Where Is The Female Red Pill Movement?


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There is a female equivalent to MGTOW it just doesn't have an abbreviation.

It's called sperm banks. Women in their 30s who have not found a good enough man often go to sperm banks.

Doubt this is 'often'.

30 year old women are freezing eggs more now then years ago..thats not same as going to sperm banks.


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he has made this argument before and I have to stick up for my industry as a whole. (we are NOT just the handful of super hero blockbusters)

MOST female directors I personally know who are successful I know for 20+ years and they have never been drawn creatively to that genre as artists...a lot of them are in Theater, TV and with Fillm more artistic and/or talking head kind of films..same with most production designers I know...My friend is a female production designer in late 30s just posted a pic "I am not into super hero films but wonder woman was really good' Because she does not enjoy this genre and is not interested in these types of films...So you have to take that into consideration of artists and what we are drawn too and what you want to fight for or lobby for.

I am not saying there is not some sexist bias or that some positions are more associated with men BUT this is getting very antiquated from when I first started in 90s...I remember at the time it was rare to see female DPs or even more than 1 female in camera department--but more and more females started to study these areas and are taking these jobs...There is a natural 'young girls and woman' becoming more interested in things and other areas and them coming up...so I would say in like 10 years you are going to see a lot more female directors who are young who ARE interested in comics and super hero blockbuster type stories being drawn into directing those films.

Also its kind of short sighted to think the whole industry is all about what is going on in the top grossing world wide films...its kind of ridiculous as only a fraction of people working 'above the line' in the industry as a whole are working on those specific films.

But you can't force this to happen...the passion hast to be there for a director or it will be garbage.

Wonder woman was kind of organic, female director..so much TV is female directors and show runners.
WORSE thing to do is put a quota on female directors for top grossing films--it has to happen organic or it will suck and they will flop and then what? men will be going 'see you put women in as director of xyz and they fucked it up."

This is my problem on these issues.Cucked pseudo-feminist men like Zircon are the ones saying simplistic f*****g garbage about affirmative action and who and what women should be and what responsibilities should be granted to them, while on average women are making much more nuanced commentary like this comment.


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Some woman walked through NYC and a bunch of guys said hello to her

Crime of the century

OHH that old video?

yes men cat call constantly it is annoying...is it a crime? no but its ridiculous and they dont help your points or arguments.

this is different then talking aobut work place saying hello...unless is THAT what you meant in work place as being acceptable?


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OHH that old video?

yes men cat call constantly it is annoying...is it a crime? no but its ridiculous and they dont help your points or arguments.

this is different then talking aobut work place saying hello...unless is THAT what you meant in work place as being acceptable?

I don't where you've got this workplace thing from. I'm talking about men that just say hi to women they think are attractive. This is discussed as a form of sexual harassment now.

Most of that experiment was guys just being friendly, a small percentage catcalled and I think one guy walked beside her.


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This is my problem on these issues.Cucked pseudo-feminist men like Zircon are the ones saying simplistic f*****g garbage about affirmative action and who and what women should be and what responsibilities should be granted to them, while on average women are making much more nuanced commentary like this comment.

No all i ask at my work is
Don't touch me, know its time to back off when I say no clearly and if you are my boss or superiror dont make me suffer in my work because I don't want to suck your c***.

Some men do do that...and it's not many but I have had that done to me at least once really bad but thankfully it was not that long I had to put up with him a lot of people dont have that luxury of dealing with someone short term.

Also many above the line positions have agents...directors have agents--agents negotiate the salary..so my beef is 'wtf' is going on with the agents not the studios...they know what the male and female clients are making.


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I don't where you've got this workplace thing from. I'm talking about men that just say hi to women they think are attractive. This is discussed as a form of sexual harassment now.

Most of that experiment was guys just being friendly, a small percentage catcalled and I think one guy walked beside her.

i dont give a sh*t about men on streets I dont even hear them its like honking white noise to me.
Most of them are crazy or drug addicts etc I dont look at them.

I only care about work place environment.


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This is my problem on these issues.Cucked pseudo-feminist men like Zircon are the ones saying simplistic f*****g garbage about affirmative action and who and what women should be and what responsibilities should be granted to them, while on average women are making much more nuanced commentary like this comment.

No I mean women have problems

Example my friend her husband divorced while kids were still really little...and he was not wanting to give child support so she had to go to court but had no money for court and she wanted to work but had no money for child care...so there is this kind of problem that goes on in USA. She had to go on welfare for a while until all there financial sh*t was straightened out...because this guy did not want to take care of his kids--and sometime men equate taking care of kids as the ex getting their money and its not always so black and white.


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i dont give a sh*t about men on streets I dont even hear them its like honking white noise to me.
Most of them are crazy or drug addicts etc I dont look at them.

I only care about work place environment.

Have you really just killed the discussion because you can't think outside of your own feelings?

