Thanks man. Yea this is my dilemma. I don't want to derail the thread maybe i should make a new one but everyone is sick of me.
Because i'm ugly and short a few years ago I did everything to "looksxmax" and try to become as good looking as possible. It worked, I was shocked about how much women at work wanted to talk to me. It really is a different world. Despite being awkward, weird women still wanted to talk to me and just approach me. Girls at work would always want to get lunch with me and talk to me.
I used dating apps and slept with a few girls. Then I met my ex girlfriend. She was
a) The most attractive girl i've been with and
b) I actually liked her (personality)
I was surprised she even matched me as prior to that, most of my matches were only average looking women.
She was trash as I explained but i ignored all her issues and red flags due to a) and b). It was ecstasy and so much fun having wild, loving sex with her. I felt like i was on drugs. I loved the girl (oh how stupid i was to fall in love with such a girl!).
Anyway she eventually cheated on me like i said, I know I dodged a bullet. I'm so lucky we didn't have a really long term relationship/babies/marriage.... But i was still very heart broken. Oh well. BUT.
i go back on dating apps.. but my luck is so much worse. My hair starts receding. My skin isn't the same as it used to be. I go out with some girls but they are ugly, fat, and terrible which makes me feel worse.
I feel like I lucked out and that was like once in a life time thing, hence my misery.