what's wrong with the world?



i see so many people in here who are depressed over their hairloss. whats wrong with the world? it makes me sad to see all these guys suffering, beeing depressed, having anxious attacks.

i mean im not the best myself in handling baldness. and i dont know how bad it really is for these guys or if they just overdo it with crying about hairloss.

there are so many people out there who are happy or at least seem like they are. why are you not happy? is hairloss so bad?

there is so much to do in life. you cant hide and stop living. or well , some of us do. :( but its no good.

i did it for myself, i didnt study right, i didnt go out so much anymore. i didnt go to university. :( but i told myself that i from now want to do it better. not worrying so much about hairloss anymore, dont hide it anymore, and just live. f***, even if i got hairloss, just f*** it. life is so short.


good, askas! i dont say that everyone has depressions or the other things, just some of us.


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neo1234 said:
good, askas! i dont say that everyone has depressions or the other things, just some of us.

I have had my problems way before baldness came to play. From birth. Not much you can do about that. I just wish people who can have a relatively NORMAL life don't take it for granted.


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I think it's sad that so many guys are made to worry over something that's totally natural and normal and part of being a guy.


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Humans understandably worry about all signs of physical/ mental disintegration, some deal with it worse than others, how many threads/ posts do we really need regarding the fact that we don't understand why some people are more affected by it than others? We are all more than aware that we have a handful of people on this board that gain comfort from repeatadly playing their minature violins to rest of us but deep down we all recognise a part of their pain, overall I'd say that most of deal with it pretty well considering.
A better question would be.. Why do some people spend so much time worrying about the fact that other people are worrying too much? The answer is that it briefly makes them feel better since they actually worry about exactly the same things.


you re right uk1, i worry about it too. maybe it makes me feel better that there are some people who are in the same situation like me.

i just thought about it. and what is worse, a guy who got hairloss and doesnt look that good anymore or a guy who got hairloss and hides at home? i think by doing this, you become a REAL freak.

i need to go out more! definatley!

first step was, i was in a club yesterday. but its not enough, i need to constantly go out of my home. i stay to much inside.


Well most of my hairloss depression is only because my head shape is so f*****g weird! I wouldn't mind being bald if I had a normal sized/shaped head. But having both early baldness and weird head shape is just too much for one person to handle.

EDIT: My head shape is not weird weird, it's a normal human head that you see every day but it's just not suitable for shaving.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Well most of my hairloss depression is only because my head shape is so f****ing weird! I wouldn't mind being bald if I had a normal sized/shaped head. But having both early baldness and weird head shape is just too much for one person to handle.

EDIT: My head shape is not weird weird, it's a normal human head that you see every day but it's just not suitable for shaving.

Imagine a guy with plagiocephalis and hairloss.


IBM said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
Well most of my hairloss depression is only because my head shape is so f****ing weird! I wouldn't mind being bald if I had a normal sized/shaped head. But having both early baldness and weird head shape is just too much for one person to handle.

EDIT: My head shape is not weird weird, it's a normal human head that you see every day but it's just not suitable for shaving.

Imagine a guy with plagiocephalis and hairloss.

Yeah I know, that would suck even more than it does now.


askas said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
Well most of my hairloss depression is only because my head shape is so f****ing weird! I wouldn't mind being bald if I had a normal sized/shaped head. But having both early baldness and weird head shape is just too much for one person to handle.

EDIT: My head shape is not weird weird, it's a normal human head that you see every day but it's just not suitable for shaving.

You are strange.. you've been said that your head is ok...

Yeah I know I'm strange :lol: . I always find something to obsess about nowadays.


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IBM said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
Well most of my hairloss depression is only because my head shape is so f****ing weird! I wouldn't mind being bald if I had a normal sized/shaped head. But having both early baldness and weird head shape is just too much for one person to handle.

EDIT: My head shape is not weird weird, it's a normal human head that you see every day but it's just not suitable for shaving.

Imagine a guy with plagiocephalis and hairloss.

...or benign tumors on their skull.


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UK1 said:
Humans understandably worry about all signs of physical/ mental disintegration
But male pattern baldness is not a sign of physical or mental disintegration. In fact it's quite normal.


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Its generally percieved as a sign of getting old.


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blondeguy said:
UK1 said:
Humans understandably worry about all signs of physical/ mental disintegration
But male pattern baldness is not a sign of physical or mental disintegration. In fact it's quite normal.

Of course it's quite normal, that doesn't change the way that it makes people feel, it's up there as one of the ugliest signs of aging and can understandably tear some people apart, especially when they're in there teens and 20s.


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UK1 said:
blondeguy said:
UK1 said:
Humans understandably worry about all signs of physical/ mental disintegration
But male pattern baldness is not a sign of physical or mental disintegration. In fact it's quite normal.

Of course it's quite normal, that doesn't change the way that it makes people feel, it's up there as one of the ugliest signs of aging and can understandably tear some people apart, especially when they're in there teens and 20s.

I understand, but I believe those feelings are artificial and planted by exposure to popular media. I heard one popular hair transplant doctor refer to balding as a "progressive disease," implying unhealthiness in something healthy and normal. There's a certain mindset out there that thrives on male insecurity for its business. Luckily, things have changed a lot in the last ten years, and you even see bald guys as film action heroes. We're finally getting back to the normal male image, but many men are still affected by the vice of the old guard.


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blondeguy said:
UK1 said:
blondeguy said:
UK1 said:
Humans understandably worry about all signs of physical/ mental disintegration
But male pattern baldness is not a sign of physical or mental disintegration. In fact it's quite normal.

Of course it's quite normal, that doesn't change the way that it makes people feel, it's up there as one of the ugliest signs of aging and can understandably tear some people apart, especially when they're in there teens and 20s.

I understand, but I believe those feelings are artificial and planted by exposure to popular media. I heard one popular hair transplant doctor refer to balding as a "progressive disease," implying unhealthiness in something healthy and normal. There's a certain mindset out there that thrives on male insecurity for its business. Luckily, things have changed a lot in the last ten years, and you even see bald guys as film action heroes. We're finally getting back to the normal male image, but many men are still affected by the vice of the old guard.

I think it's got more to do with the fact that people with hair simply look better.