what's wrong with the world?


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s.a.f said:
All this may be true hairloss is no excuse for not getting a woman or being social but you cant deny that it does'nt help with either.

If i dont get a women its my fault? Simply there are people that are not loved. They dont have the fault of not getting attention from they want.


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blondeguy said:
s.a.f said:
blondeguy said:
Heheh...there's enough hair on my chest for them to play with. My scalp is strictly baby-***-smooth territory. :p

I think that most prefer it the other way around.

I don't think you have the experience to claim what most women want. I think many of you use hair loss as an excuse, because to admit that hair doesn't matter means you'd have yourselves to blame for not being social. You fear rejection and hair loss is your fallback. It doesn't matter how many polls and surveys I post proving that women don't care as long as your groomed and interesting; you guys won't listen because you need a crutch to blame.

Sorry to be blunt, but some of your attitudes really suck...

Polls, surveys and positive mental attitude are all you have blondeguy, deep down you know that we make sense.


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s.a.f said:
All this may be true hairloss is no excuse for not getting a woman or being social but you cant deny that it does'nt help with either.

In terms of affecting your confidence, yes. If you clean yourself up and have an attractive personality, it doesn't matter. You're trying to graft some male logical process onto what attracts a woman, and women aren't attracted to men logically. In fact, it's quite counterintuitive until you learn it. The reason the jerks get chicks isn't because they're jerks. It's because they have backbones and go after what they want, and that's attractive. That's why sitting around whining about your hair is unattractive.

UK1 said:
Polls, surveys and positive mental attitude are all you have blondeguy, deep down you know that we make sense.

I also have experience.

Putting it all on the scale of rationality, we have polls, surveys, positive mental attitude, and experience on one side, and the collective delusional insecurity of the Hairlosstalk forums on the other. My side weighs more. :)


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blondeguy said:
we have polls, surveys, positive mental attitude, and experience on one side, and the collective delusional insecurity of the Hairlosstalk forums on the other. My side weighs more. :)

Who's "we"?


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blondeguy said:
Putting it all on the scale of rationality, we have polls, surveys, positive mental attitude, and experience on one side, and the collective delusional insecurity of the Hairlosstalk forums on the other. My side weighs more. :)

OK 'blondeguy'.. now I know that you're going through bald man syndrome, it must've hit you as hard or harder than most of these guys.


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UK1 said:
blondeguy said:
Putting it all on the scale of rationality, we have polls, surveys, positive mental attitude, and experience on one side, and the collective delusional insecurity of the Hairlosstalk forums on the other. My side weighs more. :)

OK 'blondeguy'.. now I know that you're going through bald man syndrome, it must've hit you as hard or harder than most of these guys.

Haha. I like that, "bald man syndrome." :D


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OK 'blondeguy'.. now I know that you're going through bald man syndrome, it must've hit you as hard or harder than most of these guys.

or maybe he isnt delusional like you!!! He got over it, you havent


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Itsonlyinmyhead said:
OK 'blondeguy'.. now I know that you're going through bald man syndrome, it must've hit you as hard or harder than most of these guys.

or maybe he isnt delusional like you!!! He got over it, you havent
its a lot easier to get over it if a shaved head suits you, he wouldnt be talking nearly the same if he had a wierd shape of head and losing his hair would mean a hard knock to his looks.


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Is'nt 'The impact of hairloss' forum here specificly for people to discuss how it effects them?
The fact is that most people dont like losing their hair and dont want to be bald. Some people choose to shave it but some dont want to, and you cant blame them for that or criticise their choice.
Many people dont like the look and therfore dont want to be stuck with it. Naturally this causes a great deal of anxiety and thats why they come on here looking for support, not to be told that they are weak or deluded just because they want to have hair like the vast majority of the population.


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its a lot easier to get over it if a shaved head suits you, he wouldnt be talking nearly the same if he had a wierd shape of head and losing his hair would mean a hard knock to his looks.

To be quite honest that is true, but it comes down to the fact

If your ugly without hair, you are no doubt ugly with hair.

Is'nt 'The impact of hairloss' forum here specificly for people to discuss how it effects them?
The fact is that most people dont like losing their hair and dont want to be bald. Some people choose to shave it but some dont want to, and you cant blame them for that or criticise their choice.
Many people dont like the look and therfore dont want to be stuck with it. Naturally this causes a great deal of anxiety and thats why they come on here looking for support, not to be told that they are weak or deluded just because they want to have hair like the vast majority of the population.

They get called delusional when they criticise someone(Blondeguy) who is trying to help them move forward in their lives when it is obvious he has the right frame of mind, whereas the majority of people on this forum do not(e.g. thinking about suicide).
What can I say? He is happy. He is confident. He will fulfill his potential as a man.

Do you want to be like him? The answer should be yes, not "I dont want to shave my head, it feels like Im losing my youth!", the shaving is irrelevant, the state of his mind is what makes him attractive to the opposite sex, it what makes him seem like a good employee, it what makes him more of a fun friend to be around, it what makes him seem more likely to succeed in what he wants.

