Where Is The Female Red Pill Movement?


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That's like saying only someone who was raped knows that rape is bad, or someone who was denied voting rights because of some arbitrary genetic reasons can understand how it's wrong to deny women the vote. In reality, people can support a set of beliefs without having personally having to be a victim of them.

Also, what have you got against equality? You seem to support every facet of feminism, as if feminism is supporting men as well as women - without seeing any good whatsoever in any of the mens' rights movements - your bias is showing.

I think the equivalent is actually a person who is raped there opinion about accused rapists or rapists in general in society...they are the victim so they are going to have a natural bias from the trauma they experienced

If you have genuinely felt victimized (weather it is your optics or for real is debatable) by modern feminism IE no girlfriend until you moved to Thailand as a mid aged man with relatively speaking good finances--then you are not going to be unbiased in the discussion.

In my opinion never having a relationship until you are in essence paying for it in such an extreme manner--is probably traumatic in its own way.


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Quit attacking the straw man.You made a general claim about feminists in your initial post. "Muslim feminists" was simply meant as an example of a group of feminists that your claim didn't apply to. And no you didn't need to say it twice. I know you are strictly referring to western feminists. I just wanted you to be more precise which you refuse to do.

OK, so it's established my original post in this thread is about the west, and I wasn't referring to how feminists in Islam-dominated countries don't have "red pill" issues - glad that's cleared up!


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If I wanted that life, please believe me - I can choose from hundreds of thousands of women in Thailand, and that's not an empty boast..

You self described your self in original comment...You are a 45 year old male from Europe who did not have a relationship with a woman until you moved to Thailand and you also said you have good finances.
SO yes I believe you can choose from hundreds of thousands of women from Thailand.


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If you have genuinely felt victimized (weather it is your optics or for real is debatable) by modern feminism IE no girlfriend until you moved to Thailand as a mid aged man with relatively speaking good finances--then you are not going to be unbiased in the discussion.

I never said that.

You have assumed that I have had no girlfriend until I am 45 (laugh out loud)

You are wrong.

I've had relationships since my late teens.

I came to Thailand at 31 years old in 2003, though I've not been living exclusively in Thailand since then.

I have had a number of long term relationships in my life - English girls, Thai girls.

It's bizarre I have to lay all of this out explictly, just so I'm somehow more "creditworthy" of an opinion on these forums. Of course, I expect someone will ask for nude photos of all my conquests as proof. Then - and only then - will my arguments be worthy of addressing.

In my opinion never having a relationship until you are in essence paying for it in such an extreme manner--is probably traumatic in its own way.

Who are you responding to here? It can't be me, or are you assuming I can't have a relationship other than hire a prostitute because I live in Thailand? I mean, how coarse do the stereotypes have to go? You forgot to add "are you sure your girlfriends a girl? hur hur!" - does it make you feel better to believe this about me, and skip over the posts I wrote that actually describe my life in Thailand?
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You've been lucky, the last new guy got tore to shreds, I don't think he ever came back

Got a link there? I have to say - I've been lurking here a while - I'm surprised how "orthodox" a lot of opinions are here given this is a forum about baldness (which is unacceptable in modern society).


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Got a link there? I have to say - I've been lurking here a while - I'm surprised how "orthodox" a lot of opinions are here given this is a forum about baldness (which is unacceptable in modern society).
You said you have been lurking here a while. What finally made you "crack" and sign into this "vortex"? You know once you join us you can't leave. We are "The Firm". We will find you if you leave. And not even Jason Bourne can keep you safe.:D


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You've been lucky, the last new guy got tore to shreds, I don't think he ever came back

We are a tough bunch lol. not for the faint of heart or thin skinned. Most of us don't hold grudges though. Some do most don't.


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Got a link there? I have to say - I've been lurking here a while - I'm surprised how "orthodox" a lot of opinions are here given this is a forum about baldness (which is unacceptable in modern society).

You got a lot of pages for a thread just started--everyone is spread out globally so some who may agree with you more are probably not seeing it yet--also its weekend.
There are guys who will agree with you for sure.
we are not all cut like cookie cutters 'same exact' opinions on subjects a lot of us are nuanced.

I do think the man movement is kind of bullshit to be honest--i think some gripes are legitimate gripes but the actual movements to me are like infantile and rhetoric and remind me of far right talk shows that just like to stroke anger and regurgitate sh*t that is not going to help them much just further alienate people.

You can be a critic of modern feminism--many of us are--sh*t i am an old school feminist by many standards and I am not a fan of the more modern hard line view points--this is different then embracing a lot of the really demeaning things that many members of the man-movement say and promote.
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"Duh, feminism!"

Modern feminism is a power grab. It's lobbying for even more female power. It's the very opposite of the male "red pill" movement that is a withdrawl from society. Where are women withdrawing from society? Where are their red pill complaints?

It leads me to believe that women really do have it good in modern society, even if they mask such prosperity behind feminist gripes. Women are fully enfranchised in society - in fact, celebrated by society. And if there's any ill befalling a woman, society is ready to pour forward an unlimited supply of sympathy in her direction. Being a feminist isn't a complaint about modern society - it's just lobbying for women to have even more power. Everything is on the side of the female (media, law, police, education, society), so I can see why they would want things to continue as they are. When a man says he's a "red pill" or "MGTOW", there's always a pushback from any woman who hears that. She tries to shame him in one way or another like he's "wrong" even though he's making a perfectly legal - even socially acceptable (as we surely are free to do our own thing) - choice. There's always a pushback by the winners of a system if there's a chance the system can be undermined by the disenfranchised.