You may not care about men on the streets and the harassment debate but many people do


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Yes, that must be why the major financial institutions in my country have diversity programs where they hire more female graduates to balance gender. Must be why I have worked at places from cafes to banks to Mcdonalds and management and HR have outright told me they hire attractive women even if they aren't qualified. Must be why there are substantially more scholarship opportunities for women. Must be why my manager told me their assistant was useless and he would fire her "but she's so f*****g attractive". Must be why in both Australia and the United States there are federal and state laws prohibiting pay gaps between gender and even in the United States there are less than a few hundred cases of women getting illegally paid less in the past decade.

Do you think that talking like a clueless, pathetic white night without a shred of facts or evidence will get your dick sucked or something? If this is a serious problem, why is this not demonstrated through legal action against it despite the fact that all major societies have strong state and federal legislation and common law against this? Why does the sjw analysis on the pay gap fail to take into account motherhood and maternity leave, and amount of women who have studied and qualified for certain high paying jobs?

There are legitimate issues and biases women face, but this isn't one of them, and its an idiotic disgrace to bring it up.

don't you think that getting advantages based on your appearance is, in the long run, just as problematic as being discriminated based on it?


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There is a strong tendency towards these "criticisms" being by-products of problems in an individual's love life rather than any specific ideological disagreement with "feminism" as such.

That's like saying only someone who was raped knows that rape is bad, or someone who was denied voting rights because of some arbitrary genetic reasons can understand how it's wrong to deny women the vote. In reality, people can support a set of beliefs without having personally having to be a victim of them.

Also, what have you got against equality? You seem to support every facet of feminism, as if feminism is supporting men as well as women - without seeing any good whatsoever in any of the mens' rights movements - your bias is showing.


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Are you sure that experience--you had to go to country where your JUST valued on your fiannces--has not warped your perspective. Especially never having had a relationship without money being involved? how can you be unbiased?
You cant. Your life experiences has been from perspective of a an almost 'victim' of society probably based on your looks and or social skills with opposite sex.
Of course that is going to make you a prime target for a somewhat warped 'ideology' in this case its the "man' movements.
You may be right you may be wrong but you are going to be very biased and tainted from your perspective and life experience.
Chances are if you were living in 1950s you would have been married in your 20s to a young beautiful or very attractive woman who would have been financially dependent on you and looked at you as her leader and known her place...2017--you had to go to Thailand for this at 45 years old.

I've been living on and off in Thailand since 2003. I've been making a living online since the 90s. It made sense to come here since the early days of VOIP technology (allowing me to cheaply keep in touch with clients). Living in the UK, getting a mega-mortgage on some slavebox - general high cost of living - no thanks.

Are you sure that experience--you had to go to country where your JUST valued on your fiannces--has not warped your perspective. Especially never having had a relationship without money being involved? how can you be unbiased?

This is a really warped view of Thailand. Sure, if you think Thailand is literally nothing but a strip club, you might be right. It's kind of insulting to the rest of the population though. And....yes, I'm 45 - I've lived a few years, yet you say :-

Especially never having had a relationship without money being involved?

You know nothing about me, but feel the need to "guess" in the most insulting way. Nothing is further from the truth. In fact, I'm dating a Thai middle-class woman who has a well paid job. She hasn't a clue about my finances, nor will she ever (not relevant in my view). She owns 3 properties, rents out the 2 she doesn't live in. We've been dating for 2 years now - money has never been a discussion other than for practicalities, but I also accept western men have a high SMV in Thailand - higher than I would have in the UK. Fair enough - I'll take that as a positive rather than anything else. As for my previous relationships, I admit one was very probably money-orientated. The rest (3 other long term relationships) - not.

Incidentally, this forum seems to value the "sexual market value" of the forum member more than what they have to say. Given this forum is not a nightclub, but text on a screen - you'd think that what you had to say held more weight than how much action you've had.

Your life experiences has been from perspective of a an almost 'victim' of society probably based on your looks and or social skills with opposite sex.

I don't see myself as a victim. I am successful on every level - I'm even a full-head after being a NW3 at my "lowest" (in terms of hair) - thanks to a hair transplant + finasteride. I was bullied at school because of my acne (13 years old), but if anything, that was a good thing in my life. I took my "red pill" early in life and it's been the making of me. My acne cleared up but I remained sensitive to how cruel life can be. I don't want to become less sensitive.

Chances are if you were living in 1950s you would have been married in your 20s to a young beautiful or very attractive woman who would have been financially dependent on you and looked at you as her leader and known her place...2017--you had to go to Thailand for this at 45 years old.

See my above comment. If I wanted that life, please believe me - I can choose from hundreds of thousands of women in Thailand, and that's not an empty boast. I do NOT want that life. I am happy as I am.
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It's like the campus feminists who get radicalized because they find themselves undesirable or unwanted by society. The core of motivation is within the person's own self-loathing and consequent desire to feel purpose, not a genuine intellectual disagreement. This strongly conditions how seriously I'm wont to take their arguments.

Of course, if someone is just raging and not making any sense, you can reach for that assumption about their personal circumstances getting the better of them.

