I work with a bloke that is a Norwood 6 heading towards a 7 when he was 21.
You wouldn't believe how bad his life is. I will try to state his life.
Hat prisoner,lives by himself,no confidence at all,never had a date let alone a girlfriend, no friends(everyone bullies him),other people mock him behind his back,never goes away on holidays,stays inside when home only leaves the house to get groceries and a walk every now and again.
He is about 32 years old now he has worked with me for the last decade. I have had a front row seat to watch what happens to Norwood 6 men and it ain't good at all.
He has definitely given up says he is not even Trying to date now.
He plays video games on his own that's it nothing else.
It's really really sad to watch his life get wasted like this.