Where Is The Female Red Pill Movement?


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I already have a thick skin. I don't mind if someone points out facts to prove my point wrong. But....I realise if you have an unpopular opinion here - you then have to discuss your current love life and past relationships (for whatever reason). And that's AFTER everyone makes the worst possible assumptions about my love life based on zero information - which is pretty childish and irrelevant. Being called a virgin, someone who's never even dated until 45 years old, someone who can only pay for sex - it's a joke how people here attack someone's personal life because they simply disagree with their point of view.

I did not attack your love life or sex life because I disagree with your 'point'.

here are facts;
I never called you a virgin.
I never attacked your personal life I made an observation self admittedly WRONGLY because I misread what you wrote--it happens I owned that I misread it--now you are bringing it up again after i extend an olive branch?
Your love life and sex life is not irrelevant to your opinion on the opposite gender. Our experiences and lack of experiences shape our view points in life.
I never asked you about your love life--you wrote about your love life--again I said self-admittedly I mis read it and fessed up to misreading it and now you bring it up again as if it was intentional attack--nope not what happened.
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You have a valid point that it was not necessary nor ideal to assume that you've never been in a relationship.

I find it weird how it happens here - in a place where I would guess all posters suffer from varying forms of hair loss in one way or another. Fullheads would find most conversations here incredibly "beta" and pathetic. We don't find it pathetic because we see the impact hair loss has on not only what we see in the mirror, but how people treat us. Sorry guys, but that's a red pill right there. It's ironic that a few here want to act alpha on a hair loss forum - really, this just comes across as over-compensating to me. Who gives a flying f*** how many women a poster has shagged? I mean, come on - how old are posters here? This is like high school. Anyway, the last thing we should be doing is judging others on their sexual market value on a hair loss forum - surely? "I think your sexual market value is low (based on zero information no less, I just want to believe that), therefore I dismiss your point" is not an argument any more than "this guy's a NW6, his opinions are suspect" is.
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I did not attack your love life or sex life because I disagree with your point'

If that is what you are trying to intentionally misrepresent because you are butt hurt that a few posters went at you and disagree with you..then that is kind of petty.

You are the one who gets butthurt the most easily. If you know how to dish it, you should also know how to take it.

and please do not try to sound more intelligent than you really are.

You know very well what you said.

and please remember you are not the only one who can dislike posts out of vindictiveness.


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I did not attack your love life or sex life because I disagree with your point'

If that is what you are trying to intentionally misrepresent because you are butt hurt that a few posters went at you and disagree with you..then that is kind of petty.

You came out with a load of assumptions about my love life based on zero evidence and then apologised later. I accepted the apology, but you can't deny the original assumptions you made. And read my last few posts - don't you find it silly that you care about some stranger's sexual life? I mean...would you say "this guy's a slayer - his opinion is more likely to be correct"? It's really bizarre and even creepy to decide the validity of someone's opinion based on their (private!) sex life.


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You are the one who gets butthurt the most easily. If you know how to dish it, you should also know how to take it.

and please do not try to sound more intelligent than you really are.

You know very well what you said.

and please remember you are not the only one who can dislike posts out of vindictiveness.

Don't start trolling me KarenI

I saw you write the post the other day that you want troll me to fight with me but are afraid of me.

Please follow @Wolf Pack advice to guzman and relax yourself.

If you don't have a legitimate difference of opinion with me don't deliberately troll me just to fight with me because you are merely bored or are looking to fight for no real reason.

I think this is first time you actually ever quoted me..I question your intent after your post the other night saying you want to troll for a fight.
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You came out with a load of assumptions about my love life based on zero evidence and then apologised later. I accepted the apology, but you can't deny the original assumptions you made. And read my last few posts - don't you find it silly that you care about some stranger's sexual life? I mean...would you say "this guy's a slayer - his opinion is more likely to be correct"? It's really bizarre and even creepy to decide the validity of someone's opinion based on their (private!) sex life.

I owned the original assumption I made

I volunteered it to you and apologized.

I mis read what you wrote.

I am not going to further debate the issue with you beyond that.


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You're basically just regurgitating red pill blogs here. What's your actual relationship experience? Are you virgin and/or incel?

Women are discriminated against in numerous arenas, For example, the workplace. They are clearly underpaid even when adjusting for obvious factors like experience, type of jobs, hours worked etc. They have a harder time getting taken seriously in a professional context. I've personally seen examples of this where it was clearly not warranted.

However, it's also clear that females in modern societies have numerous advantages as well, many of which are not broadly acknowledged in the mainstream. In the dating market they have a much easier time in their twenties/thirties and are less scrutinized for their appearance in a pass/fail manner like men are.

