what's wrong with the world?


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blondeguy said:
things have changed a lot in the last ten years, and you even see bald guys as film action heroes.

Action heroes yes sometimes, hearthrobs not really.

Ackers Theory

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I dont get how people say bald guys are less unattractive...who makes this crap up...i see so many guys everyday with shaved/buzzed bald heads....in the real world...i dont think women care a whole lot if you have hair aw not....its just all the media and silly magazines and everything that say bald is ugly....hell i dont think anyone is actually that good looking...have you seen photos of half the heart-throb actors when there not filming...they look bad without all there make-up and crap on.....my hairline has receded drastically over the last few years...on one side more than the other so it looks uneven...but you know what....who gives a sh*t...its all gonna dissappear someday anyway....bald guys arent ugly and guys with hair arent automatically pretty...its all a load of cr@p.


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s.a.f said:
blondeguy said:
things have changed a lot in the last ten years, and you even see bald guys as film action heroes.

Action heroes yes sometimes, hearthrobs not really.

Well, that settles it! What Hollywood says, goes. :p


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blondeguy said:
s.a.f said:
blondeguy said:
things have changed a lot in the last ten years, and you even see bald guys as film action heroes.

Action heroes yes sometimes, hearthrobs not really.

Well, that settles it! What Hollywood says, goes. :p

Blame the media and Hollywood as much as you like but I think you'll find that baldness was ugly way before either, just because you need to see an action hero with the same hairstyle as you doesn't mean that the rest of us do. I understand the fact that your psychology makes you feel better about your own loss but you really need to think about respecting the fact that most of us here want hair because we are repulsed by the thought of a slick head.


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blondeguy said:
s.a.f said:
blondeguy said:
things have changed a lot in the last ten years, and you even see bald guys as film action heroes.

Action heroes yes sometimes, hearthrobs not really.

Well, that settles it! What Hollywood says, goes. :p

Yes its media influence, but its there for a reason people would rather see a movie where the hero was a nw1 than a nw5 (just the same as people would rather see a hero with a good physique over an obese character) and although Hollywood perpetuates this trend it certainly never started it.
Its a sad fact that the media holds a massive influence over what is considered attractive but us denying it to ourselves is not going to change this fact.


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To be perfectly hones the action movies are starting to be dominated by bald guys as they are seen as more macho, oozing more testorone, etc.

Your right the heart throb is abit different though I would have to say you would struggle to find many better looking men than Billy Zane. Sean Connery, Vin Diesel and probably many others who Ive missed out have many female fans.


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UK1 said:
blondeguy said:
s.a.f said:
blondeguy said:
things have changed a lot in the last ten years, and you even see bald guys as film action heroes.

Action heroes yes sometimes, hearthrobs not really.

Well, that settles it! What Hollywood says, goes. :p

Blame the media and Hollywood as much as you like but I think you'll find that baldness was ugly way before either, just because you need to see an action hero with the same hairstyle as you doesn't mean that the rest of us do. I understand the fact that your psychology makes you feel better about your own loss but you really need to think about respecting the fact that most of us here want hair because we are repulsed by the thought of a slick head.

There's no psychology involved. I don't need to see a bald action hero. I just said bald men are accepted and admired today, and I don't see how that's disrespecting anybody. Sorry if my slick head repulses you; I meant no offense.


i think baldness was seen as unattractive already at the times of middle age or before. look at pictures they made. there is always the bald guy the bad or the evil guy.


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As long as he has hair :D


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Heheh...there's enough hair on my chest for them to play with. My scalp is strictly baby-***-smooth territory. :p


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it's just about what looks good guys.

baldness is typically thought of as a sign of aging and people associate it with "the old guy" or "that bald loser over there".

if you asked 200 18-21 year old girls if male pattern baldness was a factor in their attraction for the opposite sex, i would easily bet 100 dollars that over 95% would say it was unattractive. is it their fault? is it the medias fault? no we are human beings and it's in our nature to be attracted to the younger more attractive sex. hair is more attractive than no hair because it insinuates youth and good health.

if being bald works for you, as it does vin diesel and whoever the heck else, then do it because if it LOOKS GOOD and you wear it well then it will work.

be a douche and nothing will work.


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blondeguy said:
Heheh...there's enough hair on my chest for them to play with. My scalp is strictly baby-***-smooth territory. :p

I think that most prefer it the other way around.


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Bald Dave

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I think alot of people have been hurt in the past (bullying at school) and they feel inferior and insecure about their hairloss. I say f*ck it you only have one life! Do all the things that you wanna do! Follow your dreams! Don't let anyone stand in your way! We all owe it to ourselves!


Bald Dave said:
I think alot of people have been hurt in the past (bullying at school) and they feel inferior and insecure about their hairloss. I say f*ck it you only have one life! Do all the things that you wanna do! Follow your dreams! Don't let anyone stand in your way! We all owe it to ourselves!

good post, bald dave! right, you only have one life to live. and you dont want to spend that one sitting at home and worrying about your hairloss.

i think the best way not to worry about it is first making it looking as good as possible and then getting some postive responses from people.

well if you always get negative responses from people because always got and always will if you have hair or not, then you must change something. and its not your hair. you must change something in yourself.
your attitude.


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s.a.f said:
blondeguy said:
Heheh...there's enough hair on my chest for them to play with. My scalp is strictly baby-***-smooth territory. :p

I think that most prefer it the other way around.

I don't think you have the experience to claim what most women want. I think many of you use hair loss as an excuse, because to admit that hair doesn't matter means you'd have yourselves to blame for not being social. You fear rejection and hair loss is your fallback. It doesn't matter how many polls and surveys I post proving that women don't care as long as your groomed and interesting; you guys won't listen because you need a crutch to blame.

Sorry to be blunt, but some of your attitudes really suck...


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blondeguy said:
I don't think you have the experience to claim what most women want. I think many of you use hair loss as an excuse, because to admit that hair doesn't matter means you'd have yourselves to blame for not being social. You fear rejection and hair loss is your fallback. It doesn't matter how many polls and surveys I post proving that women don't care as long as your groomed and interesting; you guys won't listen because you need a crutch to blame.

Sorry to be blunt, but some of your attitudes really suck...

All this may be true hairloss is no excuse for not getting a woman or being social but you cant deny that it does'nt help with either.