However, if someone has an argument - you should try to acknowledge it and scrutinise it regardless of their personal circumstances. Either their argument can bear the light of scrutiny, or it cannot. It doesn't matter if the person holding the opinion is a virgin or a divorcee. In fact, highlighting their personal circumstances while ignoring the argument is a classic case of tackling the man, not the ball.


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You know who was reading those books??
my bored middle aged non working housewife friends and their friends who are the farthest thing from modern feminists... it was 30-60 year old married vanilla ladies bored of there sex lives and feeling the income tightening in 2008 onwards that they had to get the Camry instead of the Navigator to economize.
I actually read the first book because I was curious about the hype.

It did actually teach me a couple of good little things in the bedroom. I'm relatively vanilla in the bedroom barring a little dirty talking so it was kinda interesting to learn of some new things that can be done.


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I was bullied at school because of my acne (13 years old), but if anything, that was a good thing in my life. I took my "red pill" early in life and it's been the making of me. My acne cleared up but I remained sensitive to how cruel life can be. I don't want to become less sensitive.

I can relate to this very well. I had the same thing happen to me. However, I developed BDD from it. Although according to my dad, BDD may have been genetic too. He remembered his mom like that. I can see from your writing style that your "inner child" can get triggered and you feel you need to defend yourself. I am not implying that is bad thing. It explains why you are "red pilled" as that is what your screen name reads. Any way welcome to the forum. I do enjoy your articulation and writing style as I do Zircon's so I want to say this discussion is rather refreshing. I am unable to participate because the subject matter has never really interested me in the past. I was brought up to treat everyone equally. And as Johnson said, I am more interested in how to make things better for all of us. I think this generation today has been placed into a position that looks are all that matters. Yet my parents preached to me a completely different message. Anyway carry on, and once again welcome.
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I can relate to this very well. I had the same thing happen to me. However, I developed BDD from it. Although according to my dad, BDD may have been genetic too. He remembered his mom like that. I can see from your writing style that your "inner child" can get triggered and you feel you need to defend yourself. I am not implying that is bad thing. It explains why you are "red pilled" as that is what your screen name reads. Any way welcome to the forum. I do enjoy your articulation and writing style as I do Zircon's so I want to say this discussion is rather refreshing. I am unable to participate because the subject matter has never really interested me in the past. I was brought up to treat everyone equally. And as Johnson said, I am more interested in how to make things better for all of us. I think this generation today has been place into a position that looks are that matters. Yet my parents preached to me a completely different message. Anyway carry on, and once again welcome.

Thanks, and yes - I can see my defensiveness in my posts - then again, at times I'm being attacked in this thread...such is the life of a forum contributor on the internet!


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Thanks, and yes - I can see my defensiveness in my posts - then again, at times I'm being attacked in this thread...such is the life of a forum contributor on the internet!
Come on, you know the ego likes to be right. And as Seinfeld said, "Not that there is anything wrong with that".



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Forums are entertainment to me. The solemn, ultra-sincere platonic ideal you describe here is the opposite of that. Often I don't find it worth the bother to engage with the argument in good faith because it has been rehashed numerous times already.

Well...from a "forums are entertainment" point of view, I can only agree that any serious debate is going to appear too solemn and po-faced. :)

However, I come back to arguments - either we (including me of course) have the humility to agree with an opinion, or we can successfully counter-argue it (with facts), or we can say "I don't know". It's just words on a screen. I don't care about people's personal histories - just their words. I agree there's very likely a correlation between personal history and what they will write about, but in any case, that's borne out in their words anyway.

I would definitely say such is the case here as we essentially have different guys coming on weekly to spout opinions very similar to yours, and getting owned every single time.

Thanks for the compliment....I have to ask though, how come these other guys are getting "owned"? What is false about what they are saying? This is a forum that is primarily (in my opinion) very much in the "red pill" view of life: we know how shitty life can be when you're losing your hair. We know how fickle people are about looks. How much looks matter. If this isn't red pill, what is? Baldness is the great equaliser. Even the threat of it can tame the biggest of egos. This is where we lift the lid off the virtual reality to see what's really going on. We lose a pile of follicles off the top of our head, and people treat us differently because of it.


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Have you really just killed the discussion because you can't think outside of your own feelings?

You may not care about men on the streets and the harassment debate but many people do

how did i kill the discussion?

i stated how i feel personally that is very different then killing a discussion

you just handed me a lot of power.

maybe this is your problem with women--they say something and you assume a lot more than they actually said.


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You asked me aa while ago in this thread, and I explicitly said "in the west", then you continued on with "yeah, but women in Islamic countries have it bad". Maybe I need to say it twice...I am talking about western countries.

Quit attacking the straw man.You made a general claim about feminists in your initial post. "Muslim feminists" was simply meant as an example of a group of feminists that your claim didn't apply to. And no you didn't need to say it twice. I know you are strictly referring to western feminists. I just wanted you to be more precise which you refuse to do.