what's wrong with the world?



s.a.f said:
I dont want to accept it thats why I've done/am doing something about it and I'm much happier these days than I was a few years ago.
If you honestly like the shaved look thats great, good for you but if you dont like it then you will be (as I was) stuck with a look/image that does'nt reflect how you really want to express your appearance.

i dont like the shaved look either. and i dont shave. but my hair is good enough to look "normal" with the right style.

its not about the shaved look with blondeguy. its about his attitude. its a very good one. you dont have to shave coz blondeguy does but i highly recommend to pick his attitude towards baldness.
he didnt shave just for shaving it. as long as i can remind, he doesnt even have hairloss, just a normal receeded hairline. but he wasnt sure about it and if it was receeding even more, so he got rid of his hair to not worry about it anymore.
its not about shaving , its about the "not worrying". you can care, thats ok, but dont worry. worrying you can do when you see the first time that you loose your hair. then its ok to worry. but worrying all the years after is just a complete waste of time.
sure, people worry, thats their nature. but its not a good thing to worry all the time and you can overcome it.

s.a.f. , if you are happy with your transplants and you feel better in your skin now due to it, thats good! you were a Norwood 6 i think and so you dont have more loss to expect. and if you are happy with the way it looks now, good!

but i hear from your posts that you still "hate" your hair. umm, you spent so many $ , and now you "hate" your hair?
i dont know how you really feel, but spending thousands of $ (which a transplant costs) and then hating your hair is just not good. wouldnt it be better if you could like your head and not spending thousands of $? i mean, in life its not about having hair or not having hair, its about liking yourself and beeing liked by others. and i think that you can like yourself and beeing liked by others even with a horseshoe pattern. a shaved look will it make better for most guys though. they will just look better than with horseshoe. but again , its not about shaving , thats just a cosmtical thing to shave. its about your attitude.

if all people were blind, would you still worry about your hair? i wouldnt. because noone could see my baldness. in fact, people dont see my balding coz its not that bad. only i or someone other who knows about thinning will notice it. so why should i worry?

its some days now, where i dont hide my hairloss anymore and i think im already accepting my balding. anyway, i like the term "thin hair" more because it doesn relate to baldness. for most people im far away from beeing bald. and most is in this case 99 %.


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Why worry about bad acne? It's completely normal and women actually love it, it's just Hollywood that makes us think otherwise.

Well it was a big issue. Now its not, I havent had acne for about 7/8 years.
It took me a while to sort myself out after that.

p.s. you do need to accept it


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blondeguy said:
UK1 said:
Itsonlyinmyhead said:

my confidence has shot up in the last 1/2 year. Even before my hair was falling out I had confidence issues as I suppose I was mentally scarred about having such bad acne for years, so hairloss did not help me but I got over it. h

Why worry about bad acne? It's completely normal and women actually love it, it's just Hollywood that makes us think otherwise.

Actually, women will overlook complexion if you have other redeeming attributes.

UK1 said:
He might have a positive attitude but that's about it, just remember that he's really on this board to knock underdogs similar to yourself, not me, my life is more fulfilling than he could ever imagine.
What he fails to recognise is that this board is here for people to vent and that most of us are getting a lot more out of life than he chooses to believe.

You make more assumptions about me than anyone. All I do is tell people that hair loss isn't as big a deal as they make it out to be. I'm sorry you're bitter.

Tell yourself that all you like but I'm just letting you know that I can see right through your self serving excercise, being as terminally bald as you means that the only people you still feel above are those that are still worrying and having a hard time. You say now that you're just trying to make people feel better but you were more than happy to unfairly generalise, until recently when you started crawling out of it.. try to remember when you send your next reply that I have everything that a guy like you could dream of, plus a decent head of hair, thanks to treatment. ;)


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neo1234 said:
its not about the shaved look with blondeguy. its about his attitude. its a very good one. you dont have to shave coz blondeguy does but i highly recommend to pick his attitude towards baldness.
he didnt shave just for shaving it. as long as i can remind, he doesnt even have hairloss, just a normal receeded hairline. but he wasnt sure about it and if it was receeding even more, so he got rid of his hair to not worry about it anymore.

Blondeguy has a weird attitude towards hair loss. He says he doesn't care, and that he doesn't even have hair loss, but he spends half his life posting on a forum about male pattern hair loss and its treatment. WTF?


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UK1 said:
Tell yourself that all you like but I'm just letting you know that I can see right through your self serving excercise, being as terminally bald as you means that the only people you still feel above are those that are still worrying and having a hard time. You say now that you're just trying to make people feel better but you were more than happy to unfairly generalise, until recently when you started crawling out of it.. try to remember when you send your next reply that I have everything that a guy like you could dream of, plus a decent head of hair, thanks to treatment. ;)

I've got decent hair, but I make myself "terminally bald" every morning in the shower. :) I certainly don't feel above anyone, and I think your post expresses the bitterness I referred to. I know you're not that way in person; it's just how you come off here.

Pondle, is it a requirement that somebody fear hair loss to post here? Is it wrong to not fear it? If you do fear it, ask yourself why?