Thankfully, the world isn't as bleak as what the Cheetos-encrusted keyboard warriors of the manosphere would have you believe. If you're not a genetic train wreck or a total, disgusting failure there is someone out there for you. But it definitely isn't all roses either. I think anyone who's been on the "market" has felt at times how profoundly unfair the distribution of genetics is.


There are numerous other factors that affect pay. Most fundamentally, men and women tend to gravitate toward different industries. Feminists may charge that women are socialized into lower-paying sectors of the economy. But women considering the decisions they’ve made likely have a different view. Women tend to seek jobs with regular hours, more comfortable conditions, little travel, and greater personal fulfillment. Often times, women are willing to trade higher pay for jobs with other characteristics that they find attractive.

Men, in contrast, often take jobs with less desirable characteristics in pursuit of higher pay. They work long hours and overnight shifts. They tar roofs in the sun, drive trucks across the country, toil in sewer systems, stand watch as prison guards, and risk injury on fishing boats, in coal mines, and in production plants. Such jobs pay more than others because otherwise no one would want to do them.


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I quoted that same site only a few posts later. There is a smaller gap for comparable jobs which is significant enough to warrant attention. Read the thread dumbass.

A smaller gap? You mean 2%. And no, not "comparable" jobs, but "similar men and women taking similar jobs". Similar does not mean comparable. Comparable = the same positions. If you care about accuracy, semantics are everything. Taking into account a reasonable margin for error (given "similar men and women taking similar jobs"), that 2% gap has no significance whatsoever. I can only repeat - employers are legally bound to pay the same rates of pay to everybody for the same position. Who has seen a job advertisement that said "job position A, $30,000 a year for a woman, $33,000 for a man"? And even if advertised as one salary, what employer says "well, because you're a woman, you do realise I have to reduce the advertised salary by 10%?". What kind of bizarre conspiracy theory do we have to believe to think that happens? What kind of business can afford to take these risks by breaking the law?

Stop the bullshit lie that women are discriminated against when it comes to pay. The ONS didn't even reach that conclusion (one of your sources) - it's by CHOICE that there is an aggregate wage gap. 90+% of the prison population are men. You think men are "discriminated" against when it comes to going to jail (surely, a much more serious allegation, given their stripping of their freedom)? NO - it's biology influencing choice. Men are more likely to take risks and push their limits - that's why more men are in jail than women. Stop denying biology.
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2% is a significant gap in aggregate and in certain industries it's over triple that size. And and lol it didn't take long for the biotruths to emerge. Let's just say I disagree.

Anyway, the gap becomes apparent primarily through negotiations. That's where i think the primary mechanism of discrimination is located. I won't be able to participate in this debate for the rest of the day so have fun screaming at the dumb c**** and white knights in my absence. :D

I will dislike every post that is simply full of conjecture and lacking facts. A valid use of the dislike feature.

Onto your baseless conjecture, you didn't respond to my facts about your single survey you submitted as "evidence" - it states that "similar men and women in similar jobs" showed women were paid 98% of what men were paid. There has to be a margin for error unless you compare like-for-like jobs. The survey never mentions how they define "similar" at all - it's a big fuzzy adjective that we have no way of measuring what that means. You can come to any conclusion you want to if you use words like "similar" as your "control". Meanwhile, the Office of National Statistics (a government institution, hardly a MGTOW/red pill source) - yes, the one you quoted - laid it out clearly: women were CHOOSING lower paid jobs, women were CHOOSING part-time roles. You can argue about maternity leave and ways to encourage women to pursue better paid jobs, but stop the lies that employers are deliberately paying women less than men in like-for-like jobs, when you have zero evidence to prove it - it's simply finger-in-the-air, made-it-up-on-the-spot "because feelings" conjecture.


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A smaller gap? You mean 2%. And no, not "comparable" jobs, but "similar men and women taking similar jobs". Similar does not mean comparable. Comparable = the same positions. If you care about accuracy, semantics are everything. Taking into account a reasonable margin for error (given "similar men and women taking similar jobs"), that 2% gap has no significance whatsoever. I can only repeat - employers are legally bound to pay the same rates of pay to everybody for the same position. Who has seen a job advertisement that said "job position A, $30,000 a year for a woman, $33,000 for a man"? And even if advertised as one salary, what employer says "well, because you're a woman, you do realise I have to reduce the advertised salary by 10%?". What kind of bizarre conspiracy theory do we have to believe to think that happens? What kind of business can afford to take these risks by breaking the law?

Stop the bullshit lie that women are discriminated against when it comes to pay. The ONS didn't even reach that conclusion (one of your sources) - it's by CHOICE that there is an aggregate wage gap. 90+% of the prison population are men. You think men are "discriminated" against when it comes to going to jail (surely, a much more serious allegation, given their stripping of their freedom)? NO - it's biology influencing choice. Men are more likely to take risks and push their limits - that's why more men are in jail than women. Stop denying biology.