Look at how bald men are ridiculed - baldness is something largely out of his control (the drugs don't work for many, and not everyone can afford a transplant), yet fat-shaming a woman is seen as a complete insult even though it's both unhealthy to be fat (so the shaming has a benefit to her) and utterly within her control. No, instead we must celebrate "large women".

I know this post might sound like a moan, but I want to be proven wrong. Show me where society really is unfair to women in a genuine way that truly impacts negatively on their life. Personally I don't see it, but maybe I've just not been looking hard enough. "Lookism" definitely affects men much more negatively than women. For a key biological reason (valuable eggs, cheap sperm), men are the pursuers of women. Men can have incredibly low standards as to how a woman looks, but a woman is mercenary in her conditions set for the man - he must be either very good looking or a good earner of preferably both - compared to her. Hypergamy is well established in the human species. 60% of guys will never father children - they're thrown on the biological scrapheap.

Don't listen to the white knighting nu-males who rush to defend women. You are spot on.
Yet you have to put things in perspective: in all existing human societies except the Western one, women are largely treated like cattle or second class citizens.
Also remember that the life of a genuinely ugly woman (not necessarily fat, just truly ugly) is many times worse than the life an ugly man, because she's not propped up by her looks. But these are kind of rare cases especially from 20s to 40s.

The epitome of 'privilege' is not in white men, as all the emasculated nu males and women love to spout, but in beautiful women.
I hope you will one day witness how easy the life of a moderately to highly beautiful woman is;
many have it SO easy that they become dumb: people rush to help them and opportunities and friends eager to help rain on them like gold on King Midas. They put no effort in nothing and it rains anyway. So imagine what a beautiful AND intelligent woman is capable of: many rise to incredible positions in the corporate world and in the political power. This has been a constant throughout History.


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Don't listen to the white knighting nu-males who rush to defend women. You are spot on.
Yet you have to put things in perspective: in all existing human societies except the Western one, women are largely treated like cattle or second class citizens.
Also remember that the life of a genuinely ugly woman (not necessarily fat, just truly ugly) is many times worse than the life an ugly man, because she's not propped up by her looks. But these are kind of rare cases especially from 20s to 40s.

The epitome of 'privilege' is not in white men, as all the emasculated nu males and women love to spout, but in beautiful women.
I hope you will one day witness how easy the life of a moderately to highly beautiful woman is;
many have it SO easy that they become dumb: people rush to help them and opportunities and friends eager to help rain on them like gold on King Midas. They put no effort in nothing and it rains anyway. So imagine what a beautiful AND intelligent woman is capable of: many rise to incredible positions in the corporate world and in the political power. This has been a constant throughout History.

You're reminding me of the first episode of Dr. House.

He hires a beautiful woman to work with him. He figures she must be incredibly talented if she's willing to try at life despite being beautiful.


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But the guys name is redpilled. He will handle just fine.

Red pill, blue pill--I am Gen X so I still prefer the "YELLOW" ones.



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You said you have been lurking here a while. What finally made you "crack" and sign into this "vortex"? You know once you join us you can't leave. We are "The Firm". We will find you if you leave. And not even Jason Bourne can keep you safe.:D

I dunno......but maybe I'll go back to lurking....or go with another username :)


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I dunno......but maybe I'll go back to lurking....or go with another username :)

or just get thicker skin...it's not the end of the world to have criticism from multiple posters. It's just words on a forum...when you feel attacked by multiple posters--just don't waste time on answering more than one person. If I were you I just would have focused on zicron..and ignored Pj (that was like a side bar to your point about global vs western and I think most of us assumed you meant Western) so you dont get bogged down on the things that are not even your original point..look at me I totally misread what you wrote--(my bad) you should have just disregarded it since you knew i was misinformed or was making a wrong 'assumption'.

I mean I don't agree with you POV but who cares. If we 'fight' of debate it's just a forum to vent your thoughts and to actually debate with people..if you have strong views BUT don't like a good debate that is another story.


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or just get thicker skin...it's not the end of the world to have criticism from multiple posters. It's just words on a forum...when you feel attacked by multiple posters--just don't waste time on answering more than one person. If I were you I just would have focused on zicron..and ignored Pj (that was like a side bar to your point about global vs western and I think most of us assumed you meant Western) so you dont get bogged down on the things that are not even your original point..look at me I totally misread what you wrote--(my bad) you should have just disregarded it since you knew i was misinformed or was making a wrong 'assumption'.

I mean I don't agree with you POV but who cares. If we 'fight' of debate it's just a forum to vent your thoughts and to actually debate with people..if you have strong views BUT don't like a good debate that is another story.

I already have a thick skin. I don't mind if someone points out facts to prove my point wrong. But....I realise if you have an unpopular opinion here - you then have to discuss your current love life and past relationships (for whatever reason). And that's AFTER everyone makes the worst possible assumptions about my love life based on zero information - which is pretty childish and irrelevant. Being called a virgin, someone who's never even dated until 45 years old, someone who can only pay for sex - it's a joke how people here attack someone's personal life because they simply disagree with their point of view.


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I already have a thick skin. I don't mind if someone points out facts to prove my point wrong. But....I realise if you have an unpopular opinion here - you then have to discuss your current love life and past relationships (for whatever reason). And that's AFTER everyone makes the worst possible assumptions about my love life based on zero information - which is pretty childish and irrelevant. Being called a virgin, someone who's never even dated until 45 years old, someone who can only pay for sex - it's a joke how people here attack someone's personal life because they simply disagree with their point of view.

You have a valid point that it was not necessary nor ideal to assume that you've never been in a relationship.