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If you don't fear it, why bother coming here? Just get on with your life like most bald guys have to. This is supposed to be an "educational and scientifically centred... hair loss support community". You say you don't need support, and you don't seem to offer any either. I just don't geddit!


Pondle said:
If you don't fear it, why bother coming here? Just get on with your life like most bald guys have to. This is supposed to be an "educational and scientifically centred... hair loss support community". You say you don't need support, and you don't seem to offer any either. I just don't geddit!

Excuse me, but isn't "support" exactly what blondeguy is doing here? You guys are so f*****g sensitive... I don't like my hairloss either but I don't mind blondeguy's attempt to bring some positivity to this god forbidden forum :lol: . Keep it up, blondeguy, don't let these negative people bring you down.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Pondle said:
If you don't fear it, why bother coming here? Just get on with your life like most bald guys have to. This is supposed to be an "educational and scientifically centred... hair loss support community". You say you don't need support, and you don't seem to offer any either. I just don't geddit!

Excuse me, but isn't "support" exactly what blondeguy is doing here? You guys are so f****ing sensitive... I don't like my hairloss either but I don't mind blondeguy's attempt to bring some positivity to this god forbidden forum :lol: . Keep it up, blondeguy, don't let these negative people bring you down.

Support? Not really! As far as I can see he just says all treatments are crap, which is not 'support' in my book. :roll: Scepticism is totally legitimate, but you overstate your case if you deny scientific evidence (see the "regrowth" thread).

And I'm explicitly NOT being negative - I think male pattern baldness is something we can do something about, and need not resign ourselves to, which is the implication of much of what blondeguy says. If my view is 'negative' in your book, I'm happy to be negative! :lol:


Pondle said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
Pondle said:
If you don't fear it, why bother coming here? Just get on with your life like most bald guys have to. This is supposed to be an "educational and scientifically centred... hair loss support community". You say you don't need support, and you don't seem to offer any either. I just don't geddit!

Excuse me, but isn't "support" exactly what blondeguy is doing here? You guys are so f****ing sensitive... I don't like my hairloss either but I don't mind blondeguy's attempt to bring some positivity to this god forbidden forum :lol: . Keep it up, blondeguy, don't let these negative people bring you down.

Support? Not really! As far as I can see he just says all treatments are crap, which is not 'support' in my book. :roll: Scepticism is totally legitimate, but you overstate your case if you deny scientific evidence (see the "regrowth" thread).

And I'm explicitly NOT being negative - I think male pattern baldness is something we can do something about, and need not resign ourselves to, which is the implication of much of what blondeguy says. If my view is 'negative' in your book, I'm happy to be negative! :lol:

Healthy scepticism really is legitimate when it comes to something like treating our hairloss. Let's face it: most of us won't get regrowth with the current treatments; some lucky ones do and I totally believe it's possible. Blondeguy has taken another route, which is shaving, and is a good example of someone who hasn't let hairloss bother him too much, and that's cool if you ask me. I don't think blondeguy is totally trashing the idea of treatments or denying that they can't help... that's why I don't understand your anger towards him.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
Healthy scepticism really is legitimate when it comes to something like treating our hairloss. Let's face it: most of us won't get regrowth with the current treatments; some lucky ones do and I totally believe it's possible. Blondeguy has taken another route, which is shaving, and is a good example of someone who hasn't let hairloss bother him too much, and that's cool if you ask me. I don't think blondeguy is totally trashing the idea of treatments or denying that they can't help... that's why I don't understand your anger towards him.

I'm not "angry" towards him LOL. Healthy scepticism is fine, and necessary. Ten years ago blondeguy would have been rightly able to dismiss most treatments out of court. But the world has moved on a lot in the last decade, and blondeguy was flying in the face of reason part way down the 'regrowth' thread.

True, regrowth is rarer than maintenance, but if 48% of guys in the Propecia trial get slight to very good regrowth, that's pretty good in my book - and the chances are that Avodart can best that performance. If blondeguy didn't believe the pics submitted by posters, there's always the peer-reviewed journals...

And if hairloss doesn't bother blondeguy, God knows what he's doing wasting his time on a site like this :wink:


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blondeguy said:
UK1 said:
Tell yourself that all you like but I'm just letting you know that I can see right through your self serving excercise, being as terminally bald as you means that the only people you still feel above are those that are still worrying and having a hard time. You say now that you're just trying to make people feel better but you were more than happy to unfairly generalise, until recently when you started crawling out of it.. try to remember when you send your next reply that I have everything that a guy like you could dream of, plus a decent head of hair, thanks to treatment. ;)

I've got decent hair, but I make myself "terminally bald" every morning in the shower. :) I certainly don't feel above anyone, and I think your post expresses the bitterness I referred to. I know you're not that way in person; it's just how you come off here.

Pondle, is it a requirement that somebody fear hair loss to post here? Is it wrong to not fear it? If you do fear it, ask yourself why?

As you know.. I was one of the first people on here to congratulate you on your decision to shave your head, many others did the same thing, we understand that each person takes their own path and ultimately the only important thing is peace of mind, despite your positive attitude you fail to see that you are the person here that refuses to accept and respect other peoples decisions, anyway.. you are right in saying that I've represented myself badly during this discussion and I apologise, I'm sure you're a nice guy.