There is some truth to what you say IMO, about men and women generally taking different types of work by choice.
The problem is that men will stereotype women based on those generalities at least they have in past, and they have given men more opportunities in the past based on those generalities. Rather than the person themselves.
you are now dealing with the backlash of many decades of men keeping women 'down' and in their place..now you feel it may be flipping to other side of the coin I guess in past 10 to 20 years?, that women are keeping men down or out of the game?
I don't know but this is not the case in my profession.


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You knucklehead this is exactly what I'm saying. Even in like for like jobs they are still earning less.

You've been provided evidence but have moved the goalposts demanding more and more granular data. As far as I'm concerned, I've seen enough data and made enough personal observations to conclude that there is a problem and an issue that demands attention. You have concluded differently, and are within your rights to do so.

Actually, it's your unsubstantiated claim that requires more granular data. If you make a claim down to such a "granular" level that women are paid less than men in like-for-like jobs, and I ask evidence for it, and you can't find any, then...."don't be mad bro". So far, there's zero data that show women are paid less than men in like-for-like jobs.


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There is some truth to what you say IMO, about men and women generally taking different types of work by choice.
The problem is that men will stereotype women based on those generalities at least they have in past, and they have given men more opportunities in the past based on those generalities. Rather than the person themselves.
you are now dealing with the backlash of many decades of men keeping women 'down' and in their place..now you feel it may be flipping to other side of the coin I guess in past 10 to 20 years?, that women are keeping men down or out of the game?
I don't know but this is not the case in my profession.

Again, this is just an assumption based on what? Feelings? I believe a man or a woman can achieve what they want to - nothing is holding them back apart from themselves. I have loads of clients who are women - they run their own businesses and they themselves determine their level of success.

I was kind of ridiculed for moving to Thailand (lots of negative stereotypes were put forward by yourself in regards to Thailand), yet I did it so I can live life on my terms. Anyone is free to do this if they are strong-willed enough. People complain about their hair here. I took finasteride and had a transplant. Anyone can do that if they are determined enough. I don't even think it's that big a deal, but you either do it or you don't. We can't - with a straight face - say "life's not fair, therefore I demand things be differently!". I do think there are more "traps" a western man can fall into than a western women, but it's still his responsibility to avoid them. I'm not complaining, I'm warning. Complaining can be good for a very short time, but then you have to get up and do something about it. My message is wholly positive, not after-the-fact moaning because of a bad divorce settlement (I am not that guy, it didn't happen to me). I'm all about avoiding all that crap in the first place. I've never owned property in the west, never married, tons of savings, work a few hours a day (and have done so since 2004), happy and free as could be. This is all possible because I can see the realities of life and the traps that life can spring on you. It's the pathetic betabux feminist-defending white knights who willingly walk into traps all the time that deserve the ridicule and their self-inflicted pain. They can't say they haven't been warned.
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Again, this is just an assumption based on what? Feelings? Id.

No life experience and knowledge both first hand actually speaking to men and also observing situations but to be honest I lost interest in conversation.


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No life experience and knowledge both first hand actually speaking to men and also observing situations but to be honest I lost interest in conversation.

So anecdotal. Meanwhile there's a ton of evidence that show that women apply for jobs in lower paid industries, apply for lower paid jobs in general, and apply for part-time jobs.


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So anecdotal. Meanwhile there's a ton of evidence that show that women apply for jobs in lower paid industries, apply for lower paid jobs in general, and apply for part-time jobs.

dude your kind of stepping on your own dick as if you actually READ the posts I have put up on your thread i agreed with you on this.


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Well, that's too bad.

I can't negociate for sh*t either, I'm too nice, sensitive, and afraid to offend employers if I demand too much or if I'm too firm. I hate this power game and I always feel extremely uncomfortable playing it.

My best friend (who is Arab so has negociation in his blood) mocks my inability and unwillingness to negociate.

I'm aware of this problem I have, and you know what? I take full responsability for it, it's my fault and I should either educate and train myself to become better at negociation, or just shut the f*** up and accept the consequences on my career.

And women should do the same.

White, knight!

I am actually a good negotiator for myself. To be honest in States (depending on field i guess) they think if they are getting you too cheap that you are not wroth it..it might be different in field vs country etc.


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I think the equivalent is actually a person who is raped there opinion about accused rapists or rapists in general in society...they are the victim so they are going to have a natural bias from the trauma they experienced

If you have genuinely felt victimized (weather it is your optics or for real is debatable) by modern feminism IE no girlfriend until you moved to Thailand as a mid aged man with relatively speaking good finances--then you are not going to be unbiased in the discussion.

In my opinion never having a relationship until you are in essence paying for it in such an extreme manner--is probably traumatic in its own way.

Feminism has made it easier to get a girlfriend, or at the very least have regular sex with random women.