If I could choose whether I could be like UK1, S.A.F., I.B.M. or Blondeguy. I would choose Blondeguy, even if UK1, S.A.F., I.B.M. had full heads of hair.


Because he does not live in the past, or what could have been. In my mind this makes him a winner


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Itsonlyinmyhead you should change your username! It should be baldisconfidence.


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my confidence has shot up in the last 1/2 year. Even before my hair was falling out I had confidence issues as I suppose I was mentally scarred about having such bad acne for years, so hairloss did not help me but I got over it. h


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Itsonlyinmyhead said:

my confidence has shot up in the last 1/2 year. Even before my hair was falling out I had confidence issues as I suppose I was mentally scarred about having such bad acne for years, so hairloss did not help me but I got over it. h

Why worry about bad acne? It's completely normal and women actually love it, it's just Hollywood that makes us think otherwise.

Bald Dave

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s.a.f said:
All this may be true hairloss is no excuse for not getting a woman or being social but you cant deny that it does'nt help with either.

In terms of affecting your confidence, yes. If you clean yourself up and have an attractive personality, it doesn't matter. You're trying to graft some male logical process onto what attracts a woman, and women aren't attracted to men logically. In fact, it's quite counterintuitive until you learn it. The reason the jerks get chicks isn't because they're jerks. It's because they have backbones and go after what they want, and that's attractive. That's why sitting around whining about your hair is unattractive.

Polls, surveys and positive mental attitude are all you have blondeguy, deep down you know that we make sense.

Blondeguy, you have got a good attitude!
I also have experience.

Putting it all on the scale of rationality, we have polls, surveys, positive mental attitude, and experience on one side, and the collective delusional insecurity of the Hairlosstalk forums on the other. My side weighs more. :)


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Just look around old Asia, how many bald guys do you see here? Those people live extremelly naturally and their diet (compared to American and European) is also natural.

There is many people with balding genes, but they dont go bald until they arrive to West and stay there / live there / eat there for certain time. So I suppose the lifestyle and food have great impact on our bodies and hormones and thus male pattern baldness is developed more earlier and in worse way than it should be.

I totally disagree that it is normal aging to be bald at 25 or 30. Sure you have less hair when you get older, but not this way. And of course, you definitelly look older and less healthy without hair than with hair (unless you look like Vin Diesel). If you have full head of hair and your face is not old naturally, everyone can even think you are teenager in your late twenties. If you are bald or hardly loosing, mostly you can be in early twenties and look as 30 years old guy.


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He might have a positive attitude but that's about it, just remember that he's really on this board to knock underdogs similar to yourself, not me, my life is more fulfilling than he could ever imagine.
What he fails to recognise is that this board is here for people to vent and that most of us are getting a lot more out of life than he chooses to believe.


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UK1 said:
Itsonlyinmyhead said:

my confidence has shot up in the last 1/2 year. Even before my hair was falling out I had confidence issues as I suppose I was mentally scarred about having such bad acne for years, so hairloss did not help me but I got over it. h

Why worry about bad acne? It's completely normal and women actually love it, it's just Hollywood that makes us think otherwise.

Actually, women will overlook complexion if you have other redeeming attributes.

UK1 said:
He might have a positive attitude but that's about it, just remember that he's really on this board to knock underdogs similar to yourself, not me, my life is more fulfilling than he could ever imagine.
What he fails to recognise is that this board is here for people to vent and that most of us are getting a lot more out of life than he chooses to believe.

You make more assumptions about me than anyone. All I do is tell people that hair loss isn't as big a deal as they make it out to be. I'm sorry you're bitter.


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You cant band us all together, sure there are some on here who are talking about suicide etc, :hairy: but the majority of us (myself included) manage to get on with life and enjoy things but at the back of my mind I'll always hate my hairloss.
Just because we hate losing our hair and it bothers us does'nt mean that we are weak or deluded, we're just going through something that seems totally unfair and we wish that like most other people we did'nt have to face m.p.b.


s.a.f said:
You cant band us all together, sure there are some on here who are talking about suicide etc, :hairy: but the majority of us (myself included) manage to get on with life and enjoy things but at the back of my mind I'll always hate my hairloss.
Just because we hate losing our hair and it bothers us does'nt mean that we are weak or deluded, we're just going through something that seems totally unfair and we wish that like most other people we did'nt have to face m.p.b.

most in life is unfair. you have to turn it around for your advantage.

i mean, you dont have to accept blondeguys attitude, but dont you wish you wouldnt be worrying about hairloss like him? isnt that unfair too? he doesnt worry, you do and you hate your hair. so turn it around.


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I dont want to accept it thats why I've done/am doing something about it and I'm much happier these days than I was a few years ago.
If you honestly like the shaved look thats great, good for you but if you dont like it then you will be (as I was) stuck with a look/image that does'nt reflect how you really want to express your appearance.