, since you are already on this forum, you
are smart. Almost all of us here are to an extent. You think everyone is capable of articulating our thoughts, our fears, our hopes about the disease of the spirit that is hair loss?
How many of us on this forum are construction workers or waiters (not that there's anything wrong with that)? If you ask most people on here, they'll tell you that they have a university degree and work in a relatively intellectually demanding field.
And here's a partial answer to what a few members have pointed out on this forum (I think it was mainly
@cocohot ?): "How come there are so few people who come here to express their angst about hair loss and how it's damaging their lives?"
It's because first, there aren't that many people that are smart enough to realize that hair loss is actually a problem and that it's having a negative effect on their lives, and second, even if they knew, they wouldn't be verbally smart enough to be able to write it down on this forum in a coherent manner.